Shopware 6 How to improve Performance of the Order Search in the Backend? - shopware6

I am using Shopware
I have about 3 Mil. Orders and Customers in the Database.
When I use the backend to search for a specific order number, the system fires a very complex query against the database which is way too slow to respond in time, so I get a timeout. This way, it is not possible to use the backend to find orders. The database does not have any indexes on the tables used in the query, what I find very strange.
As far as I understand, the elasticsearch cluster is only used for products, categories and the like, not to find orders and customers.
What is the general concept in SW6 to find a specific order / customer in a performant way that will work with a few million orders / customers?

No code here, just a general answer.
The best solution is to setup an Elasticsearch Cluster (or complete ELK stack for that matter). You will need a custom indexer for this (to tell Shopware which fields you want in Elastic), and decorate/extend the Core ApiControllers' search() method with something like this:
if (in_array($entityName,['order','customer'])) {
We have made a custom extension to Shopware 6 and added customer and order data to Elsaticsearch, so this makes searches extremely snappy and fast. Just like product searches in SW6.
A less promising solution is to add proper DB indexes to MySQL. This speeded up my order searches by about 30-40%. I cannot grasp why Shopware ships its DB without indexes in the first place, maybe it has to do with the necessity to re-build indexes on writes and this consuming quite some memory. No idea. One should review the indexes of all the tables involved.
In general, I think they did a really bad job with all the backend searches, rendering many of it unusable, especially if you have a lot of data. Probably the most disappointing thing in SW6...
In our old, pre-SW6 platform we had serious performance issues due to huge huge tables, too. There the solution was to add an additional order_lookup table to the DB with only a minimal set of columns (mostly concatenated strings, and only fields customer support really searches in). This table had optimised indexes, data was written into it with MySQL triggers each time a new order was added or edited. In the backend a custom made search page queried the order_lookup table. You could do something similar in SW6 if Elasticsearch is not for you.


Should I use EAV database design model or a lot of tables

I started a new application and now I am looking at two paths and don't know which is good way to continue.
I am building something like eCommerce site. I have a categories and subcategories.
The problem is that there are different type of products on site and each has different properties. And site must be filterable by those product properties.
This is my initial database design:
Products{ProductId, Name, ProductCategoryId}
ProductCategories{ProductCategoryId, Name, ParentId}
CategoryProperties{CategoryPropertyId, ProductCategoryId, Name}
ProductPropertyValues{ProductId, CategoryPropertyId, Value}
Now after some analysis I see that this design is actually EAV model and I read that people usually don't recommend this design.
It seems that dynamic sql queries are required for everything.
That's one way and I am looking at it right now.
Another way that I see is probably named a LOT WORK WAY but if it's better I want to go there.
To make table
Product{ProductId, CategoryId, Name, ManufacturerId}
and to make table inheritance in database wich means to make tables like
Cpus{ProductId ....}
HardDisks{ProductId ....}
MotherBoards{ProductId ....}
erc. for each product (1 to 1 relation).
I understand that this will be a very large database and very large application domain but is it better, easier and performance better than the option one with EAV design.
EAV is rarely a win. In your case I can see the appeal of EAV given that different categories will have different attributes and this will be hard to manage otherwise. However, suppose someone wants to search for "all hard drives with more than 3 platters, using a SATA interface, spinning at 10k rpm?" Your query in EAV will be painful. If you ever want to support a query like that, EAV is out.
There are other approaches however. You could consider an XML field with extended data or, if you are on PostgreSQL 9.2, a JSON field (XML is easier to search though). This would give you a significantly larger range of possible searches without the headaches of EAV. The tradeoff would be that schema enforcement would be harder.
This questions seems to discuss the issue in greater detail.
Apart from performance, extensibility and complexity discussed there, also take into account:
SQL databases such as SQL Server have full-text search features; so if you have a single field describing the product - full text search will index it and will be able to provide advanced semantic searches
take a look at no-sql systems that are all the rage right now; scalability should be quite good with them and they provide support for non-structured data such as the one you have. Hadoop and Casandra are good starting points.
You could very well work with the EAV model.
We do something similar with a Logistics application. It is built on .net though.
Apart from the tables, your application code has to handle the objects correctly.
See if you can add generic table for each object. It works for us.

