pyinstaller error. I have no Idea what is wrong - pyqt5

I build a program using pyqt5 and now I try to encoding into one single file using pyinstaller. But some error drives me crazy (see below picture). I don't know what to do. please give me some idea and solution~


rioxarray.open_rasterio() not recognizing .hdf files

Apologies if this has been asked before. I tried to find an answer elsewhere, but couldn't find a response that resolved my issue.
I inherited some code for downloading and processing satellite data without a lot of explanation and I am required to make it work. The intention was that this code should run without me needing to do anything but run the script, but there is a bug that prevents it from working properly.
I've been able to narrow the issue to (probably) one line of code:
ds = rioxarray.open_rasterio(tempFile).compute()
where tempFile represents a string for an s3 bucket. The exception message I receive about it is as follows: '/MOD13Q1_A2022193_h09v04_061_2022215010516.hdf' not recognized as a supported file format
I have almost no experience with xarray and rasterio, so I don't have a good idea of where to begin to resolve this. The file does exist at the location and rasterio can process .hdf files (I think), but if that's the case, what may be going on here? Any help is appreciated.

Pyright, report missing imports error in neovim

I'm getting this error, which doesn't make sense because the libraries are installed, and the correct python interpreter path is selected. I have no clue where the issue could be.
You can get the used Python path from :CocCommand workspace.showOutput Pyright, looks like Pyright was using the wrong Python.

MySql.Data.MySqlClient shows confusing error

I'm using VS2019 and today I opened my project to continue working but a strange error occured that I really don't understand. The MySql.Data.MySqlClient namespace shows this:
and every mysql commands shows this error:
but when I start the debugging it's working fine i don't know whats causing this since I'm not very knowledgeable with programming. How do I get rid of this?
From your scenario it's bit unclear what exactly problem at your end. You could try couple of hacks though
Clean solution and rebuild your project
If that does not resolve your issue, try to remove dll reference "MySql.Data.MySqlClient" from reference and referring to latest documentation from Microsoft, import correct namespace again. Hope this helps you.

"Error Loading USE or USELSX" when trying to import Script Library

I get this error when trying to import a script library from my project.
The Script Library does not use Java and I'm not Turkish. Also, recompiling did not help and it is not LSX.
I even removed the whole code from it and still get the problem. What could be wrong?
Try restarting the Domino Designer.
We have this problem here sometimes and it usually does the trick. It is easy to forget the obvious things sometimes.

illegal characters in path using System.Speech.Recognition

I have an error with some code that I have been working on for a while. I am writing a speech recognition software in Visual Basic.
grammar.Append(New Choices(System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(My.Resources.Commands)))
The above line has illegal characters in path in the InnerException. however if the line of code bellow is in place instead of the one above it will run fine.
C:\Users\oem\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\VC\VC\CustomCommmands.txt
This will now work if the application is compiled into a exe setup and ran on a different machine.
I have looked all over Google for a answer, but none seem to work. If anyone can shed some light, it will be much appreciated.
System.IO.File.ReadAllLines is only used when you are reading a file from disk. It sounds like you have embedded the file as a resource in your program.
I don't have to test this, but this will probably work... I believe My.Resources loads the resource values directly, so you don't have to load them at all.
grammar.Append(New Choices(My.Resources.Commands))