How to get cloudflare video id using API? - api

I am going to upload video stream using cloudflare API.
In postman, it success upload video file, but in postman, curl command succeeds, but why not change curl to php?
Upload with X-auth-key and x-auth-email.
Help me.


Uploading a video to YouTube using the REST API

I'm trying to insert a video using the YouTube API.
Unless I'm completely braindead, Google doesn't specify where or how to specify the video's path. Even in the cURL data they provide, this information is not present.
I am curious if anyone smarter than myself can show me how to find or locate the successful method for uploading a video through the YouTube API.

How to get ACCOUNT_ID for cloudflare stream?

I am using Cloudflare API.
I'm trying to upload a video using Cloudflare Stream API, but I'm not sure how to get the account_id using php.
If anyone knows, please send me the sample code.
Thank you.

Migrate videos from Vimeo to S3

I have a large quantity of videos on my Vimeo account that I would like to migrate to my AWS S3 account.
Rather than go through the time consuming process of downloading from Vimeo to my local machine then uploading from my local machine to S3, is there a way where I can do a direct transfer from Vimeo to S3?
If possible, I would want to create a script to iterate through each video via Vimeo API and set up the path to where it would go into S3 then initiate a direct transfer. Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated!
If you have a PRO account or higher, you can use the API to get download links for videos on your account, including download links for the original source file. Those download file links should be able to be used for importing into S3. Note that the links provided via the Vimeo API are expiring HTTP 302 redirects to the video file resource, so make sure you take note of the expiration time also provided in the response.
Download links are returned with the rest of a video's metadata, so I suggest using the fields parameter to only return the metadata needed.{user_id}/videos

Instantiate video file for YouTube API video upload

Is there a way to instantiate a JavaScript video file for upload as if it were a file input?
I need to upload a local server file through the YouTube Upload API using the file's URL (essentially trying to automatically upload files from our server to YouTube on behalf of our clients).
I've attempted to upload the following:
FileToUpload = new File([text], "Trial.mp4", {type: "video/*"});
where text is a array buffer from an xttp request.
However, process always results in "Upload failed: cannot process file".
YouTube API seems to work only with <input type=file/> selector.
Essentially, the following is not possible:
document.getElmentById("myfile").files[0] = FileToUpload;
But YouTube Upload API seemingly will not taking any other form with JavaScript.
I've been searching for over a month now and been unsuccessful. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

how to download video from cloudinary using nodejs?

I have uploaded a mp4 file using node.js on my cloudinary account. I have saved public id of video. Is there any api to download the uploaded video?
Use the attachment flag (fl_attachment in URLs) to tell the browser to download the video instead of displaying it.
For example,<cloud_name>/video/upload/fl_attachment/<public_id>.mp4
For more information on delivery flags,