IntelliJ not correctly analyzing grpc-kotlin generated code - kotlin

I have followed the instructions here: for Gradle, and everything is working fine, but IntelliJ is seeing errors in the generated code, even though when I run the application and manually write code I know would work it runs just fine.

Intellisense was disabled in one of the generated code files because of file size, causing all the others to have errors. I was able to increase the intellisense max file size and now everything works!


Intellij Idea doesn't recognize generated classes if they are not in the same directory

So I have an issue with Intellij Idea because it absolutely wants my generated ressources to be in the folder of their package, otherwise it won't work (but it still compiles)
Here are my files, as they should stay
The "package" file view is wrong too
And other files from the same package doesn't recognize their brothers and there's a big red mess, this is my issue
As said, only Intellij Idea is complaining because when I run maven, it compiles with no errors.
I already tried making Antlr4 generating files in target/generated-sources/fr/bananasmoothii/scriptcommands/core/antlr4parsing, but it was messy because Intellij idea was marking the wrong directory as generated source, but after remarking correctly the directories, it worked perfectly.
Afterwards, I though it is better to generate files normally and make Intellij idea understad what it should.

How to make devcards work inside Cursive?

I am able to run figwheel in Cursive using the instructions on the lein-figwheel site (only the option opening files in Intellij didn't work). I would like to do the same for devcards.
I gave up running figwheel inside Cursive (including for devcards). Cursive failed to always update the running code (I followed the instructions at the lein-figwheel site). For running devcards using lein, the instructions at the devcards site work fine. Be careful as minor mistakes, in the project.clj file, will make devcard fail (I suggest you run their example and then adapt it to your project).

IntelliJ + Play Framework routes file red underline error

Image of the errors
I don't how to fix this red underlines I recently got in my routes files.
What I did:
I split up my routes files into 3 files:
- routes
- rest.routes
- web.routes
And after I did, IntelliJ said something about "We have a new program that can handle .routes files" and I clicked yes to it. <-- Stupid me :(
Can also mention that I cant remember what addon that was installed, and I cant find any addons that differs from previous versions.
Before there was no "spellchecking" on the file, but now I get this box in top of the file saying "Project SDK is not defined 'Setup SDK' ". It also gives the red "undelining" similar to spellchecking under every single line of code in the file.
The code itself works great, its just very frustrating to have these red lines everywhere.
Anyone know how to get rid of it?
Highly appreciated!
IntelliJ 2017.2 and Play Framework 1, I had this problem one day. Took me awhile to figure out but it was the Scala plugin that made this fail for me. After uninstalling the Scala plugin it works again.
I also faced similar issue recently. The plugin that Intellij asks to install in this case is Erlang. You just have to uninstall it (or just suppress the warning).
To uninstall Erlang go to Preferences.. -> Plugins. Then search for Erlang and select. Then click uninstall (on the right pane).
First, setup Java SDK (even if you use scala)
Second, try to compile code (run play application) and recheck routes files. I suggest that IDEA use compile routes classes to verify config.
Third, check syntax of your conf/routes . Are you sure want use -> ?

Did something Change with Pycharm 2016.3.2 - UnitTests no longer auto discovered

I have upgraded my Community version of PyCharm to 2016.3.2, and I'm not positive it was this exact version, but when I went to run files that had unittests in them, only some of them are recognized as UnitTests that I can right click and run.
I have looked to make sure that my classes implement unittest.TestCase
class clWorkflowWebClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
all of my tests begin with test_blahblah()
If I go into Edit Configurations and add one manually, I can right click and run it from the project tree, and it runs as a UnitTest. But I don't get the "Run UnitTests in Blah' dialog when I right click the file.
This turned out to be an issue I caused myself. we had added a folder called 'UnitTest' and introducing this to the path caused issues with PyCharm knowing what was a true UnitTest file.
I still don't know exactly what caused some files to work, but there appears to be one method in those files that did work that was probably being imported from another file that had the proper pathing.

In CLion, can you start a build on a specific file?

I'm doing some refactoring (more than what CLion can do automatically) and making lots of changes. When I change a header file, it prompts a significant fraction of my project to rebuild, but I know the error messages will always come from the same spot (which unfortunately starts with "w").
Is there any way to control where CLion will start building so I don't have to wait 30s+ to get the next error message?
I've been typing make src/workflow.o in a console (I tried using the CLion console, but that doesn't make links from errors), but I'd rather have the direct links to the error location.
You can add another cmake target to build only the stuff you need.
See e.g. here: