Solving mixed integer program with Lingo 19.0 - optimization

I need to solve the below problem in LINGO
enter image description here
enter image description here
I declared the sets and data but there is an error in function. i think my syntax is wrong. anybody can help me writing it correct. the error is
[Error Code: 23] Improper number of arguments.
40] ost_ik(set_i, set_k) + (0,1)*(Cost_kl(set_k,set_l))


System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'SelectedObjectCollection' to type ,System.Collections.Generic.lEnumerable'1[System.String]

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'SelectedObjectCollection' to type ,System.Collections.Generic.lEnumerable'1[System.String]
I need help understanding this runtime error. I am fairly sure that the below is the problem, but have not been able to find a solution that works.
Parallel.ForEach(Of String)(Me.clb1.SelectedItems,
Parallel.ForEach(of String)(Me.CheckedListBox1.SelectedItems,
Sub(xxx) <-Not sure what goes here.
The error message highlights the entire Sub but the rest was cut and pasted from working code.
I read the instructions of Lambda and found a simpler example. The is dawned on me what I needed to do.
For cnt = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
Parallel.ForEach(MyFiles, Sub(F)
Now I need to fix the code to handle the multi-threading code, but that is another question that I am not ready to ask yet. Thanks.

Error in seq.default(from, to, by) : invalid '(to - from)/by ggpattern

I'm using geom_bar_pattern to try to put stripes in an stacked barplot. I could run the command once, but I'm trying to do it again and it doesn't work. The error is Error in seq.default(from, to, by) : invalid '(to - from)/by'
I received the same error and realized that this was due to the limited size of my screen. I was able to see the figure and resolve the error by expanding the built-in plot viewer...
I just got the same error message with geom_bar_pattern. In my case it was entirely a matter of spacing in the plot: I had a long string of text for one axis ticks. When I reduced that, I immediately got rid of the issue!
Not sure if it's the same situation in your case, but I thought I'd answer just in case this could help...
Good luck!

How to fix remove NAs from my regression table and fix error message when running expert summs

I am trying to export a table or a regression analysis summary. using the export_summs function keeps returning the error message: Error in [<-(*tmp*, , names(coef(fm)), value = coef(fm)) :
subscript out of bounds
Note that this issue did not happen with the exact same data before. I just ran it again with more efficient and statistically better model. everything else is the same. I have tried changing the coefficient names in several ways and omitting the missing values. summary() is not an issue. only when I try running export_summs(). another issue is that I have used na.action=na.omit in the regression formula and na.omit("regression formula") and NA still shows up as a value in my regression table.
How do I fix those two issues?
Appreciate the help.

local variable referenced before assignment frequently occurring error

Hello I've done multiple python programs since I started and an error is occurring quite often for a short time and I don't understand why there is an error or why by just changing random things so the program does the same gets rid of it so can anybody please explain how the "referenced before assignment" error occurs please.
Here's the code with the problem:
def compter(sequence, element):
for i in sequence:
if element==sequence[i]:
return compte
compter([1,2,1,1], 1)
please explain so I could be able to get rid of it in any future code thank you very much :)
(I'musing python 2.7.6)

OSStatus NSOSStatusErrorDomain

I received the following error when I get the property using
Error Produced by above statement is
Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=560557673 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 560557673.)"
Now, here what does 560557673 mean and where can I find its explanation?
Documentation only provides NSOSStatusErrorDomain as one of the errors.
That code means the property data size was not correct.
OSStatus is a type commonly used for error codes in OS X and iOS. If the magnitude of the code is less than 1 million, then the code is probably listed in MacErrors.h in the CarbonCore framework. Otherwise, it is probably a four-character code listed in the same header as the function which returned it. You can find the header of a function by command-clicking it in Xcode. The codes will most likely be listed near the top, grouped together. To convert the number to a code, use the Calculator app in Developer view to convert it to hexadecimal and convert each byte to a character.