Grammar Preview feature no longer working in Comma IDE CP (paid version) - raku

I recently upgraded to v 2022.05 of Comma IDE (Complete Edition), Build #CP-221.5591.1, built on May 26, 2022
I can no longer get the Grammar Viewer to show on a project that it used to work in. I click on Tools -> "Preview Raku Grammar" and nothing happens. The Grammar Preview window does not appear and there are no errors.
Running this version of rakudo on a mac (Intel chip):
Welcome to Rakudo™ v2022.03.
Implementing the Raku® Programming Language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2022.03.
Also tried 2022.06 version of Rakudo and it doesn't work with this version either.


Comma reporting "subroutine X not declared" for test function

I'm using Comma IDE features for the first time.
I have a very simple test file. Comma is showing warnings for the subroutines provided by the Test module with a report Subroutine X is not declared.
The tests pass fine. But I'd like to know if I have something misconfigured or if this might be a bug.
I'm using the 2022.01 version (Community Edition), Build #CT-213.5744. (jan 30, 2022) with Runtime version: 11.0.13+7-b1751.19 x86_64 and VM of Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. If it matters, the Java installed on my machine is build 1.8.0_321-b07, Version 8, Update 321.
Similar to the answer at Subroutine 'say' is not declared on CommaIde, a simple restart of IntelliJ ultimately fixed the issue.
However, initially, a simple restart did not fix the problem for me. During that first attempt, I was prompted to select the SDK again (for reasons unknown to me). So it looks to me like that whenever you select an SDK, you'll need to close and reopen IntelliJ before IntelliJ will properly load modules provided by the SDK (Rakudo/Moar VM).

Does React Native support Apple's M1 macbook pro?

Can ios apps be compiled on the new M1 chipset?
Is there any schedule for official support?
The short answer is yes.
The latest version of XCode (version 12) is compiled as a universal app. This means that it runs on both Intel-based and Mac Sillicon machines natively. From Apple's website:
Xcode 12 is built as a Universal app that runs 100% natively on Intel-based CPUs and Apple Silicon for great performance and a snappy interface.* It also includes a unified macOS SDK that includes all the frameworks, compilers, debuggers, and other tools you need to build apps that run natively on Apple Silicon and the Intel x86_64 CPU.
This means that you should be able to compile iOS with the latest version of XCode without a problem. It would be kind of crazy for Apple to release professional hardware (MacBook Pro) without this capability.
Keep in mind that a number of third party applications may not work well on the ARM machines yet. VSCode is not currently supported on M1 devices (although Microsoft have said that it's coming). VSCode is an Electron based app which currently can't be emulated with Apple's Rosetta II platform. You might not use VSCode, but keep in mind that any Electron based apps that you use may not work straight away.
If you exclusively use XCode and don't critically rely on any third-party apps you should be ok.
EDIT: I just noticed that you tagged your post for react-native. Information is pretty slim for compatibility at the moment, so I would be cautious. If you need a Macbook Pro to do commercial work or school projects right now then you run the risk of things not working as intended. The M1 MacBooks will undoubtedly support everything that you need as a developer in the future and they're particularly great candidates for iOS development because of the parallels made possible by the shared ARM architecture.
If you're relying on a new machine to get work done right now, going with an Intel-based machine is probably the best option. For reference, I recently got an Intel-based 16" MacBook Pro with work because I need to get things done right now without any issues. The commercial value far outweighs the potential benefits that an M1 machine might bring in a year or two. If you're ok with running into some issues over the next few months, I'm sure that the M1 machines will provide plenty of value for years ahead.
While there are problems that do not allow compiling the application.
brew and cocoapods are installed in the console with rosetta enabled.
pod install / update fails because flipper and some parts of RN are not supported by the platform
if you use expo - without cli then everything is ok
updates: now cli working (after update all - homebrew, cocoapods and other to last version)
from what I know, iOS app only compiles on Mac os, so it should work with whatever macOS uses.

Why isn't my Intellij IDE opening properly

I am running OSX version 10.9.5 and IntelliJ version 2019.2.3(IC-192.6817.14). When I open my IntelliJ IDE, I don't see the editor
This is all I can see. Can anyone help me to fix it?
As per official documentation 2019.2 requires macOS 10.11 or later.
Officially released 64-bit versions of the following:
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or later
macOS 10.11 or later
Any Linux distribution that supports Gnome, KDE, or Unity DE
Pre-release versions are not supported.
I recommend you install the official Jetbrains Toolbox to handle installation/upgrade of your IDE(s). I (hope) it is aware of OS limitations and won't propose you upgrade to something non-functional. What it definitely does do is to rollback to an earlier installation with a single click.
Toolbox will detect and handle your existing manual installation so there's no penalty to installing it right now and seeing what options it gives (e.g. 2019.2.4 is out maybe incompatible as other answer hints or may be some bug is fixed!)

Use of OpenSSL with XCode 7.3

I'm writing an application that should be cross platform, so my idea is to write the full substrate in C then writing the user's interface related stuffs in Objective-C or other suitable language (i.e. C++ for linux).
For that application I have to use OpenSSL; as documented Apple dropped the support of this library since SDK 10.11; as I know OpenSSL should be available until SDK 10.10.
Now my question: I'd like to develop with XCode 7.3 but I'd like that my app should be also backward compatible with reasonably older version of OS X; my idea is that I have to install older SDK across the new XCode 7.3 then choose the right SDK to use under "Build settings" -> "Base SDK".
Can someone point me at a document describing how can I download and install older SDK on new XCode? On Apple Developer website I have found only older release of XCode but it will install a complete old release of XCode...
Thank you for your precious help.
Rather than building with an old SDK, you should build and link with OpenSSL yourself. From the documentation:
If your app depends on OpenSSL, you should compile OpenSSL yourself and statically link a known version of OpenSSL into your app.
The version of OpenSSL shipped with OS X is old and out of date, anyway. Apple dropped support for it precisely because they couldn't ship newer versions without breaking backwards compatibility (OpenSSL is not API stable between releases).

Should I use CodeTyphon in Win or Lin for cross-platform development?

Lazarus CodeTyphon Edition looks promising to me as a Delphi developer. I tried installing it on my Windows 7 64-bit machine, and I can compile for Win32 (it seems), but not for anything else. It appears that "ppcrossx64.exe was not built" - oh well.
My question is, would it be better to develop my apps on a Linux box, if I wish to cross-compile? I read on the FPC wiki that it would be better, but not sure if that applies to CodeTyphon as well.