Select column names in pandas based on multiple prefixes - pandas

I have a large dataframe, from which I want to select specific columns that stats with several different prefixes. My current solution is shown below:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['flg_1', 'flg_2', 'ab_1', 'ab_2', 'aaa', 'bbb'], data=np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6]).reshape(1,-1))
flg_vars = df.filter(regex='^flg_')
ab_vars = df.filter(regex='^ab_')
result = pd.concat([flg_vars, ab_vars], axis=1)
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? I need to filter my original data based on 8 prefixes, which leads to excessive lines of code.

Use | for regex OR:
result = df.filter(regex='^flg_|^ab_')
print (result)
flg_1 flg_2 ab_1 ab_2
0 1 2 3 4


Creating batches based on city in pandas

I have two different dataframes that I want to fuzzy match against each other to find and remove duplicates. To make the process faster/more accurate I want to only fuzzy match records from both dataframes in the same cities. So that makes it necessary to create batches based on cities in the one dataframe then running the fuzzy matcher between each batch and a subset of the other dataframe with like cities. I can't find another post that does this and I am stuck. Here is what I have so far. Thanks!
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3],'B':['Q','Q','R','R','R','P','L','L'],'origin':['file1','file2','file3','file4','file5','file6','file7','file8']})
cols = ['B']
df1 = df[df.duplicated(subset=cols,keep=False)].copy()
df1 = df1.sort_values(cols)
df1['group'] = 'g' + (df1.groupby(cols).ngroup() + 1).astype(str)
df1['duplicate_count'] = df1.groupby(cols)['origin'].transform('size')
df1_g1 = df1.loc[df1['group'] == 'g1']
which will not factor in anything that isn't duplicated so if a value only appears once then it will be skipped as is the case with 'P' in column B. It also requires me to go in and hard-code the group in each time which is not ideal. I haven't been able to figure out a for loop or any other method to solve this. Thanks!
You can pass to locals
variables = locals()
for i,j in df1.groupby('group'):
variables["df1_{0}".format(i)] = j
A B origin group duplicate_count
6 3 L file7 g1 2
7 3 L file8 g1 2

Joining two data frames on column name and comparing result side by side

I have two data frames which look like df1 and df2 below and I want to create df3 as shown.
I could do this using a left join to have all the rows in one dataframe and then did a numpy.where to see if they are matching or not.
I could get what I want but I feel there should be an elegant way of doing this which will eliminate renaming columns, reshuffling columns in dataframe and then using np.where.
Is there a better way to do this?
code to reproduce dataframes:
import pandas as pd
An elegant way to do your task is to:
generate "partial" DataFrames from each source column,
and then concatenate them.
The first step is to define a function to join 2 source columns and append "match" column:
def myJoin(s1, s2):
rv = s1.to_frame().join(s2.to_frame(), how='inner',
lsuffix='_df1', rsuffix='_df2')
rv[ + '_match'] = np.where(rv.iloc[:,0] == rv.iloc[:,1], 'Yes', 'No')
return rv
Then, from df1 and df2, generate 2 auxiliary DataFrames setting product as the index:
wrk1 = df1.set_index('product')
wrk2 = df2.set_index('product')
And the final step is:
result = pd.concat([ myJoin(wrk1[col], wrk2[col]) for col in wrk1.columns ], axis=1)\
for col in wrk1.columns - generates names of columns to join.
myJoin(wrk1[col], wrk2[col]) - generates the partial result for this column from
both source DataFrames.
[…] - a list comprehension, collecting the above partial results in a list.
pd.concat(…) - concatenates these partial results into the final result.
reset_index() - converts the index (product names) into a regular column.
For your source data, the result is:
product price_df1 price_df2 price_match quantity_df1 quantity_df2 quantity_match
0 apples 1 2 No 5 5 Yes
1 bananas 2 2 Yes 7 7 Yes
2 oranges 3 4 No 11 13 No

Dataframe Column into Multiple Columns by delimiter ',' : expand = True, n =-1

My first question thanks) Sorry for lengthy formulationenter image description here
Researched all related posts
What I have
my Dataframe column (please see screenshot) is strings separated by delimiter ',' Car parameters.
My Dataframe:-
Some rows come with mileage while others not (screenshot) hence some rows have fewer delimiters.
The Task
Need to create 5 columns (max number of delimiters) to store CarParameters separately (Mileage, GearBox, HP, Body etc)
If a row doesn't have Mileage Put 0 in the Mileage Column
What I know and works well
df["name"].str.split(" ", expand = True) by default n=-1 and splits into necessary columns
The issue:
If I use the str.split(" ", expand = True) method - GearBox (ATM) is wrongly put under newly created Mileage column because that row is short of one delimiter (screenshot)
You can try lambda function combined with list concatenation like below.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([['1,2,3,4,5'],['2,3,4,5']], columns=["CarParameters"])
>>> print(pd.DataFrame(df.CarParameters.apply(
lambda x: str(x).split(',')).apply(
lambda x: [0]*(5-len(x)) + x).to_list(), columns=list("ABCDE")))
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 0 2 3 4 5

pandas data frame columns - how to select a subset of columns based on multiple criteria

