How can I select only image from document tree intent method. I implement method but it select both image and video from folder. Ho can I solve this problem
I have an unique image that I want to draw inside expression blend using the Path data property and class, how can I extract the path from a image? It will be impossible to draw it to perfection, what software tool can I use to get the path?
This question already has an answer here:
Serializing a BitmapImage in WinRT
(1 answer)
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm getting the thumbnail image from a video, all I need is to serialize it
how to do that.
I've been doing some searches and I get nothing.
I have the code of how to serialize an object, but I want to serialize the thumbnail image itself to get it later when I start my app up again.
you have an image or video feed ?
if its an image, you can easily do it.
Have a look at it provides extension methods to WriteableBitmap class that allows Resize in addition to tons of other things.
What you need to do is
* Load the image into writeable bitmap
* Resize it using extension methods
* Have the image to stream ?
I have a one spritesheet image with all sprites, I downloaded this image from Interent. My question: Is there a tool that help me to get the coordinates of each sprite? would I have to search coordinates manually ?
I've been reading several tutorials like: and, but all them use multiple images to create one spritesheet and generate automatically the .plist, but this is not my case.
In my case I have only one .png and no .plist
Help me please!!!
Apologies for the self-promotion but I have created a tool for working with single spritesheet images and outputting the coordinates. It even has automatic sprite selection :)
You can crop the images using some editor (photoshop for example) and then use the exiting tool to generate the texture and the plist. I think it will be the fastest and the easiest way because in case you would want to generate only plist you will do the same operation - selecting the rectangle.
Use preview to crop out all the images separately. Then use zwoptex or texture packer to combine them all and generate the spritesheet with .png and .plist
Other than that it is difficult to figure out what is the rect of each image. If you are a good programmer you can write a tool to analyze the png and extract out the information which can be used to identify the rectangles, but my advice is to do it manually.
Divide your image using an image editor. Then add it to a spritesheet generator (like Sprite Master). Then you are free to make your output as you want by just changing the parameters.
Sprite Master will have a feature like parsing prepared spritesheet to individual images in following versions.
am working on an app where i am loading one image from the bundle and with the help of quartz i am adding two red circles on that image, the image is loaded in the instance of the UIImageVIew class.
I want to save the image with the red circle, so far i have found only one method and thats
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(UIImage * image,id completionTarget,SEL completionSelector, void * contextInfo)
but its not working as it is saving the image from the bundle only, in some post i have read that it can be done using CALayer but i found no useful link to do that, i would be glad if you can post me the answer or any tutorial link to do that.
Here's a trick! Refer to Capture UIView here, you can capture the UIImageView snapshot and save it using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum.
Im creating a upload component that do these things:
select multiple images
convert to BitmapData
resize if is too large
create a thumb(itemRenderer) and add it to a list
And the problem is how to upload them with a preloader for each image when a button is pressed. Anybody know how to do it?
thanks ;)
You could use the FileReference.browse() method to select the images and then upload them by using the FileReference.upload() method. That allows you to show an upload progress bar for every image.
FileReference class