Get Latest Record in a Given Period of Time - mdx

I am tracking a metric in EazyBI that is continuously changing in value (test coverage). I would like to create a timeline for the metric. The value changes multiple (0 or more) times a day. In order to create the timeline, I want to take the test coverage percentage value from the last record of a day. If there are no records in the day, use the latest from the previous day.
I have tried various approaches using Tail, bottomcount etc but nothing seems to work. I was also told to use PreviousRowValue but there are no examples available for that. Any help on this?
--set of test reports in a selected period
Filter(Descendants([Sha].[Sha].CurrentDateMember, [Time.Weekly].[Day]),
[Measures].[Coverage Percentage] >= 0 AND
[Measures].[Coverage Percentage] <= 100),
[Measures].[Coverage Percentage]},


Want to get order cancellation rate per week for prior 12 months

I have a table that has each transaction along with a field that shows how many units were cancelled in the order. If I filter the table on cancelled_units > 0 i can pull all transactions that are cancelled. There is also detailed date information for each transaction but I think I only need date. I need to create a rate calculation of total cancelled orders / total orders to get cancellation rate and then spread that out across every week for the past 12 months. I was thinking maybe using a CASE statement with some sort of counter in place? Also, I am using Databricks so maybe there is some built in function or operators that would make this easier. Appreciate you taking a look at my question.
From the context provided, you have a data frame with the list of transactions. It is also clear that there is a transaction column, the timestamp indicating when the order was placed, and the number of units cancelled in each transaction. So, when you filter your data frame on condition cancelled_units>0, and count the number of fields, you get number of cancelled_orders.
Using spark in Databricks:
Now, to find the rate of cancellation (cancelled_orders/total_orders) for every week in the past 12 months. I was able to find a way that allows you to calculate the rate of cancellation in a PARTICULAR YEAR (not past 12 months). So, gather all the records in a certain year first.
Since the timestamp indicating when the order was placed is already available in the data frame, we can use this timestamp to find out which week of the year this transaction was made. You can use the following way to achieve this (similar sytax for both pyspark and spark with scala).
df.withColumn("order_placed_week",date_format(col("transaction_date"), "w")).show()
Here transaction_date is a timestamp. If it is a date, then use the following method.
df.withColumn("order_placed_week", date_format(to_date("transaction_date", "dd/mm/yyyy"), "w")).show()
to_date() function helps you to specify the format of the transaction_date in your data frame.
The libraries that are required to be imported are:
For pyspark:
from pyspark.sql.functions import to_date, date_format, col
For spark:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
After completing this process, you can use the resulting data frame with order_placed_week column to get cancellation rate.
Get the count of orders for each week number, and then the count of orders with cancelled units using groupBy and filter. Dividing the count_of_cancelled/total_count for each week will give your desired result.

How to find where a total condition exist

I am trying to create a report that will show how long an automated sprinkler system has run for. The system is comprised of several sprinklers, with each one keeping track of only itself, and then sends that information to a database. My problem is that each sprinkler has its own run time (I.E. if 5 sprinklers all ran at the same time for 10 minutes, it would report back a total run time of 50 minutes), and I want to know only the net amount of run time - in this example, it would be 10 minutes.
The database is comprised of a time stamp and a boolean, where it records the time stamp every time a sprinkler is shut on or off (its on/off state is indicated by the 1/0 of the boolean).
So, to figure out the total net time the system was on each day - whether it was 1 sprinkler running or all of them - I need to check the database for time frames where no sprinklers were turned at all (or where ANY sprinkler at all was turned on). I would think the beginning of the query would look something like
WHERE MyBoolean = 0
AND [ ... ]
But I'm not sure what the conditional statements that would follow the AND would be like to check the time stamps.
Is there a query I can send to the database that will report back this format of information?
Here's the table the data is recorded to - it's literally just a name, a boolean, and a datetime of when the boolean was changed, and that's the entire database
Every time a sprinkler turns on the number of running sprinklers increments by 1, and every time one turns off the number decrements by 1. If you transform the data so you get this:
timestamp on/off
07:00:05 1
07:03:10 1
07:05:45 -1
then you have a sequence of events in order; which sprinklers they refer to is irrelevant. (I've changed the zeros to -1 for reasons that will become evident in a moment. You can do this with "(2 * value) - 1")
Now put a running total together:
select a.timestamp, (SELECT SUM(a.on_off)
FROM sprinkler_events b
WHERE b.timestamp <= a.timestamp) as run_total
from sprinkler_events a
order by a.timestamp;
where sprinkler_events is the transformed data I listed above. This will give you:
timestamp run_total
07:00:05 1
07:03:10 2
07:05:45 1
and so on. Every row in this which has a run total of zeros is a time at which all sprinklers were turned off, which I think is what you're looking for. If you need to sum the time they were on or off, you'll need to do additional processing: search for "date difference between consecutive rows" and you'll see solutions for that.
You might consider looking for whether all the sprinklers are currently off. For example:
SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT s._NAME) AS sprinkers_currently_off
FROM sprinklers
) s
_VALUE = 0
AND latest_rec = 1
The inner query orders the records so that you can get the latest status of all the sprinklers, and the outer query counts how many are currently off. If you have 10 sprinklers you would report them all off when this query returns 10.
You could modify this by applying a date range to the inner query if you wanted to look into the past, but this should get you on the right track.

