Does Apache ActiveMQ support Windows Server 2022? - activemq

I want to install ActiveMQ on Windows Server 2022 for my production. Does ActiveMQ support Windows Server 2022?

Apache ActiveMQ is a Java application so as long as your platform has a Java Virtual Machine (i.e. JVM) then it can run Apache ActiveMQ. The latest versions of Apache ActiveMQ require Java 11 although there are still fairly recent versions that support Java 8. Download links are:
ActiveMQ "Classic"
ActiveMQ Artemis


How to enable/install HTTP/2 on Virtualmin in CentOS7

I have Virtualmin installed on my CentOS7 server and few websites are currently running on this server. There's no separate Apache installation because it is using Virtualmin. However I need to install / enable HTTP/2 on my server but current resources on the internet are not helpful enough to learn how to do this since I have a Virtualmin installation on which few sites are hosted. How can I do this?
HTTP/2 support was only added with Apache 2.4.17, therefore the only way to make it work on CentOS 7 is to rebuild it manually. OpenSSL version 1.0.2 is already available with CentOS 7 though.
Perhaps the easiest way would be is to upgrade to the distro that already ships needed version of Apache.
I cannot recommend CentOS 8 due to recent events, however Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Debian 10 are both supported with Virtualmin and have latest versions of Apache. In the future we will support any 1:1 compatible forks/clones of RHEL; recently we fixed RHEL 8 support as well and CentOS 8 Stream is also supported.

Redis cluster support on various platforms

Are there any issues in setting up Redis cluster on various platforms like windows , Mac or Solaris. Currently Redis website says there is support for these platforms but I just want to know is there any caveat in cluster deployment on these?
Redis cluster (i.e. v3) should be runnable on all supported platforms (i.e. *nix). The Windows version is not an official port but the last time I checked (now) it was still at v2.8 so I don't see how you could use the cluster with it.
The MSOpenTech windows port of Redis has released a beta version 3.0 supporting Redis cluster:

Can standard Apache ActiveMQ run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)?

Does RHEL require the use of RedHat JBoss A-MQ or can standard AMQ run on RHEL?
There is nothing in the RHEL license that requires you to use their solutions. We use ActiveMQ on RHEL in production all of the time.

Fuse vs Switchyard

I need to know what is the difference between Jboss Fuse and Switchyard. Switchyard website says it will be replacing Jboss ESB. This brings the question what is the difference between FUSE and Switchyard where both will work as ESB
Switchyard is actually at the top of "JBoss Fuse Service Works" (which is the new "JBoss SOA Plattform") as a framework for service-oriented applications.
Fuse provides Camel as the framework for integration that use the enterprise integration patterns (EIP), but doesn't offers the features like a SOA Plattform (like service registry or UDDI ...).
They are both ESBs but for different use case; one is for SOA and the other is for integration, and they're also based on different containers; Fuse Service Works has the JBoss EAP as container, an J2EE spec, and FUse is based on Karaf container, an OSGi 'spec'.
I hope i've helped you.
Jboss released a new version of Fuse by integrating with Switchyard and several other Apache related framework, refer them in this link. Switchyard is a Composite framework, Where in you can do lot many integrations such as file poller, http,soap, webservice, BPEL ,BPM and Java Beans etc.
Jboss says you can work with EAP 6.4 server in order to work on Jboss Fuse(Switchyard) related things,but vanilla installation of EAP 6.4 server wont detect Switchyard applications through JBDS. You want to install JBoss Fuse over your EAP server. Refer link here to know more details regards to that.

Unable to jstat WebSphere Application Server PID

I've spent the entire day trying to find relevant resources about doing jstat on the WebSphere Process ID. I have WebSphere Application Server 7.0 installed on Windows 2003.
I did this command:
jstat -gcutil [PID] 1000
But I kept getting "[PID] not found" message.
Any idea how to resolve this issue? Or Java's jstat utility does not probe into IBM's derivative JVM?
Sun jstat does not work with the IBM JVM. The equivalent method for IBM JVMs is to utilize the Java Health Center.