Combine Kotlin Unit flows without transform function - kotlin

I have currently two SharedFlows that I need to combine to do something, but I don't really need the result from the transformation function, I only want to know if both "events" started yet. While implementing this I get this useless bracket body:
flow1, // SharedFlow<Unit>
flow2, // SharedFlow<Unit>
) { _, _ ->
// Useless function body
}.onEach {
// Do some work
Is there a way I can do this more cleanly without the need for the transform function?

You can "Do some work" in "Useless function body" instead of onEach:
flow1, // SharedFlow<Unit>
flow2, // SharedFlow<Unit>
) { _, _ ->
// Do some work


How iterate until the condition is met using kotlin and functional programming?

I'm using an API that returns a text like this:
I have to continue fetching until I get a response that is not "Canceled".
this code fetches the data:
val flightResponse = async {
println("Started fetching Flight info.")
client.get<String>(FLIGHT_ENDPOINT).also {
println("Finished fetching Flight info.")
the client.get can only be called within The coroutineScope body, also the flightResponse type is Deferred<String>.
check if it is canceled:
fun isCanceled(
flightResponse: String
) : Boolean {
val (_, _, _, status, _) = flightResponse.split(",")
return status == "Canceled"
how can I repeat client.get<String>(FLIGHT_ENDPOINT) until my condition is met using Functional Programming style?
I tried using takeIf but I have to get at least one result and it cannot be a nullable type.
As said in the comment by #Jorn, this looks like an overuse of functional style. It can be implemented by a simple loop and this way it will be probably more clear to the reader:
fun getNextNotCancelled() {
while (true) {
val response = client.get<String>(FLIGHT_ENDPOINT)
if (!isCanceled(response)) return response
If your real case is more complex, so you have several filters, etc. or for any other reason you really need to do this declaratively, then you need to create some kind of an infinite generator. For classic synchronous code that means sequence and for asynchronous - flow.
Example using a sequence:
generateSequence { client.get<String>(FLIGHT_ENDPOINT) }
.first { !isCanceled(it) }
flow {
while (true) {
}.first { !isCanceled(it) }
As you said you use coroutines, I assume you would like to go for the latter. And as you can see, it is pretty similar to our initial loop-based approach, only more complicated. Of course, we can create a similar generateFlow() utility function and then it would be shorter.

Rust: Read and map lines from stdin and handling different error types

I'm learning Rust and trying to solve some basic algorithm problems with it. In many cases, I want to read lines from stdin, perform some transformation on each line and return a vector of resulting items. One way I did this was like this:
// Fully working Rust code
let my_values: Vec<u32> = stdin
.map(|line| line.parse::<u32>())
.map(|x|x*2) // For example
This works but of course silently ignores any errors that may occur. Now what I woud like to do is something along the lines of:
// Pseudo-ish code
let my_values: Result<Vec<u32>, X> = stdin
.lines() // Can cause std::io::Error
.map(|line| line.parse::<u32>()) // Can cause std::num::ParseIntError
.map(|x| x*2)
Where X is some kind of error type that I can match on afterwards. Preferably I want to perform the whole operation on one line at a time and immediately discard the string data after it has been parsed to an int.
I think I need to create some kind of Enum type to hold the various possible errors, possibly like this:
enum InputError {
However, I don't quite understand how to put everything together to make it clean and avoid having to explicitly match and cast everywhere. Also, is there some way to automatically create these enum error types or do I have to explicilty enumerate them every time I do this?
You're on the right track.
The way I'd approach this is by using the enum you've defined,
then add implementations of From for the error types you're interested in.
That will allow you to use the ? operator on your maps to get the kind of behaviour you want.
enum MyError {
impl From<std::io::Error> for MyError {
fn from(e:std::io::Error) -> MyError {
return MyError::IOError(e)
impl From<std::num::ParseIntError> for MyError {
fn from(e:std::num::ParseIntError) -> MyError {
return MyError::ParseIntError(e)
Then you can implement the actual transform as either
let my_values: Vec<_> = stdin
.map(|line| -> Result<u32,MyError> { Ok(line?.parse::<u32>()?*2) } )
which will give you one entry for each input, like: {Ok(x), Err(MyError(x)), Ok(x)}.
or you can do:
let my_values: Result<Vec<_>,MyError> = stdin
.map(|line| -> Result<u32,MyError> { Ok(line?.parse::<u32>()?*2) } )
Which will give you either Err(MyError(...)) or Ok([1,2,3])
Note that you can further reduce some of the error boilerplate by using an error handling crate like snafu, but in this case it's not too much.

Delegates.observable for anonymous functions in kotlin?

I am doing something weird but I have a fleeting feeling it should be possible.
Is the below possible with Kotlin ? (It compiles but doesn't work)
var delegatedProp: (Int) -> Unit by Delegates.observable({ a-> Unit }) { _, _, newVal ->
//This is never raised
//Secondly how should I access the given Int ?
//newVal.a doesn't seem to compile
I was off the idea that once I invoke delegatedProp(10) , the observable would invoke and I would be able to access newVal.a.
This compiles successfully but the observable is never invoked
The second lambda will be invoked when you set delegatedProp, i.e.
x.delegatedProp = { print(it) }
({ print(it) } is just an example of something of type (Int) -> Unit). And newVal will be the function you set the property to, in this case { print(it) }. So it doesn't have an .a.
If you want to do something when invoking delegatedProp(10), you just... put those actions into the function:
val delegatedProp: (Int) -> Unit = { a -> /* do whatever you wanted to do with newVal.a */ }
If you want delegatedProp to be a var, but to keep doing your "extra" actions whatever it's assigned to, the easiest way may be a custom getter:
var delegatedProp: (Int) -> Unit = { a -> Unit }
get() = { a ->
/* whatever you want to do with a */
Or a setter: it wouldn't create a new lambda each time it's accessed, but either duplicates a bit of code or needs to be explicitly set at least once and not only initialized.

