After upgrading to Kotlin 1.7.0 i start to receive this error:
Overload resolution ambiguity:
public final fun remove(p0:Property!): Boolean defined in
public open fun remove(element: Property!): Boolean defined in
In this piece of code
if (<DtEnd>("DTEND") != null) {<DtEnd>("DTEND"))
How can i disambiguate this?
I have some problems when trying to migrate my java methods to project with kotlin. I have a method with next signature:
public static RetryTemplate getRetryTemplate(long initialInterval, int maxAttempts, Class<? extends Throwable> throwable) { .... }
or in Kotlin:
fun getRetryTemplate(initialInterval: Long, maxAttempts: Int, throwable: Class<out Throwable>): RetryTemplate? {
When I'm trying to call this method in Kotlin code I get a compiler issue - Local final class no name provided (see screenshot)
RetryUtils.getRetryTemplate(5000, 3, Exception.class)
How to fix it?
It is required to use
why Intellij not recommended this solution?
The code below fails to compile due to the red underlined check
screenshot added for the lambda parameter types, code:
handledExceptions.forEach { exceptionClass ->
exceptionClassToHandler.compute( { clazz, existingHandler ->
check(null == existingHandler) { "There's already a handler registered for ${}" }
{ e: Throwable -> handlerMethod.invoke(bean, }
For which it claims
None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied:
[ERROR] public inline fun check(value: Boolean): Unit defined in kotlin
[ERROR] public inline fun check(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> Any): Unit defined in kotlin
Code compiles fine if I comment out the check.
(or replace it with
if(existingHandler != null){
throw IllegalStateException("There's already a handler registered for ${}")
I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Why doesn't the check compile and how do I get it to?
To sum up the question in a few words, here is the catch:
The also(strings::add) doesn't work, it says Type inference failed
fun test() = "Test String"
val strings = mutableListOf<String>()
// Type inference failed: inline fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T cannot be applied to receiver: String arguments: (<unknown>)
// None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied: public abstract fun add(index: Int, element: String): Unit defined in kotlin.collections.MutableList public abstract fun add(element: String): Boolean defined in kotlin.collections.MutableList
test().also(strings::add).let { /* Use the string later */ }
While doing the same with let does work in the same place:
val strings = mutableListOf<String>()
test().let(strings::add).let { println(it) } // prints true, no compile errors.
Here is the minimal reproducable code.
I want to use the string later so don't want to use let here. What should I do? If i try to use the apply the same compile error occur probably because both also and apply have same callback signature of KFunction1<T, T>. How should one pass these type of references with also/apply?
override fun add(element: E): Boolean as you can see, the function returns Boolean, but apply accepts block: T.() -> Unit, i.e. it accepts only functions that receive a single argument and return no value.
Having a java class, using androidStudio to translate to kotlin.
Got a error and not sure how to correctly translate it.
The java code:
public class BaseDataImpl extends BaseData {
private final BaseData[] translators;
public BaseDataImpl(final BaseData... translators) {
this.translators = cloneArray(translators);
public static <T> T[] cloneArray(final T[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
after the code translation, got error: required Array<BaseData>?, found Array<out BaseData>, but the translators in the cloneArray<BaseData>(translators) call is defined as val translators: Array<BaseData>?,
anyone could help to explain?
class BaseDataImpl(vararg translators: BaseData) : BaseData() {
private val translators: Array<BaseData>?
init {
this.translators = cloneArray<BaseData>(translators) //<=== error: required Array<BaseData>?, found Array<out BaseData>
companion object {
fun <T> cloneArray(array: Array<T>?): Array<T>? {
return array?.clone()
It is written in the Kotlin function reference regarding varargs:
Inside a function a vararg-parameter of type T is visible as an array of T, i.e. the ts variable in the example above has type Array<out T>.
where the referenced function was:
function <T> asList(vararg ts: T): List<T>
So in your case you actually pass an Array<out BaseData> but you only accept an array of type Array<T>? (in your case Array<BaseData>). Either you adapt all of the types to Array<out T> (which basically is similar as saying List<? extends BaseData> in Java) or you take care that you are only dealing with Ts instead, e.g. with:
inline fun <reified T> cloneArray(array: Array<out T>?): Array<T>? {
return array?.clone()?.map { it }?.toTypedArray()
But look up the documentation regarding this: Kotlin generics reference - type projections. You probably can accomplish this even easier.
I'm trying to implement in Kotlin an MyIntList extending java.util.AbstractList<Int>. AbstractList<E> defines both a E remove(int index) and a boolean remove(Object o). I use the following code:
class IntList() : AbstractList<Int>() {
override fun remove(index: Int): Int {
but this gives an error: return type of 'remove' is not a subtype of the return type of the overridden member 'public open fun remove(element: kotlin.Int!): kotlin.Boolean defined in java.util.AbstractList'
override fun remove(index: Int): Int {
How do I tell Kotlin that I'm trying to override E remove(int index)? (And where does it get that remove(Int):Boolean overload from?)
Turns out that very last sentence was the clue. There is some compiler shenanigans going on in that it thinks I'm implementing MutableList<Int>. And MutableList<E> defines a removeAt(element: E): Boolean which silently compiles into a remove method, changing the name. When I override removeAt everything works.