Database efficiency - table per user vs. table of users

For a website having users. Each user having the ability to create any amount of, we'll call it "posts":
Efficiency-wise - is it better to create one table for all of the posts, saving the user-id of the user which created the post, for each post - OR creating a different separate table for each user and putting there just the posts created by that user?
The database layout should not change when you add more data to it, so the user data should definitely be in one table.
Having multiple tables means that you have to create queries dynamically.
The cached query plan for one table won't be used for any other of the tables.
Having a lot of data in one table doesn't affect performance much, but having a lot of tables does.
If you want to add an index to the table to make queries faster, it's a lot easier to do on a single table.
Well to answer the specific question: In terms of efficiency of querying, it will always be better to have small tables, hence a table per user is likely to be the most efficient.
However, unless you have a lot of posts and users, this is not likely to matter. Even with millions of rows, you will get good performance with a well-placed index.
I would strongly advise against the table-per-user strategy, because it adds a lot of complexity to your solution. How would you query when you need to find, say, users that have posted on a subject within the year ?
Optimize when you need to. Not because you think/are afraid something will be slow. (And even if you need to optimize, there will be easier options than table-per-user)
Schemas with a varying number of tables are, generally, bad. Use one single table for your posts.
If performance is a concern, you should learn about database indexes. While indexes is not part of the SQL standard, nearly all databases support them to help improve performance.
I recommend that you create a single table for all users' posts and then add an indexes to this table to improve the performance of searching. For example you can add an index on the user column so that you can quickly find all posts for a given user. You may also want to consider adding other indexes, depending on your application's requirements.
Your first proposal of having a single user and a single post table is the standard approach to take.
At the moment posts may be the only user-specific feature on your site, but imagine that it might need to grow in the future to support users having messages, preferences, etc. Now your separate table-per-user approach leads to an explosion in the number of tables you'd need to create.
I have a similar but different issue with your answer because both #guffa and #driis are assuming that the "posts" need to be shared among users.
In my particular situation: not a single user datapoint can be shared for privacy reason with any other user not even for analytics.
We plan on using mysql or postgres and here are the three options our team is warring about:
N schema and 5 tables - some of our devs feel that this is the best direction to make to keep the data completely segregated.
Pros - less complexity if you think of schema as a folder and tables as files. We'll have one schema per user
Cons - most ORMs do connection pooling per schema
1 schema and nx5 tables - some devs like this because it allows for connection pooling but appears to make the issue more complex.
Pros - connection pooling in the ORM is possible
Cons - cannot find an ORM where Models are set up for this
1 schema and 5 tables - some devs like this because they think we benefit from caching.
Pros: ORMs are happy because this is what they are designed to do
Cons: every query requires the username table
I, personally, land in camp 1: n schemas.
My lead dev lands in camp 3: 1 schema 5 tables.
If data is always 1:1, I cannot see how caching will ever help regardless of the solution we use because each user will be searching for different info.
Any thoughts?

Using sharding with for partitioning indexes

We are using NHibernate 3.1 and NHibernate.Search on top of Lucene for full-text searches. So far it is working great, but we have some scalability problems:
In our database, we have several different customers' data - each customer must not be able to see each other's data. So far, we have solved it using Filters, but the problem is that our index is growing huge, and we have problems with the pessimistic locking holding up queries.
What we would like to do is partition the index per customer (all entities have a property with this customerId) using the sharding feature of Lucene.
Has anyone tried this in NHibernate Search - is it even possible?
Not sure what your database / session factory setup is like, but you could use a session factory pointing to a different index directory per customer. If you've only got a single DB this could be kind of strange but it should be pretty painless if your approach to supporting multiple customers in 1 database is sound.
If this sounds interesting, take a look at this answer.

