Delegates.observable for anonymous functions in kotlin? - kotlin

I am doing something weird but I have a fleeting feeling it should be possible.
Is the below possible with Kotlin ? (It compiles but doesn't work)
var delegatedProp: (Int) -> Unit by Delegates.observable({ a-> Unit }) { _, _, newVal ->
//This is never raised
//Secondly how should I access the given Int ?
//newVal.a doesn't seem to compile
I was off the idea that once I invoke delegatedProp(10) , the observable would invoke and I would be able to access newVal.a.
This compiles successfully but the observable is never invoked

The second lambda will be invoked when you set delegatedProp, i.e.
x.delegatedProp = { print(it) }
({ print(it) } is just an example of something of type (Int) -> Unit). And newVal will be the function you set the property to, in this case { print(it) }. So it doesn't have an .a.
If you want to do something when invoking delegatedProp(10), you just... put those actions into the function:
val delegatedProp: (Int) -> Unit = { a -> /* do whatever you wanted to do with newVal.a */ }
If you want delegatedProp to be a var, but to keep doing your "extra" actions whatever it's assigned to, the easiest way may be a custom getter:
var delegatedProp: (Int) -> Unit = { a -> Unit }
get() = { a ->
/* whatever you want to do with a */
Or a setter: it wouldn't create a new lambda each time it's accessed, but either duplicates a bit of code or needs to be explicitly set at least once and not only initialized.


Why can a Flow emit both Int and String value in Kotlin?

You know that Array and List only store the same data struction.
I run the Code A and get the Result A.
It seems that the Flow can emit both Int value and String value, why?
Code A
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
suspend fun performRequest(request: Int): Int {
delay(1000) // imitate long-running asynchronous work
return request
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
(1..3).asFlow() // a flow of requests
.transform { request ->
emit("Making request $request")
if (request >1) {
.collect { response -> println(response) }
Result A
Making request 1
Making request 2
Making request 3
This is not a question of Flow but Java/Kotling generics and type safety.
The type this flow returns is Comperable<*>
val flow: Flow<Comparable<*>> = (1..3).asFlow() // a flow of requests
.transform { request ->
emit("Making request $request")
if (request > 1) {
If you explicitly specify which value you want to return Flow you can restrict the types.
About generics you can refer here or check any document about generics in java/kotlin, type safety you can refer this question
Also when you are in doubt what your specified type is use alt + enter with Android Studio to see avaialble options and select Specify type explicitly.
Disregarding the nature of this request, you can have the functionality you want by making your flow emit instances of some algebraic data type that is basically a "sum" (from the type-theoretic POV) of your constituent types:
sealed interface Record
data class IntData(val get: Int) : Record
data class Metadata(val get: String) : Record
// somewhere later (flow is of type Flow<Record>)
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
(1..3).asFlow() // a flow of requests
.transform { request ->
emit(Metadata("Making request $request"))
if (request > 1) {
// probably want to handle the `else` case too
.collect { response -> println(response) }
This would be a good solution since it's extendable (i.e. you can add the other cases later on if you need to).
In your specific case though, since you just want to debug the flow, you might not want to actually emit the "metadata" and just go for the tests of your code directly.

What is the Rust equivalent of a C local static variable? [duplicate]