Creating a DAX pattern that counts days between a date field and a month value on a chart's x-axis

I am struggling with a DAX pattern to allow me to plot an average duration value on a chart.
Here is the problem: My dataset has a field called dtOpened which is a date value describing when something started, and I want to be able to calculate the duration in days since that date.
I then want to be able to create an average duration since that date over a time period.
It is very easy to do when thinking about the value as it is now, but I want to be able to show a chart that describes what that average value would have been over various time periods on the x-axis (month/quarter/year).
The problem that I am facing is that if I create a calculated column to find the current age (NOW() - [dtOpened]), then it always uses the NOW() function - which is no use for historic time spans. Maybe I need a Measure for this, rather than a calculated column, but I cannot work out how to do it.
I have thought about using LASTDATE (rather than NOW) to work out what the last date would be in the filter context of any single month/quarter/year, but if the current month is only half way through, then it would probably need to consider today's date as the value from which to subtract the dtOpened value.
I would appreciate any help or pointers that you can give me!
It looks like you have a table (let's call it Cases) storing your cases with one record per case with fields like the following:
casename, dtOpened, OpenClosedFlag
You should create a date table with on record per day spanning your date range. The date table will have a month ending date field identifying the last day of the month (same for quarter & year). But this will be a disconnected date table. Don't create a relationship between the Date on the Date table and your case open date.
Then use iterative averagex to average the date differences.
Average Duration (days) :=
AVERAGEX ( Cases, MAX ( DateTable[Month Ending] ) - Cases[dtopened] ),
FILTER ( Cases, Cases[OpenClosedFlag] = "Open" ),
FILTER ( Cases, Cases[dtopened] <= MAX ( DateTable[Month Ending] ) )
Once you plot the measure against your Month you should see the average values represented correctly. You can do something similar for quarter & year.
You're a genius, Rory; Thanks.
In my example, I had a dtClosed field rather than an Opened/Closed flag, so there was one extra piece of filtering to do to test if the Case was closed at that point in time. So my measure ended up looking like this:
Average Duration:=CALCULATE(
AVERAGEX(CasesOnly, MAX(DT[LastDateM]) - CasesOnly[Owner Opened dtOnly]),
FILTER(CasesOnly, OR(ISBLANK(CasesOnly[Owner Resolution dtOnly]),
CasesOnly[Owner Resolution dtOnly] > MAX(DT[LastDateM]))),
FILTER(CasesOnly, CasesOnly[Owner Opened dtOnly] <= MAX(DT[LastDateM]))
And to get the chart, I plotted the DT[Date] field on the x-axis.
Thanks very much again.

Need NetSuite search formula to display employee time records by projects (in rows) and day of week (in columns)

I'm trying to create a NetSuite Time search that emulates the chart style display on an employee's weekly time record, with projects listed in rows and days of the week listed in columns, with totals by day and by project. The goal is to have a search auto filtered by "Last Week" that can be used with a drop down selector filter for employees. I know there are better ways, but this is a very specific demand from someone above who believes the NS time record is a "query" and wants it to act like one.
I'm good with NS searches but know almost next to nothing about coding. I tried some basic sum formulas using CASE WHEN but am having 2 issues:
1) Can't figure out how to get CASE WHEN to sort by the weekday output from DAY of the {date} and subsequently total the hours.
2) Not sure how to total hh:mm formatted time in searches, and can't figure out what the system name of the "Duration (Decimal)" field is.
Just need one line of a sum formula to total time data from one day of the week, and a way to solve the hh:mm issue and I am good to go from there.
CASE WHEN to_char({date}, 'D') LIKE 1 THEN {durationdecimal} ELSE 0 END
SUN = 1, MON = 2, etc.

In Crystal Report print only first record in group and leave it summable

I have a table that lists every task an operator completed during a day. This is gathered by a Shop Floor Control program. There is also a column that has the total hours worked that day, this field comes from their time punches. The table looks something like this:
Operator 1 Bestupid 0.5 8 5/12/1986
Operator 1 BeProductive 0.1 8 5/12/1986
Operator 1 Bestupidagain 3.2 8 5/12/1986
Operator 1 Belazy 0.7 8 5/13/1986
Operator 2 BetheBest 1.7 9.25 5/12/1986
I am trying to get an efficiency out of this by summing the process hours and comparing it to the hours worked. The problem is that when I do any kind of summary on the hours worked column it sums EVERY DETAIL LINE.
I have tried:
If Previous (groupingfield) = (groupingfield) Then
HoursWorked = 0
HoursWorked = HoursWorked
I have tried a global three formula trick, but neither of the above leave me with a summable field, I get "A summary has been specified on a non-recurring field"
I currently use a global variable, reset in the group header, but not WhilePrintinganything. However it is missing some records and upon occasion I will get two hoursworked > 0 in the same group :(
Any ideas?
I just want to clarify, I have three groups:
Groups: Work Center --> Operator --> Date
I can summarize the process hours across any group and that's fine. However, the hours worked prints on every detail line even though it really should only print once per Date. Therefore when I summarize the Hours Worked for an operator the total is WAY off because it is adding up 8hours for each entry instead of 8 hours for each day.
Try grouping by the operators. Then create a running total for the process hours that sum for each record and reset on change of group. In the group footer you can display the running total and any other stats for that operator you care to.
Try another running total for the daily hours but pick maximum as the type of summary. Since all the records for the day will have the same hours work the maximum will be correct. Reset with the change of the date group and you should be good to go.