I'm building a simple form in chakra-ui with a controlled field. Whenever the user types in an input after a single keystroke focus moves to the next field.
I think there's a bug with react re-rendering the page, and the focus being "off by one" but it's a basic form and pretty frustrating! I can't see any google info on the topic but I've noticed this before when doing forms with Chakra.
The code is as simple as this, but I do have some other form elements on the same page.
docs example
const [taskName, setTaskName] = useState('')
const updateTaskName = event => setTaskName(event.target.value)
// autoFocus={false} // no effect
placeholder='short name for task'
// onBlur={evt => sanitizeTaskName(evt.target.value)}
Is there a better way to do this, without bringing in a huge Formik type form library?
I have found the same question in this platform. Based on the accepted answer, I have built a form and made my button disabled.
<v-btn :disabled="!isFormValid">submit</v-btn>
data: () => ({
isFormValid: false,
But, Whenever, I filled an input, the submit button would activated though all other inputs are empty!
So, what is the actual way to keep the button disabled until all the inputs are not empty?
Codepen Demo
You should remove the lazy-validation property. As per the documentation,
If lazy-validation is enabled, value(A boolean value representing the validity of the
form.) will always be true unless there are visible validation
I have two editors on the screen, one read-only. What I want to do is allow the user to select content from the read-only editor and paste it into the current position of the other by clicking a button. (the logic may manipulate the text which is one reason I don't want to use the system's clipboard.)
So far I have the function that is able to paste the text like as follows. (I am using the Angular wrapper which explains the presence of the CKEditorComponent reference.
doPaste(pasteEvent: PasteEvent, editorComponent: CKEditorComponent) {
const editor = editorComponent.editorInstance;
editor.model.change(writer => {
writer.insertText(pasteEvent.text, editor.model.document.selection.getFirstPosition() );
What I can't find from the documentation is how to extract the selected text. What I have so far is:
clickPasteSelectedPlain(editorComponent: CKEditorComponent) {
const editor = editorComponent.editorInstance;
const selection = editor.model.document.selection;
console.log('clickPasteAll selection', selection);
console.log('clickPasteAll selectedcontent', editor.model.document.getSelectedContent);
The selection appears to change depending on what is selected in the editor's view. The getSelectedContent function is undefined. How do I get the content?
With a bit of poking around I figured out how to do this. I'll document it here on the chance that it will help someone down the road avoid the process of discovery that I went through.
On the source document I have a ckeditor element like this:
<div *ngIf="document">
<ckeditor #ckEditor
[editor]="Editor" [config]="ckconfig" [disabled]="true"
<button mat-flat-button (click)="clickPasteSelectedPlain(ckEditor)">Paste Selected Text Plain</button>
In the component the function called on the click event is like this:
#Output() paste = new EventEmitter<PasteEvent>();
clickPasteSelectedPlain(editorComponent: CKEditorComponent) {
const editor = editorComponent.editorInstance;
content: editor.model.getSelectedContent(editor.model.document.selection),
obj: this.document,
quote: false
The PasteEvent is defined as an exported interface which I will omit here to save space. The content key will refer to a DocumentFragment.
Note that I am passing the CKEditorComponent as a parameter. You could also access it via an Angular #ViewChild declaration but note that my ckeditor is inside an *ngIf structure. I think that works well in Angular 6 but in the past I have had difficulty with #ViewChild references when the target was conditionally in the DOM. This method always works but use whatever method you want.
The event fired by the emit is processed with a method that looks like this:
doPaste(pasteEvent: PasteEvent, editorComponent: CKEditorComponent) {
const editor = editorComponent.editorInstance;
Because the content is a DocumentFragment the paste operation will include all formatting and text attributes contained in the selected source. But that's all there is to it.
I'm having trouble force focussing a react native TextInput field.
It's focused when the page loads with autofocus={true}.
But after blurring I would need to press the text input field, but that's hidden because of design reasons. Is there a way to document.getElementById("myText").focus(); in react native that I can call after onBlur()?
You need to assign the TextInput field to a ref like this:
<TextInput ref={ref => (this.ref = ref)} />
Then you can programmatically focus it by running focus() on it, like so:
Here's a little Snack where I run the focus/blur function when pressing a button:
It should be easy to replicate this for your navigation scenario.