What is the best way to create and use a struct with only one instantiation in the system? Yes, this is necessary, it is the OpenGL subsystem, and making multiple copies of this and passing it around everywhere would add confusion, rather than relieve it.
The singleton needs to be as efficient as possible. It doesn't seem possible to store an arbitrary object on the static area, as it contains a Vec with a destructor. The second option is to store an (unsafe) pointer on the static area, pointing to a heap allocated singleton. What is the most convenient and safest way to do this, while keeping syntax terse?
Non-answer answer
Avoid global state in general. Instead, construct the object somewhere early (perhaps in main), then pass mutable references to that object into the places that need it. This will usually make your code easier to reason about and doesn't require as much bending over backwards.
Look hard at yourself in the mirror before deciding that you want global mutable variables. There are rare cases where it's useful, so that's why it's worth knowing how to do.
Still want to make one...?
In the 3 following solutions:
If you remove the Mutex then you have a global singleton without any mutability.
You can also use a RwLock instead of a Mutex to allow multiple concurrent readers.
Using lazy-static
The lazy-static crate can take away some of the drudgery of manually creating a singleton. Here is a global mutable vector:
use lazy_static::lazy_static; // 1.4.0
use std::sync::Mutex;
lazy_static! {
static ref ARRAY: Mutex<Vec<u8>> = Mutex::new(vec![]);
fn do_a_call() {
fn main() {
println!("called {}", ARRAY.lock().unwrap().len());
Using once_cell
The once_cell crate can take away some of the drudgery of manually creating a singleton. Here is a global mutable vector:
use once_cell::sync::Lazy; // 1.3.1
use std::sync::Mutex;
static ARRAY: Lazy<Mutex<Vec<u8>>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(vec![]));
fn do_a_call() {
fn main() {
println!("called {}", ARRAY.lock().unwrap().len());
Using std::sync::LazyLock
The standard library is in the process of adding once_cell's functionality, currently called LazyLock:
#![feature(once_cell)] // 1.67.0-nightly
use std::sync::{LazyLock, Mutex};
static ARRAY: LazyLock<Mutex<Vec<u8>>> = LazyLock::new(|| Mutex::new(vec![]));
fn do_a_call() {
fn main() {
println!("called {}", ARRAY.lock().unwrap().len());
A special case: atomics
If you only need to track an integer value, you can directly use an atomic:
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
static CALL_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
fn do_a_call() {
CALL_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
fn main() {
println!("called {}", CALL_COUNT.load(Ordering::SeqCst));
Manual, dependency-free implementation
There are several existing implementation of statics, such as the Rust 1.0 implementation of stdin. This is the same idea adapted to modern Rust, such as the use of MaybeUninit to avoid allocations and unnecessary indirection. You should also look at the modern implementation of io::Lazy. I've commented inline with what each line does.
use std::sync::{Mutex, Once};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, thread};
struct SingletonReader {
// Since we will be used in many threads, we need to protect
// concurrent access
inner: Mutex<u8>,
fn singleton() -> &'static SingletonReader {
// Create an uninitialized static
static mut SINGLETON: MaybeUninit<SingletonReader> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
static ONCE: Once = Once::new();
unsafe {
ONCE.call_once(|| {
// Make it
let singleton = SingletonReader {
inner: Mutex::new(0),
// Store it to the static var, i.e. initialize it
// Now we give out a shared reference to the data, which is safe to use
// concurrently.
fn main() {
// Let's use the singleton in a few threads
let threads: Vec<_> = (0..10)
.map(|i| {
thread::spawn(move || {
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(i * 10));
let s = singleton();
let mut data = s.inner.lock().unwrap();
*data = i as u8;
// And let's check the singleton every so often
for _ in 0u8..20 {
let s = singleton();
let data = s.inner.lock().unwrap();
println!("It is: {}", *data);
for thread in threads.into_iter() {
This prints out:
It is: 0
It is: 1
It is: 1
It is: 2
It is: 2
It is: 3
It is: 3
It is: 4
It is: 4
It is: 5
It is: 5
It is: 6
It is: 6
It is: 7
It is: 7
It is: 8
It is: 8
It is: 9
It is: 9
It is: 9
This code compiles with Rust 1.55.0.
All of this work is what lazy-static or once_cell do for you.
The meaning of "global"
Please note that you can still use normal Rust scoping and module-level privacy to control access to a static or lazy_static variable. This means that you can declare it in a module or even inside of a function and it won't be accessible outside of that module / function. This is good for controlling access:
use lazy_static::lazy_static; // 1.2.0
fn only_here() {
lazy_static! {
static ref NAME: String = String::from("hello, world!");
println!("{}", &*NAME);
fn not_here() {
println!("{}", &*NAME);
error[E0425]: cannot find value `NAME` in this scope
