Does React Native support Apple's M1 macbook pro? - react-native

Can ios apps be compiled on the new M1 chipset?
Is there any schedule for official support?

The short answer is yes.
The latest version of XCode (version 12) is compiled as a universal app. This means that it runs on both Intel-based and Mac Sillicon machines natively. From Apple's website:
Xcode 12 is built as a Universal app that runs 100% natively on Intel-based CPUs and Apple Silicon for great performance and a snappy interface.* It also includes a unified macOS SDK that includes all the frameworks, compilers, debuggers, and other tools you need to build apps that run natively on Apple Silicon and the Intel x86_64 CPU.
This means that you should be able to compile iOS with the latest version of XCode without a problem. It would be kind of crazy for Apple to release professional hardware (MacBook Pro) without this capability.
Keep in mind that a number of third party applications may not work well on the ARM machines yet. VSCode is not currently supported on M1 devices (although Microsoft have said that it's coming). VSCode is an Electron based app which currently can't be emulated with Apple's Rosetta II platform. You might not use VSCode, but keep in mind that any Electron based apps that you use may not work straight away.
If you exclusively use XCode and don't critically rely on any third-party apps you should be ok.
EDIT: I just noticed that you tagged your post for react-native. Information is pretty slim for compatibility at the moment, so I would be cautious. If you need a Macbook Pro to do commercial work or school projects right now then you run the risk of things not working as intended. The M1 MacBooks will undoubtedly support everything that you need as a developer in the future and they're particularly great candidates for iOS development because of the parallels made possible by the shared ARM architecture.
If you're relying on a new machine to get work done right now, going with an Intel-based machine is probably the best option. For reference, I recently got an Intel-based 16" MacBook Pro with work because I need to get things done right now without any issues. The commercial value far outweighs the potential benefits that an M1 machine might bring in a year or two. If you're ok with running into some issues over the next few months, I'm sure that the M1 machines will provide plenty of value for years ahead.

While there are problems that do not allow compiling the application.
brew and cocoapods are installed in the console with rosetta enabled.
pod install / update fails because flipper and some parts of RN are not supported by the platform
if you use expo - without cli then everything is ok
updates: now cli working (after update all - homebrew, cocoapods and other to last version)

from what I know, iOS app only compiles on Mac os, so it should work with whatever macOS uses.


Is there a way to run IOS Simulator on Windows 10?

I want to run IOS Simulator on Windows 10.
Is there a way to do this?
I dont think its possible to get the iOS simulator working on Windows. But if you are willing to explore a dual boot setup, have patience (and a supported motherboard/processor), then you could use OpenCore or Clover to get a macOS running on your pc. This will give you access to the iOS simulator and the other xcode tools.
If you take this route then you should know that macOS doesnt support ntfs writes out the box. This means that if you decide to create a shared volume that both the mac and windows partition would read and write from, then you would either need a 3rd party ntfs drive (e.g. macfuse) or to format your volume to exFAT (this gave me the best results and was free)
If you intend to run the latest macOS I would recommend going with OpenCore. The latest Clover versions ports pieces of OpenCore to it, and finding documentation on configuring the new Clover was a hassle for me. If you are fine with running Catalina and using an older xcode (and thus older iOS simulator), then I would recommend giving tonymac tools a shot. Building the installer took with very little effort. You need an account to download the tools (this is free but they ask for motherboard/gpu model for community posts and verification that you can actually run their software)
Native testing of iOS apps is only possible on an Apple device. But there are some ways to overcome that.
Some reference to external iOS simulating platforms:

How to update mac OS application to support Catalina?

I have an old mac OS application developed in Mojave with the deployment target 10.12. Now how to update mac OS application to support Catalina? Or is the application automatically supports all future mac OS versions?
When developing for macOS (or any other Apple platform, for that matter), there are two key concepts to take into account when thinking about compatibility:
The SDK version: this is the SDK you're compiling against and it is usually determined by the Xcode version you're using to build your project.
The Deployment Target: this is the lowest OS version you want to support.
Normally, if you have followed the best practice in implementing your code and all of your dependencies have done the same, updating an app for a new macOS version requires only to download the latest Xcode on the latest macOS, build it and run your smoke tests (manually or through automated tests).
There may be things that have been deprecated in the meantime and Xcode will report them as warnings while building. You may read more about deprecated APIs in the macOS 10.15 release notes.
Keep in mind that you don't actually have to rebuild your app every time a new macOS version comes out. Even though it is better to test it at least once and dedicate time to explore and make use of new APIs, apps built on the previous version of macOS will, most of the times, run flawlessly on the next version (and maybe even further). This obviously depends on the app complexity, so your mileage may vary.

