Pyright, report missing imports error in neovim - vim-plugin

I'm getting this error, which doesn't make sense because the libraries are installed, and the correct python interpreter path is selected. I have no clue where the issue could be.

You can get the used Python path from :CocCommand workspace.showOutput Pyright, looks like Pyright was using the wrong Python.


pyinstaller error. I have no Idea what is wrong

I build a program using pyqt5 and now I try to encoding into one single file using pyinstaller. But some error drives me crazy (see below picture). I don't know what to do. please give me some idea and solution~

Unexpected keyword argument 'show_dtype'

I am trying to plot my model with the data types with the following the code:
plot_model(model, to_file='model/model.png', show_dtype=True, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
However, I get an error that show_dtype is not an acceptable parameter even though it appears on the TensorFlow documentation:
This is the first time that I have run into this issue. It seems that this may be due to having an earlier release if you downloaded it from Anaconda Forge rather than something else like Pip. It is a simple fix, however.
Basically, you need to go into the library source file and edit it to the current version that is shown on the TensorFlow documentation page.
The link to the GitHub page that you will copy the Python code from is here:
Afterwards, head to your library path and paste that Python code there.
For example, my path is the following: C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/ml/Lib/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/utils/ Yours should be something similar.

MySql.Data.MySqlClient shows confusing error

I'm using VS2019 and today I opened my project to continue working but a strange error occured that I really don't understand. The MySql.Data.MySqlClient namespace shows this:
and every mysql commands shows this error:
but when I start the debugging it's working fine i don't know whats causing this since I'm not very knowledgeable with programming. How do I get rid of this?
From your scenario it's bit unclear what exactly problem at your end. You could try couple of hacks though
Clean solution and rebuild your project
If that does not resolve your issue, try to remove dll reference "MySql.Data.MySqlClient" from reference and referring to latest documentation from Microsoft, import correct namespace again. Hope this helps you.

How to fix cmake install in Jupyter kernels, specifically Google Colab?

I am trying to get OpenAI roboschool to run in Google Colab (have a virtual display setup that records the environment during training and displays video after). The roboschool library will import, but the environments don't show up properly (at all), when I run:
import roboschool, gym;
print("\n".join(['- ' + for spec in
gym.envs.registry.all() if'Roboschool')]))
the list is empty, and it should include the environments.
When cmake links dlls, does it do so with environment variables? Environment variables in Colab don't work as usual, and I think that may be the issue. I don't know enough to know for sure.
This output looks suspect to me, doesn't seem right that the runtime path would be removed. There are a number of these so I only grabbed two for example.
-- Set runtime path of "/content/roboschool/roboschool/cpp-
household/bullet_local_install/lib/" to ""
-- Set runtime path of "/content/roboschool/roboschool/cpp-
household/bullet_local_install/lib/" to "
Here is the command sequence.
household/bullet_local_install -DBUILD_CPU_DEMOS=OFF -
make -j4
make install
Is there a way I can override the way paths are determined for the linked libraries so they will link with the correct paths if that is correct? Seems like looking into RPATH may be a step in the right direction?
Thanks in advance. Please let me know if additional detail is necessary.
Hard to say what's going on without more details, but if you're building .so's to non-standard location that you want the python runtime to see, you have to somehow tell the runtime about the .so's location. Guessing based on the snippets you provided, maybe this (possibly after a runtime restart (ctrl-m-period)) will unblock you:
import os
os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/content/roboschool/roboschool/cpp-household/bullet_local_install/lib:' + os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']
If that doesn't do it for you, two other suggestions are:
Change your configuration to install to "standard" locations
Share a minimal notebook that reproduces the issue.

"Error Loading USE or USELSX" when trying to import Script Library

I get this error when trying to import a script library from my project.
The Script Library does not use Java and I'm not Turkish. Also, recompiling did not help and it is not LSX.
I even removed the whole code from it and still get the problem. What could be wrong?
Try restarting the Domino Designer.
We have this problem here sometimes and it usually does the trick. It is easy to forget the obvious things sometimes.