How to treat a float as an integer bit level in AssemblyScript - assemblyscript

I need to implement some C code blow:
float number = 1.5f
long i = * ( long * ) &number;
It is not about to convert the value from float into integer.
This data need to be modified bit level.

Just use reinterpret built-in function:
let num32: f32 = 1.5
let num64: f64 = 2.5
let uint32 = reinterpret<u32>(num32);
// uint32 <- 0x3fc00000
let uint64 = reinterpret<u64>(num64);
// uint64 <- 0x4004000000000000


Example for length-prefix framing for protocol buffers

I'm currently working on an protocol buffer system for transporting large messages up to 6 Mb. My concern is that I misinterpreted the following post ( . My idea of that post is:
message GeometryInTime
uint32 vecLength = 1;
message Vector3d
optional double x = 1;
optional double y = 2;
optional double z = 3;
uint32 timeStampLength = 1;
message Timestamp
optional int64 seconds = 1;
optional uint32 nanos = 2;
Is that a valid implementation for the length prefixed system valid? Does it work for repeated fields? Does the length get the serialized length or unserialized ( I'm confusing myself with that )? Does this work for partial message deserialization?
message Vector3d
optional double x = 1;
optional double y = 2;
optional double z = 3;
message Timestamp
optional int64 seconds = 1;
optional uint32 nanos = 2;
message GeometryInTime
uint32 vecLength = 1;
optional Vector3d vector = 2;
uint32 timeStampLength = 3;
optional Timestamp timestamp = 4;
An embedded message is just a definition, not a usage. Right now GeometryInTime contains only the lengths.
In terms of embedding sub-messages: there are two formats: length-prefixed and grouped (start/end token, this option is basically deprecated now). When using length-prefixed, the library deals with everything - the length will always be "varint" encoded.
The only time custom length prefix approaches is relevant is for the root message - as part of a framing protocol. In that scenario, the library has nothing to do with it, so no amount of changes to the message will make any difference: you need to handle the frame data (length prefix etc in whatever format) outside of the serializer.

Converting Byte to UInt8 (Swift 3)

I have the following code written in Objective-C:
int port2 = SERVER_DEVICE_PORT>>8;
Byte port1Byte[1] = {port1};
Byte port2Byte[1] = {port2};
NSData *port1Data = [[NSData alloc]initWithBytes: port1Byte length: sizeof(port1Byte)];
NSData *port2Data = [[NSData alloc]initWithBytes: port2Byte length: sizeof(port2Byte)];
I have converted it to Swift 3 like so:
let port1: Int = Int(SERVER_DEVICE_PORT)
let port2: Int = Int(SERVER_DEVICE_PORT) >> 8
let port1Bytes: [UInt8] = [UInt8(port1)]
let port2Bytes: [UInt8] = [UInt8(port2)]
let port1Data = NSData(bytes: port1Bytes, length: port1)
let port2Data = NSData(bytes: port2Bytes, length: port2)
However, with this code I am receiving the following error:
How can this be fixed?
The easiest way in Swift 3 to get the two lowest bytes from a 32 bit value is
var SERVER_DEVICE_PORT : Int32 = 55056
let data = Data(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &SERVER_DEVICE_PORT, count: 1))
// or let data = Data(bytes: &SERVER_DEVICE_PORT, count: 2)
let port1Data = data[0]
let port2Data = data[1]
print(port1Data, port2Data)
This results UInt8 values, to get Data use
let port1Data = Data([data[0]])
let port2Data = Data([data[1]])
If – for some reason – the 32bit value is big endian (most significant byte in the smallest address) then port1Data = data[3] and port2Data = data[2].

What is the canonical way to create network packets in Objective C?

Coming from python I could do something like this.
values = (1, 'ab', 2.7)
s = struct.Struct('I 2s f')
packet = s.pack(*values)
I can pack together arbitrary types together very simply with python. What is the standard way to do it in Objective C?
Using a C struct is the normal approach. For example:
typedef struct {
int a;
char foo[2];
float b;
} MyPacket;
Would define a type for an int, 2 characters and a float. You can then interpret those bytes as a byte array for writing:
MyPacket p = {.a = 2, .b = 2.7};[0] = 'a';[1] = 'b';
char *toWrite = (char *)&p; // a buffer of size sizeof(p)
Not very clear a question, but maybe you're looking for a (packed struct)?
__attribute__((packed)) struct NetworkPacket {
int integer;
char character;

Convert float to int in Objective-C

How can I convert a float to int while rounding up to the next integer? For example, 1.00001 would go to 2 and 1.9999 would go to 2.
float myFloat = 3.333
// for nearest integer rounded up (3.333 -> 4):
int result = (int)ceilf(myFloat );
// for nearest integer (3.4999 -> 3, 3.5 -> 4):
int result = (int)roundf(myFloat );
// for nearest integer rounded down (3.999 -> 3):
int result = (int)floor(myFloat);
// For just an integer value (for which you don't care about accuracy)
int result = (int)myFloat;
Use ceil function:
int intValue = (int)ceil(yourValue);
You can use following C methods to get the int values from different dataTypes.
extern float ceilf(float);
extern double ceil(double);
extern long double ceill(long double);
These functions return float, double and long double respectively. But the job of these function is to get ceil of or floor of the argument. As in
Then you can cast the return value to desired type like.
int intVariable = (int)ceilf(floatValueToConvert);
Hope it is helpful.
if we have float value like 13.123 to convert it into integer like 13
float floatnumber=13.123; //you can also use CGFloat instead of float
NSLog(#"%.f",floatnumber); // use for print in command prompt

Conversion System::Uint^ to unsigned long

I have a function which takes pointer value as argument in my C Static Library.
Now I am writing C/CLI wrapper on it which in turn will be used in C# code.
long function_C( PULONG pulsize, PULONG pulcount );
Wrapper Function C++/CLI
long function_Managed( System::Uint^ size, System::Uint^ pulcount );
I am calling function_C function from function_Managed.Now I facing problem to convert System::Uint^ PULONG.
My Query is
1. is this correct do this.
2. If this is correct than how to convert System::Uint^ to PULONG
long function_C(PULONG pulsize, PULONG pulcount);
int function_Managed(unsigned% size, unsigned% count)
unsigned long lsize = size, lcount = count;
long const ret = function_C(&lsize, &lcount);
size = lsize, count = lcount;
return ret;
To C# code, function_Managed will have this signature:
int function_Managed(ref uint size, ref uint count)
See here for more info. Summarized below:
unsigned int k = *safe_cast<System::UInt^>(x);