What do you do if you don't want a depth buffer in your render pass sometimes? - vulkan

My question relates to any time when sometimes you're writing to an attachment, but other times you're not. So let's just say that my render pass usually writes to a depth buffer, but in some cases I don't need the depth buffer? As far as I can see there are couple of ways to handle this:
Disable depth buffer writing and attach a dummy image (apparently the dummy image has to be as big as the colour buffer, not sure if this is a waste of memory)
Create a separate render pass that only writes to the colour buffer.
In my case I want to treat the colour writing, depth writing and picking writing as separate things. Is it better to use dummy images or to have three render passes (colour, colour-depth, colour-depth-picking)? How does this apply generally? I'm guessing in the future there may be extra attachments that I may want to switch on/off.
Edit: Can you have a render pass that writes to 3 attachments, but only have 1 attachment in the framebuffer if you disable certain attachments? I'm guessing not as I've been told that you need to have images attached to each one of size at least the size of the biggest one, or the size of the framebuffer.


Rendering small text with Vulkan?

A font rendering library (like say freetype) provides a function that will take an outline font file (like a .ttf) and a character code and produce a bitmap of the corresponding glyph in host memory.
For small text (like say up to 30x30 pixel glyphs) what's the most efficient way to render those glyphs to a Vulkan framebuffer?
Some options I've though about might be:
Render the glyphs with the font rendering library every time on demand, blit them with host code to a single host-side image holding a whole "text box", transfer the host-side image of the text box to a device local image, and then render a quad (like a normal image) using fragment shader / image sampler from the text box to be drawn.
At program startup cycle through all the glyphs host side, render them to glyph bitmaps. Do the same as 1 but blit from the cached glyph bitmaps (takes about 1 MB host memory).
Cache the glyph bitmaps individually into device local images. Rather than bitting host-side, render a quad for each glyph device-side and set the image sampler to the corresponding glyph each time. (Not sure how the draw calls would work? One draw call per glyph with a different combined image sampler every time?)
Cache all the glyph bitmaps into one large device-side image (layed out in a big grid say). Use a single device-side combined image sampler, and push params to describe the subregion that contains the glyph image. One draw call per glyph, updating push params each time.
Like 4 but use a single instanced draw call, and rather than push params use instance-varying input attributes.
Something else?
I mean like, how do common game engines like Unreal or Unity or Godot etc solve this problem? Is there a typical approach or best practice?
First, some considerations:
Rasterizing a glyph at around 30px with freetype might take on the order of 10μs. This is a very small one-time cost, but rendering e.g. 100 glyphs every frame would seriously eat into your frame budget (if we assume the math is as simple as 100 * 10μs == 1ms).
State changes (like descriptor updates) are relatively expensive. Changing the bound descriptor for each character you render has non-negligible cost. This could be limited by batching character draws (draw all the As, then the Bs, etc), but using push constants is typically the fastest.
Instanced drawing with small meshes (such as quads or single triangles) can be very slow on some GPUs, as they will not schedule multiple instances on a single wavefront/warp. If you're rendering a quad with 6 vertices, and a single execution unit can process 64 vertices, you may end up wasting 58/64 = 90.6% of available vertex shading capacity.
This suggests 4 is your best option (although 5 is likely comparable); you can further optimize that approach by caching the results of the draw calls. Imagine you have some menu text:
The first frame it is needed, render all the text to an intermediate image.
Each frame it is needed, make a single draw call textured with the intermediate image. (You could also blit the text if you don't need transparency.)

3 vs 2 VkSwapchain images?

