I am trying to find the reason why LSCopyItemInfoForURL is depreciated. I tried to read the apple developer page but i couldn't find the reason. I am new to mac. Can any expert give the reason behind it?
Ask this question on Apple Developper forum. Only there you can find some who has an answer. But I am not sure Apple talks about deprecation. It’s their choice. Usually, that means that there is a new way to do the same thing and it has been considered that the new way should be ´The Way ´
I am kinda of a new user here and don't have enough reputation points to comment/ask on this question: IDE support for Hack Lang.
So, I am hoping that since the last entry provided by Themis Beris someone has been able to get PHPStorm working properly with Hack. I followed the 3 steps described in the post I mentioned, but still get compile-time errors on the classes I've written using Hack. <?hh is not recognized, for instance.
Any suggestions as to how to get PHPStorm playing nice with Hack?
I have no idea what Themis Beris is talking about on the linked question. (He seems to be saying something about PHPUnit, which is a completely separate issue.)
JetBrains has a feature request open for Hack support and last I heard was very actively working on it. But as of this writing (Feb 2015) it's not released yet.
Apple has provided good documentation on the protocols for IMServicePlugin.framework, but provides literally zero documentation on how this is compiled, in what format, what keys for the services plist are what, etc. Has anyone had experience with this? If so, are you aware of any documentation on the subject?
Apple has a sample plugin that implements IRC, you can find it here. I know that it says that it's legacy, but that's the only sample code you'll find I'm afraid.
If you want to build one from scratch, it's actually quite "simple": In Xcode, create a new project and select Bundle, link against the IMServicePlugIn.framework and make sure that your Principal Class conforms to the IMServicePlugIn. Then, well, do whatever you need to do. When in doubt about anything, the documentation is pretty extensive (but it seems like you've already found out about that).
I'm not that good in understanding apple documentation, but is it "Safe" to use this: http://www.touch-code-magazine.com/tutorial-building-advanced-rss-reader/
In a Xcode project, or will apple reject the app because it is customized?
I understand this might be a stupid question, but since Im not sure of the rules, I thought I ask first.
Also, what is the best way to release it?
Thank you in advance!
All the best,
Absolutely safe to use. I use GData in my project and Apple never rejected it.
You can use without any problem. And you can also use NSXLMParser.
I know the ESC key does code completion, but is there a way to get a pop-up(tool-tip I guess) that shows you all the possible choices for a piece of code? As an example, it would be nice when writing Javascript to get a list of available actions. Other apps I've used like Coda do this. I'd like to check out Textmate but I have a hard time getting past this missing feature which I find pretty valuable, particularly as a fairly new programmer who likes to see what options are there as it's a bit of a learning tool for me also. I thought I had found a plugin like what I'm looking for, Dialog2, but it seems to have disappeared as it was meant to be built-in to the never-released TM2.
I've looked around a fair bit for the answer to this question and figured this was my next best option. Thanks.
I don't have Textmate available to try it out, but I believe that option-Esc is supposed to show you the list of possible code completions.
Check out subtleGradient's tmbundle: https://github.com/subtleGradient/javascript.tmbundle
It knows how to auto-wrap for arrays, and objects. Documentation look-up too.
Super-newbie question!
I've been looking for a list of all the classes that come with Objective-C and Cocoa but can't seem to find one.
Hoping that it has matching methods and syntax(?) as well.
Be gentle with me!
I would start here: http://developer.apple.com/referencelibrary/Cocoa/index.html
The system is broken up into frameworks, so you will not find a single listing. It depends on which frameworks you include with your project. good luck.
If you're using XCode, there's a documentation browser (Help -> Documentation) that's searchable. If you want to browse by classes you can also do so here. You might need to subscribe or download the documentation first though.
I'm finding this very convenient for iPhone development at least, since I can just type in a class or method name and get its documentation very quickly. YMMV for Mac OS X documentation though since I haven't used that at all.