Is it possible to force-write to an unrecognized SD card? - formatting

I have an SD card that I am trying to salvage, but whenever I plug it in to my Macbook, it doesn't show up. I know the issue is not with the card reader because it can pick up several other cards just fine. Would it be possible to plug it in and then force a format operation pointed to the port where it supposedly is?
UPDATE: Question moved to SuperUser.


Is it possible to get data from SD card with SPI on my computer?

I need to try to find ways to corrupt/change some data in a SD card, but the thing is, the SD card is in microcontroller, so it works with SPI. What I would like to do in a perfect world is to clone this card and then play with the cloned card. So is there a way to do that?
you could try the arduino interface to read/write data from/to SD card via SPI.. there are many tutorial on the internet about accessing SD card data via arduino

How to change Default Recording device using LabVIEW?

We have a LabVIEW application that is based on sound acquisition.
I connected a Custom USB Audio device (Microphone). It is set to be the default Recording device.
But while running the application, if there is another mic source connected, then sound is being recorded/acquired by the other mic and not the default one.
So in order to have the custom microphone do the acquisition, I tried to change the default Audio Recording device through LabVIEW. But all I can do is list the audio devices connected by running a PowerShell command through System Exec function.
Is there any possible way to change the default recording device using LabVIEW? Please do mention if any.
Back in the day, I had a similar requirement, I did the following!
Get All microphones connected on the PC.
Once I get all the Device IDs, I performed a search using "Device Name" to get the Device ID I needed!
Note: If the above VI returns only one microphone, then make sure you've installed DirectX on the PC.
I hope this helps :)
Hello am very late for this information, but I can provide you with a few things you need to do.
Tap setting
Choose my device
Difficult device
Select and activate
Visit Cpanel select program and tap on device activety, now choose difficult setting.
To change difficult device follow each of the steps above:
3. Select difficult program
May any changes you want then done.

how to set password to micro SD card programmatically?

is there any way to write protect micro sd card with password through programming (Java/C)?
primarily I wanted to set a password to micro sd card and the sd card should have access only if we provide the password.
I come to know that nokia mobile phones were doing this before, hope there is some way of doing this.
thanks in advance.
I'm pretty sure that the phones just encrypt the data (not technically lock it) and only they know how to unencrypted it. The closest that you could get to protecting the micro sd card would be to encrypt whatever you want to write on it. Hope this at least gave you an idea of how to go about this.
Phones use the CID number (card ID number written in ROM) of the SD or microSD card to encrypt the data and act as a key. So Lonnez is right, you need to encrypt the data, not write protect it. The other part of this, is having a device which can read the CID number and spit it out. has one for bulk use (manufacturing) but I suspect you would like a single card reader solution, not bulk.
You should also contact the SDCard Association as they could help you out with a more specific answer reg the ability to wp SD media.

Trouble in driving Point Grey Grasshoper cameras

I am trying to drive two Grasshopper cameras, from Point Grey Research, using a laptop. As my laptop (and generally majority laptop's) does not have any FireWire 800 port, I am using a FireWire 800 to Express Card device which contains two FireWire 800 ports.
I am trying to capture sample images using the example codes provided by FlyCapture (SDK of Point Grey). When I run these examples on my laptop, they show an error "Error starting isochronous stream". However, I am able to run the same examples on a desktop and could capture images successfully.
Please note that power supply to drive the cameras doesnot seem to be a problem as both the cameras show a glowing led.
I have also written a sample code using libdc1394 library to list the active cameras connected to the machine. And upon running this code on my laptop, it shows that two cameras are connected. (which may mean that the problem lie in flycapture)
Did anyone face a similar problem ? Or could any of you successfully drive one or two Grasshopper camera using a laptop ?
Thanks a lot for the incoming help.
This is Nina from Point Grey's Support team. I can assist you with your question.
The fact that the cameras work well on your desktop PC but generate Isochronous stream error on your laptop indicates the cameras are working well. I suspect that you are running into problems with the bandwidth when you run two camera synchronously through the express card on your laptop. As the bandwidth the express card can sustain is S800 if you try to run two grasshoppers at full frame rate and resolution you might be generating more data from the cameras than the express card can sustain. Please try reducing the frame rate or resolution on your two cameras or try running one camera only and let me know if it streams well.
What FlyCapture example code are you trying to run? Which grasshopper model are you using? When you tested the camera on your PC did you run the cameras on two separate firewire buses?
Please let me know. You can also contact us by sending us an email at

How to know if iPhone user SIM Card has changed?

I am developing an app which needs to know if the user has changed his sim card since the last launch. I could't find anything in the documentation except for the notification subscriberCellularProviderDidUpdateNotifier which warns me that the sim card has changed, but if the user do this when the cellphone is turned off for example, my aplication will not be aware of this. Is it possible to do this or is there any workaround for this situation? The app WhatsApp Messenger appears to be able to do something like what i need.
I've seen other questions about this issue but still haven't found any satisfing answer.
Best regards!
All the info, you can get is to read [CTTelephonyNetworkInfo subscriberCellularProvider];.
This is a CTCarrier object. This contains a mobileNetworkCode and a carrierName. But you can only recognize carrier changes.. so if a verizon card is exchanged with another verizon card, you cannot recognize it, I guess.