In case you're using react-navigation, this is the part of the docs you'll be interested in: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/navigation-prop.html#addlistener-subscribe-to-updates-to-navigation-lifecycle
I have a dropdownlist that is bound to a list in my model. Model.list_IDs
The current page is an "editing" page where a user would inherently change a property of the model by using the dropdownlist.
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => Model.ID, Model.list_IDs, new { style = "width:250px" })
The items within the dropdownlist are not intuitive, so I would like to provide a button, that when clicked, retrieves additional information via a stored procedure (called from the controller via a method called GetDetails)
The button is created through an action link, and I plan to display a partial view (like a focused pop up window) that shows the additional information once the button is clicked.
#Html.ActionLink(" ", "GetDetails", new { id = Model.ID.ToString() }, new { #class = "lnkMagnify16", title = "View Details" })
Obviously Model.ID.ToString() is incorrect, because it will only send the model's current ID, rather than the ID currently selected in the dropdownlist.
How can I change Model.ID.ToString() to represent the dropdownlist's current selected item?
I know there is a way to do this using FormMethod.Post (Get selected item in DropDownList ASP.NET MVC) but I do not want to reload the page with a submit button. I'd also like to avoid "third party" approaches like JavaScript if possible.
JavaScript is not a "third party" approach, and it's also the only way to accomplish what you want here. Whether by a standard form post or via AJAX (JavaScript), you must make a new request to the server to get the new information you want.
Now, since all you're specifically after is a way to dynamically update the the Model.ID value in the link, you can do that without AJAX or a form post, but you still must use JavaScript, since all dynamic behavior client-side originates from JavaScript. Basically, you'd need to bind to the change event of the dropdown and alter the href property of your link.
document.getElementById('ID').addEventListener('change', function () {
var selectedId = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById('AwesomeLink').href = // alter `href` with `selectedId`
However, that link is still going to change the whole view if the user clicks it. If you truly want the user to stay on the page, then you'll need to fetch the response of that link using AJAX and then either add it to the page somehow, whether that be directly or via a modal popup (which will required yet even further JavaScript to achieve). Also, it's not clear how the Model.ID value ends up in the URL, i.e. whether it's part of the path (/some/url/{id}/) or as a query string param (/some/url/?id={id}). If it's the former, I'd recommend switching to the latter, as it will make it much easier to build your URL client-side.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("load", function (response) {
// add response.responseText to the DOM
xhr.open("GET", "/some/url/?id=" + selectedId);
i'm trying to code form where you can navigate inside with a next button ( who will hide the current fieldset and show the next one ) and a previous one ( who will hide the current fieldset and show the previous one ). Those two input have a onclick function that will change the fieldset className to active from inactive depending on which fieldset we are. I want to change the next button input type when the user reach the final fieldset so he can submit, but it seems that it automatically trigger the submit event, which means when the user get to the final fieldset, he cant fill any input because the form will submit automatically.
So here's the code :
//When the last fieldset show
if (fieldset[4].className == "active") {
var next = document.getElementById('next');
Is there something that i should add to stop the submit auto-firing ?
I've tested your code in JSFiddle and it works good. It means there is something that trigger submit. May be you can post whole javascript in that page and then I can check what is the issue.
var next = document.getElementById("next");
next.setAttribute('type', 'submit'); // I prefer using .setAttribute method
<input name="q" value="hello">
<input type="text" id="next">
I think instead of trying to "hack" the existing button and turn it into the submit, you could just have two buttons, one "next" and another one "submit-button" (hidden initially), once the user advances to the final step, you can hide the "next" button and show the "submit-button" button.
It can be something like this:
//When the last fieldset show
if (fieldset[4].className == "active") {
// hide the next button
// show the submit button
And it would be not complex to make these buttons to appear exactly on the same place with css, so the user will not notice the replacement.
There are browsers who do not allow you to change the type for security reasons. So you will often have problems with it. Just switch between two inputs as boris mentioned (or replace it completely). But to answer your question:
You can catch the autosubmit with another on submit event. First on click mark the button with a class or data attribute like "preventSubmit". Within the submit event check if this class or data attribute exists and prevent the submit (f.ex with prevent default()) and remove the class that all wanted submits by users clicks are not stopped.
Why not just add an event to submit the form you are currently on:
if (fieldset[4].className == "active") {
var next = document.getElementById('next');
next.onclick=(function() { document.forms[0].submit(); });
next.className="MySubmit"; // try to style it as a button for better UX