I have an automate that push message every 5s in mosquitto broker and i want to push in rabbitMQ. I want to know the configuration that i should do it .
By default the MQTT is not enabled in rabbitmq you have to enable the specific plugin:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_mqtt
here you can find the all documentation.
While using https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator I have a working setup with TLS enabled for AMQP. Now I would need to enable MQTT, however I donot find any example of enabling plugins with this operator.
Can someone help with an example of enabling MQTT over RabbitMQ via the cluster operator?
As mentioned in Rabbit MQ Documentation, in order to enable mqtt plugin, we have to add the corresponding plugin name "rabbitmq_mqtt".
I am using the ActiveMQ Connector to connect to an ActiveMQ Artemis broker. While Mule and ActiveMQ Artemis are running if suddenly I stop and start again or restart the ActiveMQ Artemis instance alone then Mule is not able to connect again.
You need to configure appropriate re-connection strategy, in the global elements properties JMS Config, Advanced tab. change it to forever and should work.
I am using RabbitMQ as a Stomp broker for Spring Websocket application. The client uses SockJS library to connect to the websocket interface.
Every queue created on the RabbitMQ by the Spring is durable while topics are non durable. Is there any way to make the queues non durable as well?
I do not think I can configure on the application side. I played a bit with RabbitMQ configuration but could not set it up either.
Example destination on RabbitMQ used for SUBSCRIBE and SEND:
It will be possible to specify properties for endpoints as of RabbitMQ 3.6.0 according to comment in RabbitMQ issues - https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-stomp/issues/24#issuecomment-137896165:
as of 3.6.0, it will be possible to explicitly define properties for endpoints such as /topic/ and /queue using subscription headers: durable, auto-delete, and exclusive, respectively.
As a workaround you can try to create queues by your own using AMQP protocol and then refer to that queues from STOMP protocol.
I am not sure but this are rabbitmq stomp plugin exchange are used /temp-queue, /exchange, /topic, /queue, /amq/queue, /reply-queue/ . can you please explain the use of these each exchange.
RabbitMQ docs about STOMP document these.
See our docs: https://www.rabbitmq.com/stomp.html#d
I am using ActiveMQ embedded in Glassfish with both the default 61616 communication port and a port with MQTT enabled.
Is there a way to publish to both of these MQs in one call if ActiveMQ is configured a certain way?
If not, is the only way to connect to the MQTT server from the J2EE server through a 3rd party MQTT client?
If so, is there a MQTT lib that can take advantage of J2EE container's connection pools?
All protocols in ActiveMQ will share the same topics and queues.
You can subscribe and publish as you wish from java/JMS and the data will be accessible on the same topic using MQTT.
Of course, there will be some issues if you use JMS-only features, such as ObjectMessage and whatnot, but that is pretty obvious. Stick to text messages on topics and you should be fine.