Firebase storage image in markdown (Vue-simple-markdown) - vue.js

I've uploaded an image to my Firebase storage, and I want to display the image with vue-simple-markdown.
It's not showing. I tried removing all text after .png, still not working. I tried with a standard imgur image, and that worked fine. I therefore believe this to be an issue related to firebase storage? How can I use storage images in this way?


Android camera, take picture(s) and save as multipage PDF, then upload to server via <input type="file" />

I have a webform with and want to open it on smartphone - than take pictures of some documents which need to be merged in one PDF, and on the end this file need to be uploaded to server.
My solution is to use Google Drive to upload PDF (scan) to GDrive and then somehow download this file from gdrive to server via some sort of widget (any links appreciate) installed on website.
Maybe someone have a better idea?
I know its late but my answer might help others. I also face the same challenge and implemented a custom solution based on Javascript and Since you are using web form so this solution will perfectly fits on your need.
You have to use JSPdf javascript library, JSPdf provide you pdf object in your browser and you can upload it download it and there are many other thing to play with.
First you have to initialize JSPdf object as per your requirement. I am creating PDF with page size width:500px and height 500px.
pdf = new jsPDF("l", "pt", [500,500]);
Simply when you will take picture from camera you will have each picture in form of base64, that base64 format you have to insert in JSPdf object
pdf.addImage(imgData, 'JPEG', 0, 0);
you can repeat the above code to add pictures from camera as much as you want, at the back-end these images are compiling and creating pdf document where each page have each images in sequence.
Once you are done, you can get PDF object in form of base64 object using below code that you can upload to any server.
above is only pdf part, you can find complete working example including camera part here Javascript Component to Scan Document

How to upload photo with q_auto in Cloudinary?

I'm having trouble in rendering my images because the file size is big, so I would like to adjust the size, to render it faster.
I would like to upload my photo like this.
I would like also to upload like, https://res....../upload/q_60/woman.jpg.
Thanks for the help.
You can apply incoming transformations while setting the quality parameter to your desired value. Doing so will apply the transformations before the resource is actually saved on your account.
Another option would be to set a default image quality via your account's setting.

Fine Uploader: resizing large files before upload?

I'm evaluating Fine Uploader compared to various other options, specifically JQuery File Upload.
I generally prefer the Fine Uploader approach as it's more lightweight, compared to JQuery File Uploader which has dependencies on Bootstrap and JQuery UI.
However it's important to be able to resize images: e.g., a user may select a large file from their camera and this may be very large - uploading the full resolution photo may take a very long time. JQuery File Upload doe this.
Additionally we don't have much use for very high resolution files.
If possible (I'm aware some browsers may not support this), I'd like to be able to resize images client size.
Is this possible?
Fine Uploader does not currently have any native support for image manipulation. This is a feature in our backlog, but we have not had many users tell us they are interested in this. This is one of the reasons why such a feature has yet to be implemented natively. There is a case, #707 that marks the start of native image-editing support for Fine Uploader. It is tentatively scheduled for 4.0.
However, you can certainly make use of FileReader and Canvas to resize the image. You can then submit this resized image as a Blob to Fine Uploader via the addFiles API method. At that point, the file has been submitted and Fine Uploader is ready to upload the item.
Essentially, the steps you would follow to handle this specific scenario, before Fine Uploader natively supports image manipulation:
Provide your own file input element(s) or make use of Fine Uploader's file/folder drag and drop support to get a handle on some files selected by the user.
Use FileReader to read the contents of the image.
FileReader will provide you with a URL for the image, assign that to the src attribute of an img element.
Draw the img onto a canvas element. This is where the resizing occurs.
Grab the URL of the resized image from the canvas element (canvas.toDataURL(...)).
Convert the URL to a Blob.
Pass the Blob to the addFiles API method of Fine Uploader.
The intent is to take care of most if not all of this for integrators such as yourself in the future by adding native image manipulation support to Fine Uploader.
Hope this helps.

Has anyone been able to use web images with the Tiles and Badges App sample?

I've been trying to get my app's tile to display an image from the web, but couldn't get it to work. I then tried the Tiles and Badges app sample, where in scenario 3 you can send a tile notification that uses a web image. No matter which image url I paste in the text box, the tile refuses to get updated. So apparently, the sample isn't working either, or something is very wrong.
The images are all smaller than 1024x1024 and less than 200KB. Fun fact: if I download one of the images I unsuccesfully tried to feed the sample, add it to the project and then send a notification using it as a local image, the tile gets updated. So apparently the image isn't the problem.
Has anybody been able to get this working? I don't get what I'm doing wrong.
Do have internet permission ticket in app manifest? Maybe only your app dont have permission to download your image from web.

How to upload photos using CakePHP 2.0

I'm developing a simple web app and I just want to allow the user to upload some pictures.
should I just store the picture url on my database table or should I upload the whole picture?
how can I validate the size of the picture being uploaded?
how can I upload the picture from my controller?
thank you all!
I would NOT store the image data in the database. I would create a Behavior that will upload the image to the image directory and store a reference to that image. The behavior can then handle size, mime type, etc. Then add a file upload form to the controller and when the data goes to the model to be saved, it will automatically upload the image and put it where it goes.
If you do not want to build your own, here is a very popular behavior that someone has built.
Or you could try this simple way of doing it (check the file) :