Prestashop how to get current checkout step - prestashop

I am using Prestashop and I was wondering if it possible to get the current checkout step in the checkout templates files?
For example in checkout/partials/header.tpl
I saw that Prestashop: how to get the step number in the checkout header but it is not working in PS


Unable to add sphinx docs version

I'm trying to add doc's version switch option at the bottom of the sphinx docs sidebar like this.
I've followed the sphinx-versions documentation step by step and facing the error "No docs found in any remote branch/tag." after running the command
sphinx-versioning build -r feature_branch . build/html
feature_branch is a sample branch created for testing the integration, . refers to the current directory and build/html is the path where the doc will be built. master_doc = 'index' is also added in the file.
I'm not sure which step is missed which is causing the error, please suggest the right way if I'm integrating it wrong. The footer at the bottom left sidebar is what I need to integrate.

Sylius Product associations returns error for Sylius 1.10

I have tried using the latest beta versions of Sylius 1.10.0.ALPHA.1/1.10.0.BETA.1 (because I want to get Sylius running on PHP 8) and I get the same error when associating products from the backoffice "Unable to generate a URL for the named route "sylius_admin_api_product_option_show" as such route does not exist" enter image description here
on the version 1.9 of Sylius I dont get this error.
ps: when runing bin/console debug:router the route is there.
can someone help me with this. thank you.

Configure an existing theme on Shopify

I'm totally new with Shopify, im trying to Configure an existing theme and fallow the full process form the guideline here ( but when I try to run the command theme download it shows me the error
requested theme was not found
though I setup Private apps and configure everything
so is there anything that I missed out of the box.
First of all try to grab Correct ID of your Store from here:
And run CMD Command from your destination folder path.
This error is showing when you use the wrong theme ID, check it.

can not able to see the category in magento

Magento Category is not showing after login enter image description here
can not able to see the category in magento
Check the developer tool bar it may contain some javascript error if not , try to replace the maento core files with new files, please be sure that the new files is the same version with current installation

How to integrate Crashlytics with Github?

Did anyone have any success integrating crashlytics with github, I'm not really sure how relevant this question would be here?
I have android app already on github, and I have crashltyics correctly integrated in the app, but I tried to link it to the github repository and I'm always gettings, couldn't access repository (I contacted them so many time but they never replied) I'm 100% sure I generated the token as described (as I already did this for other apps) but Crashlytics is always rejecting this github token.
did anyone have success integrating it?
The error I'm getting is as follows:
Could not access repository for
I followed the steps as per this link:
I also tried to do this with one of my open-source libs
but it didn't work either, I'm not sure if it's me or crashlytics Github integration is not working
Ok, I finally got a reply from them and found out how to do it:
Simply when entering the repository in the corresponding field enter is as follows:
instead of
the integration is not really that powerful, it just creates an issue with just 1 line, without any referral to the code repo in github
I was also facing same problem but i fixed it as follows,
Step1 : Your GitHub repository: Company Name>/Repository Name
e.g cmpanyXYZ/abcd
(Note : 1. do not use .git at end of repository name. 2. You can find this details in repository clone url)
Step 2 : Generate access token from here
Copy generated token in step2 box from image.
Now Click on Verify button
Go to Firebase -> Crashlytics.
Follow the documentation step by step.
There is also a script demonstrating how to force crash and test the app.
Make sure you give the correct path of Google Info pList file in
the AppDelegate.