How to know if iPhone user SIM Card has changed? - objective-c

I am developing an app which needs to know if the user has changed his sim card since the last launch. I could't find anything in the documentation except for the notification subscriberCellularProviderDidUpdateNotifier which warns me that the sim card has changed, but if the user do this when the cellphone is turned off for example, my aplication will not be aware of this. Is it possible to do this or is there any workaround for this situation? The app WhatsApp Messenger appears to be able to do something like what i need.
I've seen other questions about this issue but still haven't found any satisfing answer.
Best regards!

All the info, you can get is to read [CTTelephonyNetworkInfo subscriberCellularProvider];.
This is a CTCarrier object. This contains a mobileNetworkCode and a carrierName. But you can only recognize carrier changes.. so if a verizon card is exchanged with another verizon card, you cannot recognize it, I guess.


Twilio programmable video notifications

I developed a solution to allow my users to get in touch through video calls.
However, for iOS I can't manage to trigger notifications (CallKeep for example) to warn a user that someone is trying to contact him.
Would you have solutions to propose to me because I can't find anything conclusive.
Check out the Twilio Video quick start application has a CallKit example. Please take a look at that and see what you can learn.

iOS - Record the Voice while phone call in Objective c

Is it possible for an app which records the voice of the user while a phone call?
I searched for it and the AVFoundation Framework seems to stop recording when a phone call is incoming. I don't want to record the whole call, I am just interested in record what the user of the iPhone is saying.
I know that this possibility might be a safety risk, but it would be nice for e.g an interview.
In case of no possibility to do it like i want, i have to create my own VoIP connection and then i can record it, am i right?
There is no direct way or API from Apple to achieve your need of recording voice while phone call. AVAudioRecorder wont support it as well. Because it will be stopped once the call begin.
But there are work around like hook AudioUnitProcess in order to access phone call's audio streams and save it as m4a. This will work without jailbreak but not sure this will be accepted by Apple app store review team.
For more info on the work around check this SO accepted answer.
Also creating your own VoIP connection method work for recording during phone call.
There are Cydia tweaks which are able to do that. For example CallRecorder.

Where do you find Mac App Store analytics

I have recently published my first Mac app onto the Mac App Store, forgive me if this is a stupid question but i can find no place on iTunes Connect that shows the analytics for it, the App Analytics section on iTunes Connect only shows my iOS app? There must be somewhere to see how many units i have sold?
So i contacted apple an there reply was:
App Analytics is available only for iOS developers at this time, and it reports data only from customers using iOS 8 and above. Therefore you will not see data from your Mac app.
If you would like, I can submit feedback on your behalf for a possible future enhancement. If this is something you would like me to do, please reply with a clarification of your request, and I will be happy to send it up for you.
So the short answer is there is nowhere for you to find how many downloads/revenue you have earned. Which is well, shit

Re-activating a Facebook App

I want to know if it is possible to re-activate a Facebook App that has been previously disabled.
This is what happened:
We created a Facebook App and an iPhone App that connect to each other. After releasing our game to App Store, one of our programmers accidentally deleted the App from Facebook. Now players are shown a message saying the Facebook App does not exist.
We know this may not be possible, but still wanted to ask.
I work on the platform team at Facebook.
Unfortunately there isn't a standard way to do this since this isn't a situation that occurs often. However, I can imagine how painful this may be. If you could provide me with either of the following - the app namespace, canvas/connect URL for the app or the app ID, we may be able to help.

Location-specific (GPS-based) apps and the Apple Review Process, should they work without GPS too? [edit]

I was wondering if anyone has any experience of submitting location-specific apps to the Apple App store.
What I mean by location-specific is an app that only works when you are at a particular location. For example, a GPS tour of a historical battleground might have content that is triggered at particular lat/long coordinates when the user is at the actual physical location.
So my question is: In order to make the app be likely to be accepted on the app store do I..
(1) Not worry about it as there's evidence that the Apple Reviewers have some way of simulating the GPS. I can then supply lat/long coords to the reviewers so they can experience some of the content.
or (I suspect more likely)
(2) I Need to make it work anywhere in order for the reviewer to see at least some of the content (e.g. have a menu or map interface that allows direct access). This could be a 'secret' option explained in the review notes accessed via a special key combination or something.
Has anyone else run into a situation like this?
Edit: Thanks for the responses. My app has now been accepted by Apple. Interestingly I didn't need to make the app work anywhere or add any new methods of using the app at all, they simply asked me for a video of the app in action. I made a YouTube video of the app (unlisted of course) and sent it to the reviewers.. and now it's accepted! I was very surprised that this is how it worked out!
I asked this same question (and answered it myself) a while back. I basically added a "Drop Pin" feature so the testers (and users) could pretend to be somewhere else.
I submitted an app recently that "works anywhere" (and uses GPS) but "works best" in New England when looking for data (on our server) that is near your current location. The app also supports entering a city & state or zip code to perform searches. So, in the submission, you can tell the reviewers how to test it, and we explained the nature of the app and how to test the functionality by using specific New England locations. The app was approved, for what it's worth.
Basically, when you submit an app, there is an opportunity to give the reviewers guidance. So definitely tell them what they need to know to make your app work for them, wherever they might be in the world! :-)