Should I be concerned that ORMs, by default, return all columns?

In my limited experience in working with ORMs (so far LLBL Gen Pro and Entity Framework 4), I've noticed that inherently, queries return data for all columns. I know NHibernate is another popular ORM, and I'm not sure that this applies with it or not, but I would assume it does.
Of course, I know there are workarounds:
Create a SQL view and create models and mappings on the view
Use a stored procedure and create models and mappings on the result set returned
I know that adhering to certain practices can help mitigate this:
Ensuring your row counts are reasonably limited when selecting data
Ensuring your tables aren't excessively wide (large number of columns and/or large data types)
So here are my questions:
Are the above practices sufficient, or should I still consider finding ways to limit the number of columns returned?
Are there other ways to limit returned columns other than the ones I listed above?
How do you typically approach this in your projects?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: This sort of stems from the notion that SELECT * is thought of as a bad practice. See this discussion.
One of the reasons to use an ORM of nearly any kind is to delay a lot of those lower-level concerns and focus on the business logic. As long as you keep your joins reasonable and your table widths sane, ORMs are designed to make it easy to get data in and out, and that requires having the entire row available.
Personally, I consider issues like this premature optimization until encountering a specific case that bogs down because of table width.
First of : great question, and about time someone asked this! :-)
Yes, the fact an ORM typically returns all columns for a database table is something you need to take into consideration when designing your systems. But as you've mentioned - there are ways around this.
The main fact for me is to be aware that this is what happens - either a SELECT * FROM dbo.YourTable, or (better) a SELECT (list of all columns) FROM dbo.YourTable.
This is not a problem when you really want the whole object and all its properties, and as long as you load a few rows, that's fine, too - the convenience beats the raw performance.
You might need to think about changing your database structures a little bit - things like:
maybe put large columns like BLOBs into separate tables with a 1:1 link to your base table - that way, a select on the parent tables doesn't grab all those large blobs of data
maybe put groups of columns that are optional, that might only show up in certain situations, into separate tables and link them - again, just to keep the base tables lean'n'mean
Also: avoid trying to "arm-wrestle" your ORM into doing bulk operations - that's just not their strong point.
And: keep an eye on performance, and try to pick an ORM that allows you to change certain operations into e.g. stored procedures - Entity Framework 4 allows this. So if the deletes are killing you - maybe you just write a Delete stored proc for that table and handle that operation differently.
The question here covers your options fairly well. Basically you're limited to hand-crafting the HQL/SQL. It's something you want to do if you run into scalability problems, but if you do in my experience it can have a very large positive impact. In particular, it saves a lot of disk and network IO, so your scalability can take a big jump. Not something to do right away though: analyse then optimise.
Are there other ways to limit returned columns other than the ones I listed above?
NHibernate lets you add projections to your queries so you wouldn't need to use views or procs just to limit your columns.
For me this has only been an issue if the tables has LOTS of columns > 30 or if the column had alot of data for example a over 5000 character in a field.
The approach I have used is to just map another object to the existing table but with only the fields I need. So for a search that populates a table with 100 rows I would have a
MyObjectLite, but when I click to view the Details of that Row I would call a GetById and return a MyObject that has all the columns.
Another approach is to use custom SQL, Stroed procs but I only think you should go down this path if you REALLY need the performance gain and have users complaining. SO unless there is a performance problem do not waste your time trying to fix a problem that does not exist.
You can limit number of returned columns by using Projection and Transformers.AliasToBean and DTO here how it looks in Criteria API:
.Add(Projections.Property("Id"), "Id")
.Add(Projections.Property("PackageName"), "Caption"))
In LLBLGen Pro, you can return Typed Lists which not only allow you to define which fields are returned but also allow you to join data so you can pull a custom list of fields from multiple tables.
Overall, I agree that for most situations, this is premature optimization.
One of the big advantages of using LLBLGen and other ORMs as well (I just feel confident speaking about LLBLGen because I have used it since its inception) is that the performance of the data access has been optimized by folks who understand the issues better than your average bear.
Whenever they figure out a way to further speed up their code, you get those changes "for free" just by re-generating your data layer or by installing a new dll.
Unless you consider yourself an expert at writing data access code, ORMs probably improve most developers efficacy and accuracy.

