How to use Lodash to denormalize my arrays of objects? - lodash

I am trying to use Lodash to split my nested array and create flattened objects. I was able to use pure Javascript to do so, but I would like to use Lodash instead. Is there an easy way to do so in Lodash? Appreciate your help in advance.
For example:
Original array:
"value": 1,
"status": [
"value": 2,
"status": [
What I expect is:
{"value": 1,"status": "A"},
{"value": 1,"status": "B"},
{"value": 1,"status": "C"},
{"value": 2,"status": "B"},
{"value": 2,"status": "R"}


extract nested values as a list

I have a table with a column "TAGS". Each row in this column has a bunch of dictionaries separated by commas. It looks like this:
"id": "334",
"name": "A",
"synonyms": "tul",
"path": [
"id": "8999",
"name": "B",
"synonyms": "hh",
"path": [
I want to create a new column "NAMES" that contains a list of all names. For example this:
["A", "B"]
Select * from TAGS_TABLE
How can I do this?
Well your data is "almost" JSON, so if we convert it to json, we can then parse it, and flatten it:
with data as (
select parse_json('['||column1||']') as json from values
"id": "334",
"name": "A",
"synonyms": "tul",
"path": [
"id": "8999",
"name": "B",
"synonyms": "hh",
"path": [
"id": "334",
"name": "C",
"synonyms": "tul",
"path": [
"id": "8999",
"name": "D",
"synonyms": "hh",
"path": [
select array_agg(f.value:name) within group (order by f.index) as output
from data d,
lateral flatten(input=>d.json) f
group by f.seq
order by f.seq
[ "A", "B" ]
[ "C", "D" ]
As already given to you in your other question...
select regexp_substr_all(column1, '"name"\\s*:\\s*"([^"]*)"',1,1,'e') as answer
from data;

Karate - How count number of instances of element in JSON response with embedded elements

I want to work out the total number of occurences of 'id' in the following JSON String.
Does Karate have a quick way of doing this?
If it was at the top level I could do response.result.length but they are are in the embedded elements of 'test'. I could do this in javascript but just wondering if Karate has a quicker method.
"result": [
"test": [
"id": "x",
"price": "£5.00"
"id": "y",
"price": "£10.00"
"id": "z",
"price": "£10.00"
"id": "a",
"price": "£10.00"
"test": [
"id": "b",
"price": "£5.00"
"id": "c",
"price": "£10.00"
Here you go:
* def ids = $
* assert ids.length == 6
Do take some time to read about JsonPath in the docs.

Filtering out objects from multiple arrays in a JSONB column

I have a JSON structure with two arrays saved in a JSONB column. A bit simplified it looks like this
"prop1": "abc",
"prop2": "xyz",
"items": [
"itemId": "123",
"price": "10.00"
"itemId": "124",
"price": "9.00"
"itemId": "125",
"price": "8.00"
"groups": [
"groupId": "A",
"discount": "20",
"discountId": "1"
"groupId": "B",
"discount": "30",
"discountId": "2"
"groupId": "B",
"discount": "20",
"discountId": "3"
"groupId": "C",
"discount": "40",
"discountId": "4"
data JSONB
Since each row (data column) can be fairly large, I'm trying to filter out matching item objects and group objects from the items and groups arrays.
My current query is this
SELECT * FROM campaign
(data -> 'items' #> '[{"productId": "123"}]') OR
(data -> 'groups' #> '[{"groupId": "B"}]')
which returns rows containing either the matching group or the matching item. However, depending on the row, the data column can be a fairly large JSON object (there may be hundreds of objects in items and tens in groups and I've omitted several keys/properties for brevity in this example) which is affecting query performance (I've added GIN indexes on the items and groups arrays, so missing indices is not why it's slow).
How can I filter out the items and groups arrays to only contain matching elements?
Given this matching row
"prop1": "abc",
"prop2": "xyz",
"items": [
"itemId": "123",
"price": "10.00"
"itemId": "124",
"price": "9.00"
"itemId": "125",
"price": "8.00"
"groups": [
"groupId": "A",
"discount": "20",
"discountId": "1"
"groupId": "B",
"discount": "30",
"discountId": "2"
"groupId": "B",
"discount": "20",
"discountId": "3"
"groupId": "C",
"discount": "40",
"discountId": "4"
I'd like the result to be something like this (the matching item/group could be in different columns from the rest of the data column - doesn't have to be returned in a single JSON object with two arrays like this, but I would prefer it if doesn't affect performance or lead to a really hairy query):
"prop1": "abc",
"prop2": "xyz",
"items": [
"itemId": "123",
"price": "10.00"
"groups": [
"groupId": "B"
"discount": "20",
"discountId": "3"
What I've managed to do so far is unwrap and match an object in the items array using this query, which removes the 'items' array from the data column and filters out the matching item object to a separate column, but I'm struggling to join this with matches in the groups array.
SELECT data - 'items', o.obj
FROM campaign c
CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( #> '{items}') o(obj)
WHERE o.obj ->> 'productId' = '124'
How can I filter both arrays in one query?
Bonus question: For the groups array I also want to return the object with the lowest discount value if possible. Or else the result would need to be an array of matching group objects instead of a single matching group.
Related questions: How to filter jsonb array elements and How to join jsonb array elements in Postgres?
If your postgres version is 12 or more, you can use the jsonpath language and functions. The query below returns the expected result with the subset of items and groups which match the given criteria. Then you can adapt this query within a sql function so that the search criteria is an input parameter.
SELECT jsonb_set(jsonb_set( data
, '{items}'
, jsonb_path_query_array(data, '$.items[*] ? (#.itemId == "123" && #.price == "10.00")'))
, '{groups}'
, jsonb_path_query_array(data, '$.groups[*] ? (#.groupId == "B" && == "20" && #.discountId == "3")'))
"prop1": "abc",
"prop2": "xyz",
"items": [
"itemId": "123",
"price": "10.00"
"itemId": "124",
"price": "9.00"
"itemId": "125",
"price": "8.00"
"groups": [
"groupId": "A",
"discount": "20",
"discountId": "1"
"groupId": "B",
"discount": "30",
"discountId": "2"
"groupId": "B",
"discount": "20",
"discountId": "3"
"groupId": "C",
"discount": "40",
"discountId": "4"
}' :: jsonb) AS d(data)
WHERE jsonb_path_exists(data, '$.items[*] ? (#.itemId == "123" && #.price == "10.00")')
AND jsonb_path_exists(data, '$.groups[*] ? (#.groupId == "B" && == "20" && #.discountId == "3")')