--> src/
12 | println!("{}", &*NAME);
| ^^^^ not found in this scope
However, the variable is still global in that there's one instance of it that exists across the entire program.
Starting with Rust 1.63, it can be easier to work with global mutable singletons, although it's still preferable to avoid global variables in most cases.
Now that Mutex::new is const, you can use global static Mutex locks without needing lazy initialization:
use std::sync::Mutex;
static GLOBAL_DATA: Mutex<Vec<i32>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", GLOBAL_DATA.lock().unwrap());
Note that this also depends on the fact that Vec::new is const. If you need to use non-const functions to set up your singleton, you could wrap your data in an Option, and initially set it to None. This lets you use data structures like Hashset which currently cannot be used in a const context:
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::collections::HashSet;
static GLOBAL_DATA: Mutex<Option<HashSet<i32>>> = Mutex::new(None);
fn main() {
*GLOBAL_DATA.lock().unwrap() = Some(HashSet::from([42]));
println!("V2: {:?}", GLOBAL_DATA.lock().unwrap());
Alternatively, you could use an RwLock, instead of a Mutex, since RwLock::new is also const as of Rust 1.63. This would make it possible to read the data from multiple threads simultaneously.
If you need to initialize with non-const functions and you'd prefer not to use an Option, you could use a crate like once_cell or lazy-static for lazy initialization as explained in Shepmaster's answer.
From What Not To Do In Rust
To recap: instead of using interior mutability where an object changes
its internal state, consider using a pattern where you promote new
state to be current and current consumers of the old state will
continue to hold on to it by putting an Arc into an RwLock.
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
struct Config {
pub debug_mode: bool,
impl Config {
pub fn current() -> Arc<Config> {
pub fn make_current(self) {
CURRENT_CONFIG.with(|c| *c.write().unwrap() = Arc::new(self))
thread_local! {
static CURRENT_CONFIG: RwLock<Arc<Config>> = RwLock::new(Default::default());
fn main() {
Config { debug_mode: true }.make_current();
if Config::current().debug_mode {
// do something
Use SpinLock for global access.
struct ThreadRegistry {
pub enabled_for_new_threads: bool,
threads: Option<HashMap<u32, *const Tls>>,
impl ThreadRegistry {
fn threads(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap<u32, *const Tls> {
static THREAD_REGISTRY: SpinLock<ThreadRegistry> = SpinLock::new(Default::default());
fn func_1() {
let thread_registry = THREAD_REGISTRY.lock(); // Immutable access
if thread_registry.enabled_for_new_threads {
fn func_2() {
let mut thread_registry = THREAD_REGISTRY.lock(); // Mutable access
// ...
If you want mutable state(NOT Singleton), see What Not to Do in Rust for more descriptions.
Hope it's helpful.
If you are on nightly, you can use LazyLock.
It more or less does what the crates once_cell and lazy_sync do. Those two crates are very common, so there's a good chance they might already by in your Cargo.lock dependency tree. But if you prefer to be a bit more "adventurous" and go with LazyLock, be prepered that it (as everything in nightly) might be a subject to change before it gets to stable.
(Note: Up until recently std::sync::LazyLock used to be named std::lazy::SyncLazy but was recently renamed.)
A bit late to the party, but here's how I worked around this issue (rust 1.66-nightly):
static mut GLOBAL_LAZY_MUT: StructThatIsNotSyncNorSend = unsafe {
// Copied from MaybeUninit::zeroed() with minor modifications, see below
let mut u = MaybeUninit::uninit();
let bytes = mem::size_of_val(&u);
write_bytes(u.as_ptr() as *const u8 as *mut u8, 0xA5, bytes); //Trick the compiler check that verifies pointers and references are not null.
fn main() {
unsafe {
let mut v = StructThatIsNotSyncNorSend::new();
mem::swap(&mut GLOBAL_LAZY_MUT, &mut v);
Beware that this code is unbelievably unsafe, and can easily end up being UB if not handled correctly.
You now have a !Send !Sync value as a global static, without the protection of a Mutex. If you access it from multiple threads, even if just for reading, it's UB. If you don't initialize it the way shown, it's UB, because it calls Drop on an actually unitialized value.
You just convinced the rust compiler that something that is UB is not UB. You just convinced that putting a !Sync and !Send in a global static is fine.
If unsure, don't use this snippet.
My limited solution is to define a struct instead of a global mutable one. To use that struct, external code needs to call init() but we disallow calling init() more than once by using an AtomicBoolean (for multithreading usage).
static INITIATED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
struct Singleton {
impl Singleton {
pub fn init() -> Self {
if INITIATED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
panic!("Cannot initiate more than once")
} else {, Ordering::Relaxed);
Singleton {
fn main() {
let singleton = Singleton::init();
// panic here
// let another_one = Singleton::init();

How to modify variables outside of their scope in kotlin?

I understand that in Kotlin there is no such thing as "Non-local variables" or "Global Variables" I am looking for a way to modify variables in another "Scope" in Kotlin by using the function below:
class Listres(){
var listsize = 0
fun gatherlistresult(){
var listallinfo = FirebaseStorage.getInstance()
listallinfo.addOnSuccessListener {
listResult -> listsize += listResult.items.size
the value of listsize is always 0 (logging the result from inside of the .addOnSuccessListener scope returns 8) so clearly the listsize variable isn't being modified. I have seen many different posts about this topic on other sites , but none fit my usecase.
I simply want to modify listsize inside of the .addOnSuccessListener callback
This method will always be returned 0 as the addOnSuccessListener() listener will be invoked after the method execution completed. The addOnSuccessListener() is a callback method for asynchronous operation and you will get the value if it gives success only.
You can get the value by changing the code as below:
class Demo {
fun registerListResult() {
var listallinfo = FirebaseStorage.getInstance()
listallinfo.addOnSuccessListener {
listResult -> listsize += listResult.items.size
listallinfo.addOnFailureListener {
// Uh-oh, an error occurred!
fun processResult(listsize: Int) {
print(listResult+"") // you will get the 8 here as you said
What you're looking for is a way to bridge some asynchronous processing into a synchronous context. If possible it's usually better (in my opinion) to stick to one model (sync or async) throughout your code base.
That being said, sometimes these circumstances are out of our control. One approach I've used in similar situations involves introducing a BlockingQueue as a data pipe to transfer data from the async context to the sync context. In your case, that might look something like this:
class Demo {
var listSize = 0
fun registerListResult() {
val listAll = FirebaseStorage.getInstance()
val dataQueue = ArrayBlockingQueue<Int>(1)
listAll.addOnSuccessListener { dataQueue.put(it.items.size) }
listSize = dataQueue.take()
The key points are:
there is a blocking variant of the Queue interface that will be used to pipe data from the async context (listener) into the sync context (calling code)
data is put() on the queue within the OnSuccessListener
the calling code invokes the queue's take() method, which will cause that thread to block until a value is available
If that doesn't work for you, hopefully it will at least inspire some new thoughts!

Kotlin Lambda not calling code inside

I encountered the strangest thing.
Lets say I have a text file called "lines.txt". This file contains lines in key value pairs.
If I read this file in Kotlin the list is not empty however the loop inside the output stream does not get called.
object App {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// file containing lines of text
val lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("./hashes.txt"))
// not empty
// write back a modified version
PrintWriter(FileWriter(File("./lines2.txt"))).use { out -> {
// this doesn't get called
lines.forEach {
I don't understand why this is so if anyone can enlighten me that would be awesome.
The list is not empty. A single println(lines.size) will shown you that, because that println is never called.
You simply have one pair of curly braces too much.
change your code to
PrintWriter(FileWriter(File("./lines2.txt"))).use { out ->
// list is empty??
lines.forEach {
The reason is, that a lambda doesn't need its block in curly braces.
So don't write
out -> { ... }
just write
out -> ...
guenther already told you what is wrong with your code, but I think an explanation of what happened is missing.
Consider the following:
val x = { println("y") }
Will it print out y? No, the lamda is never invoked. You have to call x().
Let's take a look at what you did:
val x = { { println("y") } }
Will it print out y? No, because you don't invoke the lambda that prints y.
To make things more clear, let's specify the types explicitely.
val x:() -> (() -> Unit) = { { println("y") } }
Now we can see that the first lambda invoked by x() returns a lambda as well so you would have to call x()() in order to invoke the returned lambda as well.
So using a second pair a curly braces is not just not optional but gives the code a whole new meaning.
But this means that there would be also another solution to your problem.
PrintWriter(FileWriter(File("./lines2.txt"))).use { out -> {
lines.forEach {
}() // <-- add braces here to invoke the lambda
So, you can either remove two brackets are add two more. Choice is yours.
Disclaimer: Removing two braces is the way to go. The other option is just to prove a point.