So a Vulkan swapchain basically has a pool of images, user-defined in number, that it allocates when it is created, and images from the pool cycle like this:
1. An unused image is acquired by the program from the swapchain
2. The image is rendered by the program
3. The image is delivered for presentation to the surface.
4. The image is returned to the pool.
Given that, of what advantage is having 3 images in the swapchain rather than 2?
(I'm asking because I received a BestPractice validation complaint that I was using 2 rather than 3.)
With 2 images, isn't it the case that one will be being presented (3.) while the other is rendered (2.), and then they alternate those roles back and forth?
With 3 images, isn't it the case that one of the three will be idle? Particularly if the loop is locked to the refresh rate anyway?
I'm probably missing something.
So what happens if one image is being presented, one has finished being rendered to by the GPU, and you have some work to render for later presentation? Well, if you're rendering to a swapchain image, that GPU work cannot start until image 0 has finished being presented.
Double buffering will therefore lead to stalling the GPU if the time to present a frame is greater than the time to render a frame. Yes, triple buffering will do the same if the render time consistently is shorter than the present time, but your frame time is right on the edge of the present time, then double buffering has a greater chance of wasting GPU time.
Of course, the downside is latency; triple buffering means that the image you display will be seen one frame later than double buffering.

Rendering multiple objects with different textures, vertex buffers, and uniform values in Vulkan

My background is in OpenGL and I'm attempting to learn Vulkan. I'm having a little trouble with setting up a class so I can render multiple objects with different textures, vertex buffers, and UBO values. I've run into an issue where two of my images are drawn, but they flicker and alternate. I'm thinking it must be due to presenting the image after the draw call. Is there a way to delay presentation of an image? Or merge different images together before presenting? My code can be found here, I'm hoping it is enough for someone to get an idea of what I'm trying to do: https://gitlab.com/cwink/Ingin/blob/master/ingin.cpp
You call render twice per frame. And render calls vkQueuePresentKHR, so obviously the two renderings of yours alternate.
You can delay presentation simply by delaying vkQueuePresentKHR call. Let's say you want to show each image for ~1 s. You can simply std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds(1)); after each render call. (Possibly not the bestest way to do it, but just to get the idea where your problem lies.)
vkQueuePresentKHR does not do any kind of "merging" for you. Typically you "merge images" by simply drawing them into the same swapchain VkImage in the first place, and then present it once.

Vulkan update descriptor every frame

I want to render my scene to a texture and then use that texture in shader so I created a frambuffer using imageview and recorded a command buffer for that. I successfully uploaded and executed the command buffer on gpu but the descriptor of imageview is black. I'm creating a descriptor from the imageview before rendering loop. Is it black because I create it before anything is rendered to framebuffer? If so I will have to update the descriptor every frame. Will I have to create a new descriptor from imageview every frame? Or is there another way I can do this?
I have read other thread on this title. Don't mark this as duplicate cause that thread is about textures and this is texture from a imageview.
#IAS0601 I will answer questions from Your comment through an answer, as it allows for much longer text to be written, and its formatting is much better. I hope this also answers Your original question, but You don't have to treat like the answer. As I wrote, I'm not sure what You are asking about.
1) In practically all cases, GPU accesses images through image views. They specify additional parameters which define how image is accessed (like for example which part of the image is accessed), but still it is the original image that gets accessed. Image view, as name suggests, is just a view, list of access parameters. It doesn't have any memory bound to it, it doesn't contain any data (apart from the parameters specified during image view creation).
So when You create a framebuffer and render into it, You render into original images or, to be more specific, to those parts of original images which were specified in image views. For example, You have a 2D texture with 3 array layers. You create a 2D image view for the middle (second) layer. Then You use this image view during framebuffer creation. And now when You render into this framebuffer, in fact You are rendering into the second layer of the original 2D texture array.
Another thing - when You later access the same image, and when You use the same image view, You still access the original image. If You rendered something into the image, then You will get the updated data (provided You have done everything correctly, like perform appropriate synchronization operations, layout transition if necessary etc.). I hope this is what You mean by updating image view.
2) I'm not sure what You mean by updating descriptor set. In Vulkan when we update a descriptor set, this means that we specify handles of Vulkan resources that should be used through given descriptor set.
If I understand You correctly - You want to render something into an image. You create an image view for that image and provide that image view during framebuffer creation. Then You render something into that framebuffer. Now You want to read data from that image. You have two options. If You want to access only one sample location that is associated with fragment shader's location, You can do this through an input attachment in the next subpass of the same render pass. But this way You can only perform operations which don't require access to multiple texels, for example a color correction.
But if You want to do something more advanced, like blurring or shadow mapping, if You need access to several texels, You must end a render pass and start another one. In this second render pass, You can read data from the original image through a descriptor set. It doesn't matter when this descriptor set was created and updated (when the handle of image view was specified). If You don't change the handles of resources - meaning, if You don't create a new image or a new image view, You can use the same descriptor set and You will access the data rendered in the first render pass.
If You have problems accessing the data, for example (as You wrote) You get only black colors, this suggests You didn't perform everything correctly - render pass load or store ops are incorrect, or initial and final layouts are incorrect. Or synchronization isn't performed correctly. Unfortunately, without access to Your project, we can't be sure what is wrong.