Temporary iOS Development on Windows [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
(42 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am currently designing and planning an app that I intend to release for iPhone and iPad. I don't currently have a Mac, so I really have no way to actually publish the app, but I don't really want to buy a Mac either just for the development of the app.
Is there any way that I can write (and maybe even test) the app on Windows, then, once I have a finished product, buy a Mac or borrow a friends Mac to publish it.
I know that there is no way to publish to the Apple App Store without a Mac, but I was wondering if there is a way that I could develop and test the app (in Objective-C) on Windows.
I was wondering if there is a way that I could develop and test the app (in Objective-C) on Windows.
No, there is not. XCode is required for iOS development, and it is only available on Mac OS.
You could get a second, cheap hard drive, and install OS X on the hard drive to make your computer into a Hackintosh. You'd need a copy of OS X, and a willingness to break the TOS for the operating system.
This is actually a very frequently asked question, and I'm afraid the answer is no, you cannot do iOS development on Windows.
Back in the iPhone OS 2.0 days there was a cross-compiling framework that did accomplish this but it's abandoned and doesn't work for years now and AFAIK nobody bothered to make it work again (it's a lot of work and requires intimate knowledge about cross-compiling and hunts a constantly moving target).
The usual recommendation is to buy a used Mac Mini since they're cheaply available on sites like eBay.
duskwuff is right to a point... XCode itself is not actually requred in fact there is IDEA's AppCode IDE. Unfortunately, that only runs on OS X. The best thing you can do (other than get a cheap Mac) is install GCC on windows or a Linux VM compile from the command line, as GCC can compile Objective-C. However, that still is not a good solution since you won't have Access to Cocoa Touch and all those calls will error out as undefined or undeclared....
No, you can't. If your going to buy a Mac to publish in the future, why not just buy it now?
You can use OS X in a virtual machine on your windows system. I have read few articles on the internet how to do it using VirtualBox for that (google for it). Even if it's not officially supported by VirtualBox, it's possible. This breaks the TOC for OS X, and you need to buy a copy as well, but VirtualBox is free.
Yes you can!!!
Use virtual box.
Search some guides on "" about getting mac on virtual box.
It's what I always used before getting a mac.

ps3 applications development [duplicate]

can anyone tell what to do develop ps3 applications (or) games after we install linux on ps3.
and other thing is that can we develop ps3 games on window platform for that what tools needed,its little bit of confusing.
can anyone clarify this?
Currently, the only legitimate way to develop for the Play Station 3 is to buy the development kit and a license from Sony. Recent hacks enable homebrew applications but there's currently only Sony's leaked SDK - building applications with this would probably be illegal.
A Homebrew SDK is in the works, but you would not be able to distribute your applications or games through official methods using this SDK.
To compile homebrew on Windows, you will likely need to use Cygwin and an available PS3 Tool Chain. It's unlikely that a compiler will exist or even be made for Windows, but Cygwin should allow you to emulate the linux tools available.
In summary, if you want to do it legit then you need a license and a dev kit from Sony. If you're just doing it for fun then I suggest you use Google to find more information on PS3 homebrew development.
See the Wikipedia page on OtherOS for some basic information and plenty of pointers. Beware that you're going to be restricted in what you can do, Linux does not have access to the full machine.
I am by no means an expert - but:
To develop PS3 games you need a PS3 developer kit. Afaik it can't be done simply by installing linux on a PS3. The developer kit is licensed from Sony and - to the best of my knowledge - require some kind of license payment and/or approval process as an official PS3 developer/house.
Sony released a small home-development kit, including a keyboard, mouse and harddrive for the old (non-slim) PlayStation 2 back in the day. That kit was linux driven and contained libraries to utilize graphics and controllers. The last I heard that idea was scrapped by Sony.
There was a method to install another OS on the PS3, and a lot of people installed Linux. Look through your docs (and maybe on the web) for "PS3 OtherOS" or "PS3 Other OS". Unfortunately Sony has recently removed the ability to install another OS, so you need a unit that hasn't had a recent firmware update.
Installing Linux means you have (most of) the system at your hands.
As far as I know, you need an official Development Kit from Sony in order to develop games for the PS3. I believe it does run in a modified Linux environment, but I cannot confirm this for sure (perhaps we have someone on SO who develops PS3 titles and can fill us in?)
You'll need a PS3 dev kit to do it properly. While one used to be able to install Linux on the PS3, it's a feature that has now been disabled. Even if you do manage to find a PS3 that is still able to accept Linux you'll be using a largely divergent API (from what commecial PS3 games are built on) and you wont' have access to many of the more powerful graphical functionality.
While you can build a game largely on Windows you'll need to port it property to run on PS3. You can't just hit compile on Windows and have it run on the PS3.
Although this is an old thread, I see that no one has yet mentioned an alternative option that has been available for both PlayStation 3 (and later) and Xbox One (and later) from the very beginning: Blu-ray Disc Java, abbreviated BD-J.
These consoles feature a Blu-ray Player, and all Blu-ray players can run JavaME as part of the Blu-ray specification. This means you can actually code games and apps with JavaME, and run it on these game consoles from the very same disc.
So if you're just looking to create some homebrew games for fun, then BD-J is a very attractive option. Because:
you can run your homebrew games on many gaming consoles from the very same disc
there's no expensive SDK to buy, you simply code JavaME in whatever IDE you want
there's no approval process, you just create your own disc and make the ISO downloadable
Here's a few YouTube example videos of various BD-J Xlets running on PS3, showing that the platform is quite capable of running homebrew stuff:
And a few useful links:

Multiplatform (Win, Mac, Linux) development environment to achieve native look-and-feel? (Just as Dropbox)

I've noticed that all betas for Dropbox are released simultaneously for Windows, Mac and Linux. How do they do that? Anyone knows which platform they're using? I'm aware that there are many native -very impressive, actually- functions in each of the platform clients, but they seem to release critical bug fixes efortlessly for all platforms.
So any idea of which GUI platform they're using?
The Linux version includes files such as, libwx_gtk2*.so, etc. (I haven't checked the others), so I suspect Dropbox uses wxWidgets.
Qt is a popular cross-platform application and GUI framework with native look-and-feel.
I don't know what Dropbox uses for all its supported platforms, but it looks like its linux client uses at least Gtk: Dropbox linux System Requirements.