sql many to many relationship table design - sql

I am learning sql now and practicing the scenarios to design the tables. I have a one scenario where I could not find proper suitable table structure.
The scenarios is as follows, I want to store depedencies user journey in sql. For example, in customer creation journey, we need to create valid sector, language and country codes in the system. Another example, to create a new account (bank account), we need to create the sector, language and country followed by customer.
So far, I could think of following table design, but I am sure this is not good as there is no primary key and not following the normalization standards.
I understand that this is many to many relationship as one journey can have many dependent and one dependent can be associated with multiple journeys. I need help to efficiently design the tables in sql, please can anyone help on this.

You need from the intermediate/join table that should look like this -
Table name - journey_dependent
Coll(Jurney_FK) Coll(Dependent_FK)
journey_id dependent_id
You can check more here - https://www.baeldung.com/jpa-many-to-many#1-modeling-a-many-to-many-relationship

If journey and dependent values are PK in origin tables, you have 2 FK. You can create a composite PK on that table with that 2 columns.
Maybe order need to be in dependent table. If not, there is information on that table : order. So this is not a pur relationship table. So you could optionally had a technical PK column (auto increment) on it.


SQL database structure with two changing properties

Let's assume I am building the backend of a university management software.
I have a users table with the following columns:
profs table columns:
I'd like to have a third table with which I can determine all professors teaching a student.
So I'd like to assign multiple teachers to each student.
Those Professors may change any time.
New students may be added any time too.
What's the best way to achieve this?
The canonical way to do this would be to introduce a third junction table, which exists mainly to relate users to professors:
users_profs (
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, prof_id)
The primary key of this junction table is the combination of a user and professor ID. Note that this table is fairly lean, and avoids the problem of repeating metadata for a given user or professor. Rather, user/professor information remains in your two original tables, and does not get repeated.

How to deal with one single cell containg multiple values?

I'm having an exercise requiring to create two table for a travel business:
it turns out that the column activities in the Booking table references from the Activities table. However it contains multiple value. How do I sort it out? If I insert multiple rows there will possibly duplication in the Booking's primary key.
As Gordon mentioned you should refactor your tables for better normalization. If I interpret your intent correctly this is more like what your schema should look like. Booking should only contain an ID for adventure and an ID for Customer. You will add a row to [AdventureActivity] for each activity booked on a [Booking]. With this design you can JOIN tables and get all the data you require without having to try to parse out multiple values in a column.

Design Sql Tables with common columns

I have 5 tables that have the same structure and same columns: id, name, description. So I wonder what is the best way to design or to avoid having 5 tables that have the same columns:
Create a category table that will include my three common
columns and another column "enum" that will differentiate my categories
ex (city, country, continent, etc.)
Create a category table that will include my three common
columns and create the other five tables that will just include an
Note that I would have an assocation table that should include the id of cities, id countries, id continents, etc. so i can display them into a report
Thank you for your advice.
The decision on how many tables to have under these circumstances simply depends.
The most important factor is whether the five things are independent entities or whether they are related. A simple way to understand this is by understanding foreign key relationships: Will other tables have a column that could refer to any of the five (say "geoid")? Or will other tables have a column that generally refers to one of the five ("cityid", "countryid")? The ability to define helpful foreign key constraints often drives the table structure.
There are other considerations. If your data is at the geographic level, then it might represent hierarchies . . . cities are in countries, countries are on continents. Some databases (such as MySQL) do not support hierarchical queries at all. Under these circumstances, you might consider denormalizing the data for querying purposes.
Other considerations can also come into play. If your application is going to be internationalized, then having all the reference tables in a single place is handy -- for providing cultural-specific information (language, currency symbol, and so on). One way of handling this situation is to put all such references in a single table (and perhaps using more sophisticated foreign key relationships).
The column names are not important, just the data in the columns. If City description, country description and continent description are different information then you are already doing this the right way. The only time you would aim to reduce this data would be if you were repeating information but for the titles of the data it's fine.
In fact. You are doing this correctly. Country will have different values from city for every field mentioned. Id is just an id, every table should have one. Name and description wont be the same across country and city.
Also, this way if you want a countrys name you dont have to go through every country, continent and city. You only have 192 or so entries to go through. If you had all of that in one massive table you would have to use it for everything and go through every result every time you want data. You would also have to distinguish between cities, countries and continents in some other way than the separate tables.
method 1, with 5 tables:
SELECT * FROM country
does the same as
method 2, 1 table:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE enumvalue = 'country';
If you have tables representing city, country and continent, and they all have exactly the same fields, you have a fundamental problem. In real life, every city is in a country and every country is in at least one continent (more or less) but your data structure does not reflect that. Your city table should look something like this:
id (primary key)
countryId (foreign key to country)
other fields
You'll need a similar relationship between countries and continents. However, before you do so, you have to decide what to do about countries like Russia which is in two continents and Palau which isn't really in any.
You may also want to have a provinceStateTerritory table to help you sort out the 38 places in the United States named Springfield. Or, you may want to handle that situation differently.

How to stablish a one to many relationship between 2 tables

I'm dealing with this situation. I've got three tables in SQL SERVER called Movies, Series and Orders.
Orders has an ItemId where this could be a MovieId (Movies PK) or SerieId (Series PK). I mean, in Orders table could have records where are from movies of series.
I don't know how to maintain this relationship or which could be the best way to implement it. Until I know, I only can create 1 to 1 or 1 to many relationships between 2 tables, not for 3.
Thanks in advance.
In this case I think it would be better to store Movies and Series in the same table with the common attributes incl. a column which indicates the type (Movie or Serie) and then have the additional attributes in seperate tables (if you want to normalize) or even in the same table (in order to avoid joins).
You should learn about implement table inheritance in sql-server.
Do you have a product and this product may be a Movie or a Serie.
In linked sample a person may be a student or a teacher.
The best way is:
create a generic table for movies and series with the fields that both entities should share (like ItemId).
create a table for movies that references the table created on step 1, containing the fields that must be compiled only for movies. This new table will be in relation one-to-one with the previous one.
same thing for series.
create the orders table and set ItemId foreign key to point to the ItemId primary key of the table created on step 1.

what is the best database design for this table when you have two types of records

i am tracking exercises. i have a workout table with
exercise_id (foreign key into exercise table)
now, some exercises like weight training would have the fields:
weight, reps (i just lifted 10 times # 100 lbs.)
and other exercises like running would have the fields: time, distance (i just ran 5 miles and it took 1 hours)
should i store these all in the same table and just have some records have 2 fields filled in and the other fields blank or should this be broken down into multiple tables.
at the end of the day, i want to query for all exercises in a day (which will include both types of exercises) so i will have to have some "switch" somewhere to differentiate the different types of exercises
what is the best database design for this situation
There are a few different patterns for modelling object oriented inheritance in database tables. The most simple being Single table inheritance, which will probably work great in this case.
Implementing it is mostly according to your own suggestion to have some fields filled in and the others blank.
One way to do it is to have an "exercise" table with a "type" field that names another table where the exercise-specific details are, and a foreign key into that table.
if you plan on keeping it only 2 types, just have exercise_id, value1, value2, type
you can filter the type of exercise in the where clause and alias the column names in the same statment so that the results don't say value1 and value2, but weight and reps or time and distance