.NET Discord bot: How to hyperlink a user's name in a discord message (i.e. not #mention them, but make their name clickable with their profile popup) - discord.net

I note that using the discord "send a random welcome message when someone joins this server" service, which sends a welcome message to a channel of choice, that message linkifies the user's name, and when you click it, you get a pop-up of their profile. They are not mentioned by this so it doesn't bother them.
This would be an ideal thing to be able to get a bot to do. My bot is coded in .NET.
Is this possible? I've had a tough time googling this so I thought I'd ask here, thanks!


How can I find telegram user by id

I'm using telegram bot and can get user id from incoming message.
Sometimes I want to find users who communicate with telegram bot and write them message by myself.
I have only user id and have not some additional information about the user.
Can I somehow find users by id or anonimity with only id available is by design?
At least what I've been using...
Program your bot to send you a message with link to that user.
This can be done by using link in your message (must be used as message entity or inline keyboard button):
Or in case you are using MarkdownV2 for formatting
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=<user_id>)
Then, by clicking on that link, you will open a user profile, where you can message your target.
Note, user can change his privacy settings, and disable mentions. In this case these links will not work.

Google chat auto-reply bot

Is there any way to configure Google Chat so It will automatically reply when another user sends me a message? Similar to the way vacation reply works for GMAIL.
The trigger will be the message coming from a user. not calling any bot.
Sorry, unfortunately there is no way to do that
You can set your status as "Out of Office" and that will be reflected in chat.
The API is designed for bots so there is no way via API either.
You can always make a feature request, if you like.

Start hangout or gchat with an initial invite in a webapplication

Is it possible to start a hangouts or gchat with an initial invite in a webapplication?
what i'm trying to do is have a list of people with their email addresses on a page, so what when a visitor clicks on any of them, it starts a hangout with the clicked email address invited into the hangout.
Yes, at some level, of course.
See https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/ for more information.
Mostly Question should be based on exact problem or some undocumented behaviour, instead of just Question - whether API for the product is published. For example, in what environment or use-case you want this to happen. What makes it even more confusing is that you use term "web application".
Happy hacking!
P.S. This question looks pretty similar: invite participant in hangout

PHP script to send and retrive sms from a website

I'm not sure where to begin, but got a case I need help from others where and if possible to solve.
Thing is, got a new alarm system at home, this system uses sms function so I can send a short code to my alarm asking for status if it`s ON or OFF, or i can turn it on/off from an sms.
Since both the sms number and code is strictly personal, I would not like to tell my carpenter the codes, but in the mean while he is working at my home, I can give him a login to my site, where he can see if the alarm is turned on or even turn it on/off by him self.
I would like to build me a website, that does the same.
Got a login to my site, when logged in, i would like the website to send an sms automatically, then retrieve the answer and display it on the website.
Is this even possible ? If so, anyone can past me in the right direction here ?
Thanks in advance =)
You can send an SMS from a website. Most mobile operators will gladly offer you an apropriate API.
For instance Deutsche Telekom has an API called "Developer Garden" that allows you to send SMS via a WebService and much more.
see here for an example: www.developergarden.com
Other providers may also offer such services.
you need an sms gateway ( we use these guys : http://inteltech.com.au/, but nearly any will do )
Your easiest option is to find one where you can insert SMS'es for sending via a URL, eg in our case the URL looks like this:
http://inteltech.com.au/secure-api/send.single.php?username=[user]&key=[longcode]&method=http&senderid=[id]&sms=[phonenumber]&message=[here's the message]
it's extremely simple to use. If your site handles the login otherwise, then you can use this for the rest.
Now, how to receive SMS'es is a bit tricker :)
But this provider, for example, offers you options to;
Send the reply as an email to a nominated email address.
Send the reply as an email to the original user who sent the message.
Send the reply as an SMS to a nominated mobile number.
POST the reply to your website or application . e.g. We can call a http/https request to your script
as you can see, both the email and the POST options are providing great ways to integrate.
I'd say if you don't handle incoming email already, then stick to the POST method.
voila :)

Sending an Email Behind the Scenes

I am currently trying to figure out how to send an email behind the scenes. Basically, I don't want an MFMailComposeViewController popping up making me press the send button. All the fields are pre-populated so there is no need to type anything out. Is this possible? Will I have to use another framework?
You'll have to use your own mail server (or ask the user for credentials for their own, which you probably don't want to do). The iOS SDK intentionally doesn't allow you to send an email on behalf of the user with no user interface; making the user press "Send" is the whole idea so that they are never surprised.
Apps that push email out automatically either do so from their own servers, or integrate with a server framework like Mailgun, or Parse, or etc, that offer this feature.
I've done that in one of my apps using Mailgun, which is a hosted email web service.