Running Vue.JS on CodePen - vue.js

I have a complete Vue.JS project (UI only) on my machine. I need to deploy it on CodePen. I have uploaded all the files as a CodPen Project.
How do I execute it to view the output?


How do I install the library I created in the example project using react-native-builder-bob?

I'm trying to build a component library for react-native.
I'm using a library called react-native-builder-bob since I figured out it was the most convenient way to do so.
The project is setup, I built a dummy button as a matter of test.
I've got the example project running.
Now I'm trying to figure out how to install the dummy button I'm building in the example project.
Here's the scripts :
Running yarn run prepare generates the lib folder :
What would be the next step(s)?
(Or is there a more convenient way to build react-native libraries?)

how to enable hot reload in newly created vue js project?

I am new to Vuejs. I have created a Vuejs project, but I have to re-run the project each time to reflect the changes in browser. The project is created by(default vue 3)
vue create projectname
Look into VITE. It's made by the same guy who made vuejs. It does what you're asking about with Hot module replacement (changes made show up instantly in the browser). It's amazing. I'm not sure if you can update an existing project to use vite, but it's dead easy to start a new vue3 project with vite.

How should generated code on Nuxt universal mode look like?

I have a more general question about nuxt, universal deployment mode and the code that comes as a result.
I have a nuxt application, deployed through npm run build and npm run start (universal mode) and when the CI/CD pipeline is finished and the code is successfully deployed, I go and see the code that is generated by nuxt.
As a reference, here is my link: view-source:
Is this how the source code is supposed to look in universal mode? Shouldn't I be able to see the HTML markup and stuff?
Thank you for your help in advance.

Publish website in GitHub Pages results in black screen. Is NPM the issue?

I have a webpage that comprises a three.js scene with a dat.gui menu and using OrbitControls. The libraries are imported via NPM.
It loads fine locally, but when I publish the project to GitHub Pages, I get a black screen in the browser.
Is the problem coming from the fact that I'm using NPM?
What is the solution?
Nevermind. It was something else completely unrelated. Didn't realize that I had to bundle my JS files before publishing online.

Minify all JavaScript Files in the Sencha App

I have a Sencha Application which contains Models, Controllers, Views etc. I need to minify all models, views, controllers, app Javascript file into a single JavaScript file. Any recommendation of tools on a Mac.
Sencha Cmd has an inbuilt function for this. Open up your command prompt, change into the root directory of your project and run:
sencha app build production
And it will generate a minified version of your app in YourApp/build/production/YourApp.
The answer is indeed sencha app build production
For a step by step here is an excellent blog post from Sencha
Its a three part blog post, you'll have fun following it, and in the third part it does make a build for production.
Here is a demo of how fast loads when is production build.
best regards