geetest captcha v4 bypass - captcha

I use service to solve geetest v4 captcha which give me data like this:
What should I do next? Where should I send this data?
I tried to look at the data that goes when you fill in the captcha manually. But where do I get the variables "payload", "w" and "callback"?

please refer below link to solve geeTest captcha in another way ( without using 2captcha lib )
geeTest captcha solution without 2captcha library


How to submit the token in the FunCaptcha callback function?

I'm trying to bypass the funCaptcha in Twitter Account Registration using selenium webDriver in C#. I'm using third party captcha solver for solving the captcha itself and as response I'm getting bypass token.
The problem that I currently have is that I can't locate the callback function that I need to call/submit, in order to pass the funCaptcha .
There is no form, there is no field to add it. I guess that there is some JS function attached to some html element (something like OnVerify or similar) that needs to be called and the solution token should be passed as parameter, but I have no luck finding it so far.
Did anyone knows how and where to locate the function?
Does this help at all? I've not used it but it looks like what you're after...

Universal link with randomly generated token with

I have created a deep link successfully & configured, but the problem is I have a URL e.g:*
so, if you can see above the URL, there is * at the end, which means after the "token/" the unique token will be shared instead of *, so as you know in as far as I know, it gives us the static link to be shared with someone. but in my case, the link can not be static.
Can anyone help me to achieve this?
Thanks in Advance
If you just need to pass a unique token with each of your links then you can append it to your link as a Link parameter.
Now, you can dynamically change the value of the token and it won't affect your link.

Twitter API update_profile_banner

Can anyone help with using the Twitter API to upload a profile banner using the account/update_profile_banner? I have been searching on Google for so long and can't find any solution, thanks in advance
Based on
It looks like the docs are misleading, unless you are uploading a really small image, I expect it is critical to use multi part form data instead of encoding data in the query params.
Post your example code though, it's bad stackoverflow form to just say it doesn't work without showing the code and errors you are getting.

How to load a static google map with a path (polyline)?

I have implemented some code that loads an image from a URL upon a listview item being clicked; this has been tested with a 'dummy' image and works without any problem with the image being displayed in an imageview object.
However, what I really want to do is to load a Static Google Map with Paths (polyline) via URL, but for some reason this is not working and I hope that someone here will be able to tell me what is wrong with my URL:,-73.990318|40.749825,-73.987963|40.752946,-73.987384|40.755823,-73.986397
According to the Google documentation I believe that my URL should work, because an image witha path only requires the size attribute (i.e. all others are optional).
When I try to test load my URL via a web-browser I receive an Error 403 in Google Chrome telling me that the googleapis website requires a log in. Is this the API key? I have an API key that I've previously used for a non-static google map and I copy/pasted this key from the map's xml into my URL (using the key= attribute), but again this was not successful.
I've tried searching on google and this forum, but it seems that no-one has had this problem before - or maybe I'm just really bad at searching :( But hopefully someone can assist?
You're missing the required sensor parameter.,-73.990318|40.749825,-73.987963|40.752946,-73.987384|40.755823,-73.986397&sensor=false
This requirement is fairly new, but yes, you are missing the API key.
Just as you added the parameters &size= or &path=, at some point you need to have a &key=parameter. So for your example it would look like this:,-73.990318|40.749825,-73.987963|40.752946,-73.987384|40.755823,-73.986397
hope that helps

Using Google maps API via SSL

So, I know just recently that google maps API is now available in SSL (here).
My question is, how do I retro-fit my http google maps api script to use this?
So my http Google maps API script call looks like this:
They suggest via this link that to use SSL it should be this:
I've tried retro-fitting this into my old URL format like so:
but that no longer displays the map.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what the URL should be?
Try this line:
Google btw suggests that you explicitly enter what version of the api you are going to use. Just entering v=3 will always return the latest version, at the moment 3.5. I believe that the current stable version is 3.3.
As Trott wrote in his answer, api key is no longer needed.
You don't need an API key to use v3, but I suppose it probably doesn't hurt. General things to try:
Open your browser's JavaScript console and see if it is reporting any problems when you load the page.
Remove the API key
Change & to just &
Copy and paste the exact link text you put above into your code, because that link text is working for me. I'm referring to this:
Of course, change ######## to your API key (or just remove it altogether).