What's the best way to store/calculate user scores?

I am looking to design a database for a website where users will be able to gain points (reputation) for performing certain activities and am struggling with the database design.
I am planning to keep records of the things a user does so they may have 25 points for an item they have submitted, 1 point each for 30 comments they have made and another 10 bonus points for being awesome!
Clearly all the data will be there, but it seems like a lot or querying to get the total score for each user which I would like to display next to their username (in the form of a level). For example, a query to the submitted items table to get the scores for each item from that user, a query to the comments table etc. If all this needs to be done for every user mentioned on a page.... LOTS of queries!
I had considered keeping a score in the user table, which would seem a lot quicker to look up, but I've had it drummed into me that storing data that can be calculated from other data is BAD!
I've seen a lot of sites that do similar things (even stack overflow does similar) so I figure there must be a "best practice" to follow. Can anyone suggest what it may be?
Any suggestions or comments would be great. Thanks!
I think that this is definitely a great question. I've had to build systems that have similar behavior to this--especially when the table with the scores in it is accessed pretty often (like in your scenario). Here's my suggestion to you:
First, create some tables like the following (I'm using SQL Server best practices, but name them however you see fit):
UserAccount UserAchievement
-Guid (PK) -Guid (PK)
-FirstName -UserAccountGuid (FK)
-LastName -Name
-EmailAddress -Score
Once you've done this, go ahead and create a view that looks something like the following (no, I haven't verified this SQL, but it should be a good start):
SELECT [UserAccount].[FirstName] AS FirstName,
[UserAccount].[LastName] AS LastName,
SUM([UserAchievement].[Score]) AS TotalPoints
FROM [UserAccount]
INNER JOIN [UserAchievement]
ON [UserAccount].[Guid] = [UserAchievement].[UserAccountGuid]
GROUP BY [UserAccount].[FirstName],
ORDER BY [UserAccount].[LastName] ASC
I know you've mentioned some concern about performance and a lot of queries, but if you build out a view like this, you won't ever need more than one. I recommend not making this a materialized view; instead, just index your tables so that the lookups that you need (essentially, UserAccountGuid) will enable fast summation across the table.
I will add one more point--if your UserAccount table gets huge, you may consider a slightly more intelligent query that would incorporate the names of the accounts you need to get roll-ups for. This will make it possible not to return huge data sets to your web site when you're only showing, you know, 3-10 users' information on the page. I'd have to think a bit more about how to do this elegantly, but I'd suggest staying away from "IN" statements since this will invoke a linear search of the table.
For very high read/write ratios, denormalizing is a very valid option. You can use an indexed view and the data will be kept in sync declaratively (so you never have to worry about there being bad score data). The downside is that it IS kept in sync.. so the updates to the store total are a synchronous aspect of committing the score action. This would normally be quite fast, but it is a design decision. If you denormalize yourself, you can choose if you want to have some kind of delayed update system.
Personally I would go with an indexed view for starting, and then later you can replace it fairly seamlessly with a concrete table if your needs dictate.
In the past we've always used some sort of nightly or perodic cron job to calculate the current score and save it in the database - sort of like a persistent view of the SUM on the activities table. Like most "best practices" they are simply guidelines and it's often better and more practical to deviate from a specific hard nosed practice on very specific areas.
Plus it's not really all that much of a deviation if you use the cron job as it's better viewed as a cache stored in the database.
If you have a separate scores table, you could update it each time an item is submitted or a comment is posted by a user. You could do this using a trigger or within the sites code.
The user scores would be updated continuously, and could be quickly queried for display.