Preferable pattern for getting around the "moving out of borrowed self" checker

Consider the pattern where there are several states registered with a dispatcher and each state knows what state to transition to when it receives an appropriate event. This is a simple state transition pattern.
struct Dispatcher {
states: HashMap<Uid, Rc<RefCell<State>>>,
impl Dispatcher {
pub fn insert_state(&mut self, state_id: Uid, state: Rc<RefCell<State>>) -> Option<Rc<RefCell<State>>> {
self.states.insert(state_id, state)
fn dispatch(&mut self, state_id: Uid, event: Event) {
if let Some(mut state) = states.get_mut(&state_id).cloned() {
state.handle_event(self, event);
trait State {
fn handle_event(&mut self, &mut Dispatcher, Event);
struct S0 {
state_id: Uid,
move_only_field: Option<MOF>,
// This is pattern that concerns me.
impl State for S0 {
fn handle_event(&mut self, dispatcher: &mut Dispatcher, event: Event) {
if event == Event::SomeEvent {
// Do some work
if let Some(mof) = self.mof.take() {
let next_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(S0 {
state_id: self.state_id,
move_only_field: mof,
let _ = dispatcher.insert(self.state_id, next_state);
} else {
// log an error: BUGGY Logic somewhere
let _ = dispatcher.remove_state(&self.state_id);
} else {
// Do some other work, maybe transition to State S2 etc.
struct S1 {
state_id: Uid,
move_only_field: MOF,
impl State for S1 {
fn handle_event(&mut self, dispatcher: &mut Dispatcher, event: Event) {
// Do some work, maybe transition to State S2/S3/S4 etc.
With reference to the inline comment above saying:
// This is pattern that concerns me.
S0::move_only_field needs to be an Option in this pattern because self is borrowed in handle_event, but I am not sure that this is best way to approach it.
Here are the ways I can think of with demerits of each one:
Put it into an Option as I have done: this feels hacky and every time I need
to check the invariant that the Option is always Some otherwise
panic! or make it a NOP with if let Some() = and ignore
the else clause, but this causes code-bloat. Doing an unwrap
or bloating the code with if let Some() feels a bit off.
Get it into a shared ownership Rc<RefCell<>>: Need to heap allocate
all such variables or construct another struct called Inner or
something that has all these non-clonable types and put that into an
Pass stuff back to Dispatcher indicating it to basically remove us
from the map and then move things out of us to the next State which
will also be indicated via our return value: Too much coupling,
breaks OOP, does not scale as Dispatcher needs to know about all the
States and needs frequent updating. I don't think this is a good
paradigm, but could be wrong.
Implement Default for MOF above: Now we can mem::replace it with
the default while moving out the old value. The burden of panicking OR
returning an error OR doing a NOP is now hidden in implementation of
MOF. The problem here is we don't always have the access to MOF
type and for those that we do, it again takes the point of bloat
from user code to the code of MOF.
Let the function handle_event take self by move as fn handle_event(mut self, ...) -> Option<Self>: Now instead of Rc<RefCell<>> you will need to have Box<State> and move it out each time in the dispatcher and if the return is Some you put it back. This almost feels like a sledgehammer and makes many other idioms impossible, for instance if I wanted to share self further in some registered closure/callback I would normally put a Weak<RefCell<>> previously but now sharing self in callbacks etc is impossible.
Are there any other options? Is there any that is considered the "most idiomatic" way of doing this in Rust?
Let the function handle_event take self by move as fn handle_event(mut self, ...) -> Option<Self>: Now instead of Rc<RefCell<>> you will need to have Box<State> and move it out each time in the dispatcher and if the return is Some you put it back.
This is what I would do. However, you don't need to switch from Rc to Box if there is only one strong reference: Rc::try_unwrap can move out of an Rc.
Here's part of how you might rewrite Dispatcher:
struct Dispatcher {
states: HashMap<Uid, Rc<State>>,
impl Dispatcher {
fn dispatch(&mut self, state_id: Uid, event: Event) {
if let Some(state_ref) = self.states.remove(&state_id) {
let state = state_ref.try_unwrap()
.expect("Unique strong reference required");
if let Some(next_state) = state.handle_event(event) {
self.states.insert(state_id, next_state);
} else {
// handle state_id not found
(Note: dispatch takes state_id by value. In the original version, this wasn't necessary -- it could have been changed to pass by reference. In this version, it is necessary, since state_id gets passed to HashMap::insert. It looks like Uid is Copy though, so it makes little difference.)
It's not clear whether state_id actually needs to be a member of the struct that implements State anymore, since you don't need it inside handle_event -- all the insertion and removal happens inside impl Dispatcher, which makes sense and reduces coupling between State and Dispatcher.
impl State for S0 {
fn handle_event(self, event: Event) -> Option<Rc<State>> {
if event == Event::SomeEvent {
// Do some work
let next_state = Rc::new(S0 {
state_id: self.state_id,
move_only_field: self.mof,
} else {
// Do some other work
Now you don't have to handle a weird, should-be-impossible corner case where the Option is None.
This almost feels like a sledgehammer and makes many other idioms impossible, for instance if I wanted to share self further in some registered closure/callback I would normally put a Weak<RefCell<>> previously but now sharing self in callbacks etc is impossible.
Because you can move out of an Rc if you have the only strong reference, you don't have to sacrifice this technique.
"Feels like a sledgehammer" might be subjective, but to me, what a signature like fn handle_event(mut self, ...) -> Option<Self> does is encode an invariant. With the original version, each impl State for ... had to know when to insert and remove itself from the dispatcher, and whether it did or not was uncheckable. For example, if somewhere deep in the logic you forgot to call dispatcher.insert(state_id, next_state), the state machine wouldn't transition, and might get stuck or worse. When handle_event takes self by-value, that's not possible anymore -- you have to return the next state, or the code simply won't compile.
(Aside: both the original version and mine do at least two hashtable lookups each time dispatch is called: once to get the current state, and again to insert the new state. If you wanted to get rid of the second lookup, you could combine approaches: store Option<Rc<State>> in the HashMap, and take from the Option instead of removing it from the map entirely.)