Let us say I have the following columns in a data frame:
I want to select the following columns from the data frame and ignore the rest of the columns :
the first 2 columns (title and year)
some columns based on name - cast_count
some columns which contain the string "actor1" - actor1 and actor1_fb_likes
I am new to pandas. For each of the above operations, I know what method to use. But I want to do all three operations together as all I want is a dataframe that contains the above columns that I need for further analysis. How do I do this?
Here is example code that I have written:
data = {
"actor1":['Christoph Waltz','Tom Hardy','Doug Walker'],
"actor2":['Rob Walker','Christian Bale ','Tom Hardy'],
df_input = pd.DataFrame(data)
df1 = df_input.iloc[:,0:2] # Select first 2 columns
df2 = df_input[['cast_count']] #select some columns by name - cast_count
df3 = df_input.filter(like='actor1') #select columns which contain the string "actor1" - actor1 and actor1_fb_likes
df_output = pd.concat(df1,df2, df3) #This throws an error that i can't understand the reason
Question 1:
df_1 = df[['title', 'year']]
Question 2:
# This is an example but you can put whatever criteria you'd like
df_2 = df[df['cast_count'] > 10]
Question 3:
# This is an example but you can put whatever criteria you'd like this way
df_2 = df[(df['actor1_fb_likes'] > 1000) & (df['actor1'] == 'actor1')]
Make sure each filter is contained within it's own set of parenthesis () before using the & or | operators. & acts as an and operator. | acts as an or operator.

How to split a column into multiple columns and then count the null values in the new column in SQL or Pandas?

I have a relatively large table with thousands of rows and few tens of columns. Some columns are meta data and others are numerical values. The problem I have is, some meta data columns are incomplete or partial that is, it missed the string after a ":". I want to get a count of how many of these are with the missing part after the colon mark.
If you look at the miniature example below, what I should get is a small table telling me that in group A, MetaData is complete for 2 entries and incomplete (missing after ":") in other 2 entries. Ideally I also want to get some statistics on SomeValue (Count, max, min etc.).
How do I do it in an SQL query or in Python Pandas?
Might turn out to be simple to use some build in function however, I am not getting it right.
Group MetaData SomeValue
A AB:xxx 20
A AB: 5
A PQ:yyy 30
A PQ: 2
Expected Output result:
Group MetaDataComplete Count
A Yes 2
A No 2
No reason to use split functions (unless the value can contain a colon character.) I'm just going to assume that the "null" values (not technically the right word) end with :.
case when MetaData like '%:' then 'Yes' else 'No' end as MetaDataComplete,
count(*) as "Count"
from T
group by "Group", case when MetaData like '%:' then 'Yes' else 'No' end
You could also use right(MetaData, 1) = ':'.
Or supposing that values can contain their own colons, try charindex(':', MetaData) = len(MetaData) if you just want to ask whether the first colon is in the last position.
Here is an example:
## 1- Create Dataframe
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
cols = ['Group', 'MetaData', 'SomeValue']
data = [['A', 'AB:xxx', 20],
['A', 'AB:', 5],
['A', 'PQ:yyy', 30],
['A', 'PQ:', 2]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, data=data)
# 2- New data frame with split value columns
new = df["MetaData"].str.split(":", n = 1, expand = True)
df["MetaData_1"]= new[0]
df["MetaData_2"]= new[1]
# 3- Dropping old MetaData columns
df.drop(columns =["MetaData"], inplace = True)
## 4- Replacing empty string by nan and count them
df.replace('',np.NaN, inplace=True)
Out [1]:
Group 0
SomeValue 0
MetaData_1 0
MetaData_2 2
dtype: int64
From a SQL perspective, performing a split is painful, not mention using the split results in having to perform the query first then querying the results:
SUBSTRING(MetaData, CHARINDEX(':', MetaData) + 1, LEN(MetaData)) AS MetaValue
FROM VeryLargeTable) AS Results
GROUP BY Results.[Group],
If your just after a count, you could also try the algorithmic approach. Just loop over the data and use regular expressions with negative lookahead.
import pandas as pd
import re
pattern = '.*:(?!.)' # detects the strings of the missing data form
missing = 0
not_missing = 0
for i in data['MetaData'].tolist():
match = re.findall(pattern, i)
if match:
missing += 1
not_missing += 1