Unable to jstat WebSphere Application Server PID - jvm

I've spent the entire day trying to find relevant resources about doing jstat on the WebSphere Process ID. I have WebSphere Application Server 7.0 installed on Windows 2003.
I did this command:
jstat -gcutil [PID] 1000
But I kept getting "[PID] not found" message.
Any idea how to resolve this issue? Or Java's jstat utility does not probe into IBM's derivative JVM?

Sun jstat does not work with the IBM JVM. The equivalent method for IBM JVMs is to utilize the Java Health Center.


How can I improve Java application load / startup/ boot time on Websphere 8.5?

I need a solution to bring up java applications on IBM Websphere faster. I looked up material on IBM website. The suggested jvm flag -XQuickStart but that flag seems to emulate -client so won't be useful in production.
What are the other ways that in which on can improve/lower boot times for applications deployed via ear files on Websphere 8.5? Please consider both JDK 7 and 8 when giving suggestions.

How to develop with WebSphere 8.5 traditional on OS X

Does anyone have any idea how this can be done?
It's my understanding that WebSphere 8.5 traditional is not compatible or will not run on OSX. I am looking for solutions for developers to develop with a WebSphere 8.5 traditional server locally.
Could we setup some servers on a windows machine so they can be used remotely during development?
I downloaded the Eclipse plugin but it gives me the warning saying OS X is not compatible with WebSphere traditional and to give it a remote server address. I tried to point eclipse to a server on a windows PC but it still wants a runtime installation directory.
I found a single thread on WASDev with a similar question talking about runtime stubs with a dead link.
I tried using a liberty server but I get nothing but null pointer exceptions and JMX errors, I don't think this is a valid alternative in my corporate environment.
For developing against WebSphere traditional on OSX, you could try Docker! We've published developer edition versions of and, see:
The Dockerfiles used to produce these images are here, should you want to try building your own instead:
However, your question is more specific to getting the tools working.
The last I read (and I'll try to confirm/update the answer when I do find it), is that the stubs are part of the full product install for RAD (selectable via Installation Manager).
You're correct that traditional WAS doesn't run on OSX. Remote servers are an option but traditional WAS is considered by some developers to be heavy and slow to restart, so your developers might appreciate something local and more nimble. Liberty is supposed to run on OSX, and things that run on Liberty -usually- will run on traditional, so getting to the bottom of your Liberty problems might be useful. If you haven't already, posting your question on WASDev might reach someone that has a better answer than this one.

High Memory usage by Java (TM) Platform SE binary

We are noticing that IBM MobileFirst Server is using High Memory by Java TM Platform SE binary process, after 2 3 days of server start it reach up to 6 GB which cause the server in hang status, then only restart is the solution.
in logs we found below message:
"No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): connect"
Enviornment: IBm Worklight Server 7.1 and java version is 1.7 64 bit on windows server 2012. hybrid Mobile application running on this server.
It seems that there might be some configuration required can any one advice ?
Lots of information missing... this can be caused by any number of reasons.
Are you in a cluster? if yes, how many servers? how much memory is available to each machine?
How many adapters do you have deployed? What is the value you gave to the serverSessionTimeout property? This for example can cause connections to stay open for a longer time, meaning the server will not "clean/remove" connections... and the more you have open, the more memory you will require.
all of these and more can contribute to how much memory you may need.
See also: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21690707
It mentions DB2, but the idea is - the more connections, the more memory you will need.

IBM WAS 8.0 to 8.5.5 migration

I am asked to upgrade IBM WebSphere application server 8.0 to 8.5.5 on linux environment. Could you please give me a step by step guide for this migration?
The simplest method (assuming your WebSphere instances have enough spare CPU/disk/etc) is to build a second WebSphere cell at the new level and migrate applications across one at a time. Access to the application servers should be controlled by either a web server (using the WAS plugin) or an IP sprayer product and which version of app server used should be controlled in that layer. Updating in place has many pitfalls and can be difficult to recover from if something goes wrong which can lead to extended down time for your applications.

SIP servlet container

Does GlassFish 4.0 server act as a SIP servlet container? I googled but could not find a answer. It may be obvious but I could not figure it out. I am new to Java EE.
I have got a legacy prototype implementation to work with. It uses Java SIP servlet. It's a Netbeans project. It does not have any setup documentation. So I don't know which server I should use.
I installed Netbeans IDE 8.0 with Java EE 7 and GlassFish server 4.0. I thought I would start learning to use SIP servlet by following Oracle's SIP Servlet Tutorial. In that tutorial, "Communication Server" is recommended in "Required Software" section. When I googled to download this, I found Oracle Communications Converged Application Server which was not free.
I'm not sure if you can use GlassFish for SIP servlets, I'm not aware of any implementation working with it. But you can use Mobicents, built on top of Tomcat or JBoss.