RxJava2 & Retrofit: How to get pages of data

Goal: I want to repeatedly call a Retrofit service (GET) that returns paged data, until I've exhausted its pages. Going from page 0 to page n.
First, I've looked at these two answers already. The first actually works, but I'm not overly fond of the recursive solution as it could lead to stack overflow. The second fails the moment you try to use a scheduler.
Here's a sample of the second:
Observable.range(0, 5/*Integer.MAX_VALUE*/) // generates page values
.subscribeOn( // need this to prevent UI hanging
// gamesService uses by default
.flatMapSingle { page -> gamesService.getGames(page) }
.takeWhile { games -> games.isNotEmpty() } // games is a List<Game>
{ games -> db.insertAll(games) },
{ Logger.e(TAG, it, "Error getting daily games: ${it.message}") }
What I expect this to do is stop the moment that gamesService.getGames(page) returns an empty list. Instead, it continues hitting the endpoint for an indeterminate number of times, with incrementing page values. I have experimented a bit in unit tests with Single.just(intVal) and determined that the problem appears to be the fact that my service is automatically subscribed on This is how I define my Retrofit services:
private inline fun <reified T> createService(okClient: OkHttpClient): T {
val rxAdapter = RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.createWithScheduler(
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
return retrofit.create(
It's really not an option to not use createWithScheduler() here.
Here's another idea I tried:
val atomic = AtomicInteger(0)
Observable.generate<Int> { it.onNext(atomic.getAndIncrement()) }
.flatMapSingle { page -> gamesService.getGames(page) }
.takeWhile { games -> games.isNotEmpty() }
{ games -> dailyGamesDao.insertAll(games) },
{ Logger.e(TAG, it, "Error getting daily games: ${it.message}") }
This is another case where it worked as expected right up until I introduced a Scheduler. The generator generates way too many values, when I'm expecting it to stop when the takeWhile discovers an empty list.
I've also tried various kinds of concat (concatWith, concatMap, etc).
At this point, I'm really just looking for someone to help me correct the obvious (to them) and completely basic misunderstanding I clearly have with RxJava operators.
I have found a partial solution. (I may edit this answer later if and when I find my "final" solution.)
tl;dr I should convert my Singles to Observables and use the flatMap overload that takes a maxConcurrency parameter. For example:
.flatMap({ page -> gamesService.getGames(page).toObservable }, 1 /* maxConcurrency */)
.takeWhile { games -> games.isNotEmpty() }
{ games -> dailyGamesDao.insertAll(games) },
{ Logger.e(TAG, it, "Error getting daily games: ${it.message}") }
That basically does it. By limiting the number of concurrent threads to 1, I now have the "one after the other" behavior I was seeking. The only thing I don't like about this, and I suppose it's a minor gripe, is that my base Observable.range() can still emit a lot of values -- way more than ever get used by the downstream Singles/Observables.
PS: One reason I couldn't find this solution earlier is I was using RxJava 2.1.9. When I pushed it to 2.1.14, I had access to the new overloads. Oh well.

Kotlin Lambda not calling code inside

I encountered the strangest thing.
Lets say I have a text file called "lines.txt". This file contains lines in key value pairs.
If I read this file in Kotlin the list is not empty however the loop inside the output stream does not get called.
object App {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// file containing lines of text
val lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("./hashes.txt"))
// not empty
// write back a modified version
PrintWriter(FileWriter(File("./lines2.txt"))).use { out -> {
// this doesn't get called
lines.forEach {
I don't understand why this is so if anyone can enlighten me that would be awesome.
The list is not empty. A single println(lines.size) will shown you that, because that println is never called.
You simply have one pair of curly braces too much.
change your code to
PrintWriter(FileWriter(File("./lines2.txt"))).use { out ->
// list is empty??
lines.forEach {
The reason is, that a lambda doesn't need its block in curly braces.
So don't write
out -> { ... }
just write
out -> ...
guenther already told you what is wrong with your code, but I think an explanation of what happened is missing.
Consider the following:
val x = { println("y") }
Will it print out y? No, the lamda is never invoked. You have to call x().
Let's take a look at what you did:
val x = { { println("y") } }
Will it print out y? No, because you don't invoke the lambda that prints y.
To make things more clear, let's specify the types explicitely.
val x:() -> (() -> Unit) = { { println("y") } }
Now we can see that the first lambda invoked by x() returns a lambda as well so you would have to call x()() in order to invoke the returned lambda as well.
So using a second pair a curly braces is not just not optional but gives the code a whole new meaning.
But this means that there would be also another solution to your problem.
PrintWriter(FileWriter(File("./lines2.txt"))).use { out -> {
lines.forEach {
}() // <-- add braces here to invoke the lambda
So, you can either remove two brackets are add two more. Choice is yours.
Disclaimer: Removing two braces is the way to go. The other option is just to prove a point.