Vulkan: Framebuffer larger than Image dimensions

This question primarily relates to the dimension parameters (width, height, and layers) in the structure VkFramebufferCreateInfo.
The actual question:
In the case that one or more of the VkImageViews, used in creating a VkFrameBuffer, has dimensions that are larger than those specified in the VkFramebufferCreateInfo used to create the VkFrameBuffer, how does one control which part of that VkImageView is used during a render pass instance?
Alternatively worded question:
I am basically asking in the case that the image is larger (not the same dimensions) than the framebuffer, what defines which part of the image is used (read/write)?
Some Details:
The specification states this is a valid situation (I have seen many people state the attachments used by a framebuffer must match the dimensions of the framebuffer itself, but I can't find support for this in the specification):
Each element of pAttachments must have dimensions at least as large as the corresponding framebuffer dimension.
I want to be clear, that I understand that if I just wanted to draw to part of an image I can use a framebuffer that has the same dimensions as the image, and use viewports and scissors. But scissors and viewports are defined relative to the framebuffer's (0,0) as far as I can tell from the spec, although it is not clear to me.
I'm asking this question to help my understand of the framebuffer as I am certain I have misunderstood something. I feel it may well be the case that (x,y) in framebuffer space, is always (x,y) in image space (As in there is no way of controlling which part of the VkImageView is used).
I have been stuck on this for quite sometime (~4 days), and have tried both the Vulkan: Cookbook and the Vulkan Programming Guide, and read most of the specification, and searched online.
If the question needs clarification, please ask. I just didn't want to make it overly long.
Thank you for reading.
There isn't a way to control which part of the image is used by the framebuffer when the framebuffer is smaller than the image. The framebuffer origin always maps to the image origin.
Allowing attachments to be larger than the framebuffer is only meant to allow reusing memory/images/views for several purposes in a frame even when they don't all need the same dimensions. The typical example is reusing a depth buffer (but not it's contents) for several different render passes. You could accomplish the same thing with memory aliasing, but engines that have to support multiple APIs might find it easier to do it this way.
The way to control where you render to is by controlling the viewport. That is, you specify a framebuffer size that's actually big enough to cover the total area of the target images that you may want to render to, and use the viewport transform/scissoring to render to a specific area of those images.
There is no post-viewport transformation that goes from framebuffer space to image space. That would be decidedly redundant, since we already have a post-NDC transform. There's no point in having two of them.
Sure, VkRenderPassBeginInfo has the renderArea object, but that is more of a promise from the user rather than a guarantee for the system:
The application must ensure (using scissor if necessary) that all rendering is contained within the render area, otherwise the pixels outside of the render area become undefined and shader side effects may occur for fragments outside the render area.
So basically, the implementation doesn't do anything with renderArea. It doesn't set up a transformation or anything; you're just promising that no framebuffer pixels outside of that area will be impacted.
In any case, there's really little point to providing a framebuffer size that's smaller than the images sizes. That sort of thing is more the perview of the renderArea than the framebuffer specification.