pagination accessibility issues with element UI - vue.js

I am using element UI and i have no idea how the element UI supports the accessibility things because in documentation it is not referenced anywhere
but if i want to add how can do it, i tried it this way
:page-sizes="[25, 50, 100, 150]"
layout="sizes, prev, pager, next"
and here is the documnetation of element ui and i am also checking bootstrap-vue to see it seems to have same properties and have some extra tags


Click hidden element using selenium webdriver

I need to click on the fields bug, epic, feature, issue and task which appear on click the "+" icon.
I inspect each of the elements and the see the same common xpath highlighted in the image in developer tool.
How do i find the xpath of each of the elements highlighted and click on them using selenium webdriver?
<body class="lwp">
<noscript><div class="absolute-fill flex-column flex-center"><h2>JavaScript is Disabled</h2><p>Please enable javascript and refresh the page</p></div></noscript>
<input type="hidden" name="__RequestVerificationToken" value="t6WnlqRwnH3QtDIOt2b3JiHWYI1V5vB3MheOCOTH7Fx6QaBNoXWz4k8P4luP9i7TYw70KVq4O2vuwa8DQRuLcdUxo_KKVjcmxorJTHAE3c42sdjYqojLZkOSNt1gad70mD0BBA2" />
<div data-componentregion="page" class="full-size"></div>
<div class="bolt-portal-host absolute-fill no-events scroll-hidden"></div>
You need to handle windows here because when you click "+" new window appearing with elements "bug","epic","feature",,,etc
should be parent window and "epic",,,, are child window
I could not identify unique xpath for the elements as all the elements had same xpath. using sikulix library solved my problem

What could be a reason for not finding a web element by its id?

I have been using Robot Framework for a couple of days now to automate some basic flows tests in my working web app and found a problem:
Can't find some web elements using the id locator
I've been using the SeleniumLibrary for this. Tried with different locators such as xPath and CSS selector, setting an implicit wait before looking for the element and the keywords Wait Until Page Contains Element and Wait Until Element Is Visible, but still it gives the same result.
First of all I check if a certain element is present:
Page Should Contain Element id=some-button
then I try to send some keys to an input:
Input Text id=some-input Some characters
and then I get the error Element with locator 'id=some-button' not found
The page has the following structure:
<button id=some-button />
<!--- 8 opening div tags -->
<input id=some-input />
<!--- 8 closing div tags -->
Does any one have any idea why it happens?
instead of
and that worked perfectly.
What could be a reason for not finding a web element by its id?
These are the reasons I can think of off the top of my head:
the element truly isn't on the page at the time you're looking for it. This could be because you aren't waiting for the page to finish rendering, or it could be that it's genuinely not there.
you could have a typo in the id
the element is in a frame
the element was there, but then got deleted by some executing javascript
Whenever you're using any Xpath or a CSS selector, you should always check in it in Chrome Developer tools.
1. Right click the page and click 'Inspect'
2. Go to Console tab
3. If it is a XPath evaluate using: $x and if it is a CSS selector, evaluate using $$

Using cypress with vuetify

I have a Vue.js project (Nuxt.js) and as UI I use the Vuetify.
For e2e testing I use the Cypress.
Below is my scenarios of test in Cypress:
I have a problem while creating test for page where I use v-autocomplete component.
The problem is that I can't use Vuetify native classes to get the element I want to test.
below is an example with data-cy selector
label="Public APIs"
placeholder="Start typing to Search"
I type some text into search input.
Then in v-autocomplete have been found search results.
And example of one of there is below:
<a class="v-list__tile v-list__tile--link theme--light">
<div class="v-list__tile__content">
<div class="v-list__tile__title">Result item
<span class="v-list__tile__mask">result item</span>
Then I want select one of search items by clicking to one of found results.
And for that I should to use native classes of Vuetify, but it is not have stability (.v-list__tile--link class сan be renamed by developers).
How I can add data-cy selector into result search html item?
Maybe who know any another way to resolve this problem?
I don't think v-list__tile--link can be changed by developers, it seems to be added at runtime DOM by the Vuetify library (unless you mean Vuetify developers, then sure it can change between versions).
In any case, if you want to be more content-oriented in your selectors, use Cypress .parent() selector
For example,
cy.contains('div', 'itemTextToSelect').parent('a').click()
If posssible make sure 'itemTextToSelect' is really distinctive (if you can set it in the test fixture).
BTW, before the user starts typing the autocomplete list is display: none, so you will need to either .type('something') into the input, or .click({force: true}) the item.

various ways to find elements by using Webdriver #FindBy annotations

I am trying to find the solution for my Webdriver script to work. I need your help to find the solution in my scenario.
I have a web application that creates form by using tabbed screen. There is a Next and Back buttons that have similar attributes and I cant find the solution.
xpath doesn't work, CSS has the same name and its getting confused.
here is the "Next" button that needs to be clicked:
<div class="button" style="margin-right: 5px;">
<input type="button" onclick="javascript:submitForm('metaStudyAction!moveToData.action')" value="Next">
I would like to use #FindBy annotation to find the element. Can I use HOW with multiple attributes?
You can use css for multiple attributes
#FindBy(css = "[type='button'][value='Next']")
private WebElement button;

keep data-attributes in dijit widgets

I've started using the HTML5 data- attributes in my application, but when this is applied to an element that is a dijit widget, it disappears.
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" data-id="5">Number 5</button>
Is dojo actually parsing this and keeping it somewhere? Or is it just removed completely because dojo isn't HTML5 compliant?
By applying the answer to this question, I was also able to keep the custom data- attributes on the surrounding element.