PostgreSQL (v9.6) query that filters JSON array elements by key/value

We have a jsonb column with data of the type:
"basket": {
"total": 6,
"items": [
{ "type": "A", "name": "A", "price": 1 },
{ "type": "A", "name": "B", "price": 2 },
{ "type": "C", "name": "C", "price": 3 },
We need to construct few queries that will filter specific elements of the items[] array for SELECT and SUM.
We have PG v9.6 so using jsonb_path_query_array didn't work.
Using basket->'items' #> '{"type":"A"}' works to find all entries that has type-A.
But how do we get subquery to
select only basket items of type-A
sum of prices of items of type-A
Thank you!
This will select the required items:
select * from jsonb_array_elements('{"basket":
"total": 6,
"items": [
{ "type": "A", "name": "A", "price": 1 },
{ "type": "A", "name": "B", "price": 2 },
{ "type": "C", "name": "C", "price": 3 }
}}'::jsonb#>'{basket,items}') e(it)
where it->>'type' = 'A';
and this the sum of prices:
select sum(cast(it->>'price' as numeric)) from jsonb_array_elements('{"basket":
"total": 6,
"items": [
{ "type": "A", "name": "A", "price": 1 },
{ "type": "A", "name": "B", "price": 2 },
{ "type": "C", "name": "C", "price": 3 }
}}'::jsonb#>'{basket,items}') e(it)
where it->>'type' = 'A';

Mutually exclusive combinations of properties

Using Jsonschema draft 6, I'm trying to create a schema that conforms to the following:
Properties A, B1, B2, and B3 are either numbers or null
If property A is present and non-null, then properties B1, B2, and B3 must be either absent or null
If any of properties B1, B2, and B3 are present and non-null, then property A must be null or absent.
A, B1, B2, and B3 may all be absent
Examples of conforming documents:
{"A": 1}
{"A": 1, "B2": null}
{"B1": 1}
{"B1": 1, "B2": 1, "B3": 1}
{"A": null, "B1": 1, "B2": 1, "B3": 1}
Examples of non-conforming documents:
{"A": 1, "B1": 2}
{"A": 1, "B1": null, "B2": 1}
I've seen some related questions that help but don't fully answer the question:
How to make anyOf a set of mutually exclusive properties except one
Use json-schema to require or disallow properties based on another property value?
jsonSchema attribute conditionally required
How to define choice element in json schema when elements are optional?
How to define a JSON schema that requires at least one of many properties
Here is my current schema, which only enforces constraint #1 and #4:
"$schema": "",
"properties": {
"A": {"oneOf": [{"type": "null"}, {"type": "number"}],
"B1": {"oneOf": [{"type": "null"}, {"type": "number"}],
"B2": {"oneOf": [{"type": "null"}, {"type": "number"}],
"B3": {"oneOf": [{"type": "null"}, {"type": "number"}]
What is the right approach here? Am I asking for something unreasonable?
"$schema": "",
"oneOf": [
"properties": {
"A": {"type": "number"},
"B1": {"type": "null"},
"B2": {"type": "null"},
"B3": {"type": "null"}
"required": ["A"]
"properties": {
"A": {"type": "null"},
"B1": {"type": ["number","null"]},
"B2": {"type": ["number","null"]},
"B3": {"type": ["number","null"]}
"anyOf": [
{"required": ["B1"]},
{"required": ["B2"]},
{"required": ["B3"]}
"properties": {
"A": {"type": "null"},
"B1": {"type": "null"},
"B2": {"type": "null"},
"B3": {"type": "null"}