How to stablish a one to many relationship between 2 tables - sql

I'm dealing with this situation. I've got three tables in SQL SERVER called Movies, Series and Orders.
Orders has an ItemId where this could be a MovieId (Movies PK) or SerieId (Series PK). I mean, in Orders table could have records where are from movies of series.
I don't know how to maintain this relationship or which could be the best way to implement it. Until I know, I only can create 1 to 1 or 1 to many relationships between 2 tables, not for 3.
Thanks in advance.

In this case I think it would be better to store Movies and Series in the same table with the common attributes incl. a column which indicates the type (Movie or Serie) and then have the additional attributes in seperate tables (if you want to normalize) or even in the same table (in order to avoid joins).

You should learn about implement table inheritance in sql-server.
Do you have a product and this product may be a Movie or a Serie.
In linked sample a person may be a student or a teacher.

The best way is:
create a generic table for movies and series with the fields that both entities should share (like ItemId).
create a table for movies that references the table created on step 1, containing the fields that must be compiled only for movies. This new table will be in relation one-to-one with the previous one.
same thing for series.
create the orders table and set ItemId foreign key to point to the ItemId primary key of the table created on step 1.


sql many to many relationship table design

I am learning sql now and practicing the scenarios to design the tables. I have a one scenario where I could not find proper suitable table structure.
The scenarios is as follows, I want to store depedencies user journey in sql. For example, in customer creation journey, we need to create valid sector, language and country codes in the system. Another example, to create a new account (bank account), we need to create the sector, language and country followed by customer.
So far, I could think of following table design, but I am sure this is not good as there is no primary key and not following the normalization standards.
I understand that this is many to many relationship as one journey can have many dependent and one dependent can be associated with multiple journeys. I need help to efficiently design the tables in sql, please can anyone help on this.
You need from the intermediate/join table that should look like this -
Table name - journey_dependent
Coll(Jurney_FK) Coll(Dependent_FK)
journey_id dependent_id
You can check more here -
If journey and dependent values are PK in origin tables, you have 2 FK. You can create a composite PK on that table with that 2 columns.
Maybe order need to be in dependent table. If not, there is information on that table : order. So this is not a pur relationship table. So you could optionally had a technical PK column (auto increment) on it.

I am making a SQL database of categories and subcategories. What is the best way to link these tables?

The database has a table called "categories" with columns CATEGORY_ID(primary key) and CATEGORY_NAME.
I have subcategories for each category.
For better accessing which is the best method from the below methods.
Method 1: The "CATEGORY_ID" column in the "categories" table is a FOREIGN KEY in the "subcategories " table.
Method 2: Maintaining a separate table for each category representing the subcategories.
I prefer to use same table for category and sub category
Table Categories
In case you don't know how many sub categories are there.
This scenario is just an example, the scenario is as follows: We have a product table where all the records of products are stored. Same way we will have customer table where records of customers are stored. The daily sales keep the record of all the sales. This sales table will keep record of which product who has purchased. So linking is to be done from Sales table to product table and customer table.
The query to link the two tables is as follows:SELECT product_name,, date_of_sale FROM sales, product, customer WHERE product.product_id = sales.product_id and customer.customer_id >= sales.customer_id LIMIT 0, 30
It is better to go with Method 1 since it is more scalable.
Let me elaborate on this. If we go with method 1, we need to maintain 2 tables only that is Categories and Subcategories. In future if we have new categories or subcategories we can directly deal with this 2 tables.
If we consider same situation with Method2 then we need to create new tables every time, this may become maintenance overhead.
Let me be a bit more direct. You explain in a comment that Method 2 is a separate table for each category. If so, then Method 2 -- in general -- is just wrong.
There are two methods for storing this type of information. One is a Categories table with a (single) Subcategories table. The Subcategories table would have CategoryId, a foreign key reference back to Categories. This is the normalized data model.
The second method is to store everything in one table. Each row would be a category/subcategory combination. Information about a given category would be duplicated across multiple rows, so this is not a normalized approach. However, this is a typical approach when doing dimensional modeling for decision support systems.
If the subcategories are just names of things, there is a third approach, which would be to store a list of the subcategories within each Category row. The list would not be a delimited string. It would be JSON, a nested table, XML, array, or similar collection data type supported by the database you are using. I am mentioning this as a possibility, but not recommending it.

