I am trying to clear all toasts immediately in vue-toasted, but there is a pretty long sliding animations. How do i disable them or is there any other method to clear them all without sliding? i use this.$toasted.clear()
I've used keyframes to animate the entrance of some elements onto my page, however the elements are located at the bottom of the page, so the animation takes place before you see them.
Is there a way to stop the animation from happening until the user scrolls into view of the elements? Preferably not a jQuery solution since I am not familiar with it.
Note: I know there is a library called wow.js that solves this issue, but it uses animate.css for it's animations. This is a problem for me because I was using animate.css originally but it was overwriting/conflicting with some other css I had. That is why I switched to using keyframes for the animations, and in order to have all the properties of elements working correctly I believe I have to stay with keyframes rather than animate.css
I found my own answer! Wow.js still works because you don't have to necessarily use animate.css animations, you can still use your own custom animations.
Here's the problem: I have a React-Native/Redux app. I need to make sure I can lock the screen (display a modal, really) after X minutes of app inactivity (theoretically someone may have their screen "always on", so I can't rely on the screen turning itself off).
My proposed solution: I want to detect when any touch event happens. I don't want to interfere with them or do anything about it other than reset a setTimeout. But I just want to know when the screen is touched at all.
Displaying the modal itself isn't an issue and is already working. I also have it display the modal if the app leaves the foreground for any reason. I just need the timeout.
I've tried using a TouchableWthoutFeedback that wraps the whole UI and that sorta works, but it doesn't receive any event when a Touchable is farther down the component tree and handles the event. But I've also only used onPressIn and I'm unsure if anything else on it will work as needed. I've looked briefly at PanResponder but that looks a bit more complex than I might need? Not sure on that one, yet.
I'm open to other suggestions, but the only other thing I can think of is having literally every other action in the app (even ones I haven't created yet) send an dispatch up the redux flagpole, and that seems very heavy-handed and prone to error.
is this feasible? What are my options if it's not?
I found the solution. It's to add a onStartShouldSetResponderCapture callback as a prop on a containing View. I can return false in this callback but still notice all the touch events that come through. The Capture portion is important because it gives you access to the event before a "real" touchable can get to it.
Then, in the callback, I just clear and re-create the timer.
I would like to create a carousel that scrolls automatically until the user scrolls / touches the ScrollView itself.
The auto-scrolling itself works fine with using scrollView.scrollTo but how could I detect if the user is interacting with the ScrollView? I took a look at the onScroll event but this does not seem to distinct between a user generated event and an event that was generated by calling scrollTo.
Also I'd like to know if it is possible to get the current scroll position from the ScrollView directly instead of reading it everytime from the onScroll event.
I'm very thankful for any tips and suggestions.
By digging into ScrollView's source code you can notice a few undocumented callbacks that will help you achieve what you're after, namely onTouchStart and onTouchEnd. These two callbacks are triggered only when user interacts with the ScrollView and not when you scroll programmatically.
You will probably want to clear your auto-scroll interval on onTouchStart and restart it after a delay on onTouchEnd.
Regarding your next question, the answer is no. As far as I know, no getter is currently exposed to retrieve the current scroll position. Therefore, you need to rely on the event passed to onScroll, retrieve event.nativeEvent.contentOffset['x' or 'y'], and store it in your component's state.
Note that if you're doing some heavy animations that need to follow scroll position closely (e.g. animated header or parallax image), it would be a good idea to use the native driver for Animated.event. You can learn more about it on React Native's blog.
I have a button and when the user touches down and holds a popup appears. However, when the user releases his thumb before the pop animation finishes I'd like the animation to stop where it is and autoreverse to the initial position. How can I accomplish this?
Currently I'm simply using UIViews -animateWithDuration:animations:completion:. Do I have to set the animations explicitly in this case?
I've already tried reading the current state from the presentationLayer properties, but that somehow didn't work.
You can start the second animation using the UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState option. This will stop the first animation if it's still running.
I subclassed NSTextView and added support for automatic scrolling in a userdefineable time.
Now I want to detect, if the user manually scrolls, while the view is scrolling automatically.
Then I want to immediately stop automatic scrolling, until the user stops his action and then I want to start scrolling again from the new position.
I want to do this in such a matter, that the user can move around without a stuttering view.
I use boundsDidChangeNotification to calculate the scrolling position (playtime) and show it in a label, but I can't use it to detect the user manual scrolling, because it is also pushed by the automatic scrolling...
Would be very nice, if anyone has an idea ;-)
Thanks in advance