Extending table with another table ... sort of

I have a DB about renting cars.
I created a CarModels table (ModelID as PK).
I want to create a second table with the same primary key as CarModels have.
This table only contains the number of times this Model was searched on my website.
So lets say you visit my website, you can check a list that contains common cars rented.
"Most popular Cars" table.
It's not about One-to-One relationship, that's for sure.
Is there any SQL code to connect two Primary keys together ?
select m.ModelID, m.Field1, m.Field2,
from CarModels m
left outer join Table2 t on m.ModelID = t.ModelID
but why not simply add the field TimesSearched to table CarModels ?
Then you dont need another table
Easiest is to just use a new primary key on the new table with a foreign key to the CarModels table, like [CarModelID] INT NOT NULL. You can put an index and a unique constraint on the FK.
If you reeeealy want them to be the same, you can jump through a bunch of hoops that will make your life Hell, like creating the table from the CarModels table, then setting that field as the primary key, then whenever you add a new CarModel you'll have to create a trigger that will SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON so you can add the new one, and remember to SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF when you're done.
Personally, I'd create a CarsSearched table that holds ThisUser selected ThisCarModel on ThisDate: then you can start doing some fun data analysis like [are some cars more popular in certain zip codes or certain times of year?], or [this company rents three cars every year in March, so I'll send them a coupon in January].
You are not extending anything (modifying the actual model of the table). You simply need to make INNER JOIN of the table linking with the primary keys being equal.
It could be outer join as it has been suggested but if it's 1:1 like you said ( the second table with have exact same keys - I assume all of them), inner will be enough as both tables would have the same set of same prim keys.
As a bonus, it will also produce fewer rows if you didn't match all keys as a nice reminder if you fail to match all PKs.
That being said, do you have a strong reason why not to keep the said number in the same table? You are basically modeling 1:1 relationship for 1 extra column (and small one too, by data type)
You could extend (now this is extending tables model) with the additional attribute of integer that keeps that number for you.
Later is preferred for simplicity and lower query times.

How to maintain subcategory in MYSQL?

I am having categories as following,
TV Shows
Now One video can have multiple categories or sub categories, let's say VideoId: 23 is present in Categories Fun, Fun->Comedy, Action->TV Shows but not in Action category. Now I am not getting idea that hwo should I maintain these categories in Database. Should I create only one column "CategoryId AS VARCHAR" in Videos and add category id as comma-separated values (1,3,4) like this but then how I will fetch the records if someone is browsing category Jokes?
Or should I create another table which will have videoId and categoryid, in that case if a Video is present in 3 different categories then 3 rows will be added to that new table
Please suggest some way of how to maintain categories for a particular record in the table
You categories table could have a column in it called parentID that reference another entry in the categories table. It would be a foreign key to itself. NULL would represent a top-level category. Something other then NULL would represent "I am a child category of this category". You could assign a video to any category still, top-level, child, or somewhere inbetween.
Also, use autoincrement notnull integers for your primary keys, not varchar. It's a performance consideration.
To answer your comment:
3 tables: Videos, Categories, and Video_Category
Video_Category would have VideoID and CategoryID columns. The primary key would be a combination of the two columns (a compound primary key)
You have two choices, parentID (better as INT) to refer to the parent or an extra table with categoryID - parentID.
The last one may provide a better logical separation and allows you to have multiple categories.
I suggest that create another table which will have videoId and categoryid. Then you can use sql-query as follow:
select a.*,GROUP_CONCAT(b.category_id) as cagegory_ids
from table_video a
left join table_video_category b on a.video_id=b.video_id
group by a.video_id

Can a many-to-many join table have more than two columns?

I have some tables that benefit from many-to-many tables. For example the team table.
Team member can hold more than one 'position' in the team, all the positions are listed in the position db table. The previous positions held are also stored for this I have a separate table, so I have
member table (containing team details)
positions table (containing positions)
member_to_positions table (id of member and id of position)
member_to_previous_positions (id of member and id of position)
Simple, however the crux comes now that a team member can belong to many teams aghhh.
I already have a team_to_member look-up table.
Now the problem comes how do I tie a position to a team? A member may have been team leader on one team, and is currently team radio man and press officer on a different team. How do I just pull the info per member to show his current position, but also his past history including past teams.
Do I need to add a position_to team table and somehow cross reference that, or can I add the team to the member to positions table?
It's all very confusing, this normalization.
Yes, a many-to-many junction table can have additional attributes (columns).
For example, if there's a table called PassengerFlight table that's keyed by PassengerID and FlightID, there could be a third column showing the status of the given passenger on the given flight. Two different statuses might be "confirmed" and "wait listed", each of them coded somehow.
In addition, there can be ternary relationships, relationships that involve three entities and not just two. These tables are going to have three foreign keys that taken together are the primary key for the relationship table.
It's perfectly legitimate to have a TeamPositionMember table, with the columns
And and a surrogate ID column for Primary Key if you want; otherwise it's a 3-field composite Primary Key. (You'll want a uniqueness constraint on this anyway.)
With this arrangement, you can have a team with any set of positions. A team can have zero or more persons per position. A person can fill zero or more positions for zero or more teams.
If you want dates, just revise as shown above, and add Start_Date to the PK to allow the same person to hold the same position at different times.
My first thought:
Give your many-to-many teams/members table an ID column. Every team-to-member relationship now has an ID.
Then create a many-to-many linking positions to team-member relationships.
This way, teams can have multiple members, members can have multiple teams, and members can have multiple positions on a per-team basis.
Now everything is nice and DRY, and all the linking up seems to work. Does that sound right to anyone else?
Sounds like you need a many-to-many positions to teams table now.
Your team_to_member table can indeed have an extra column position_id to describe (or in this case point to) the position the member has within that team.
Get rid of member_to_previous_position table. Just use member_to_positions and have these columns:
MemberToPositionID (autoincrement OK only)
Then to find current positions, you do:
select *
from member_to_positions
where EndDate is null