Consul - register external service provided via SSL - ssl

The Consul documentation shows how to register external services, but the examples shown are always targeting port 80 (and 443 only for health checks, which is even more peculiar) - example:
If you register a service for port 443, a using service having it as upstream in fact gets a port opened from its local Envoy, but one cannot access this port - curl always complains about wrong protocol version. In contrast, if one registers a service for port 80, plain HTTP access works as expected.
Does anybody have an idea how an https based service can be provided as external service?


How to make my Google Cloud Load Balancer work?

I follow Document for Creating Content-Based Load Balancing:
I want to reach external address with https. I want load balancer to connect to VM with simple http.
Both VMs work as expected and are returning proper answet when reached by IP address. LB's settings seem fine. Both health checks are passing and Google SSL Certificate is ACTIVE.
However, when I try to reach Load Balancer's IP address or domain I get 502.
LB IP is
Load Balancer's logs show statusDetails: "failed_to_connect_to_backend"
I attached screens of my Google Cloud Console.
Please advice.
me#machine:$ gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates list
wciel-pl-certificate2 MANAGED 2019-08-11T03:20:15.971-07:00 2019-11-09T01:27:44.000-08:00 ACTIVE ACTIVE
I think there is a mismatch in back end service configuration. From the details of web-map-backend-service its seems like your service listening on port 80. However, when you have configured backend service you have configured it with port 443.
If you don't require secure communication between LB to VM, I would recommend followings:
Change backend protocol from HTTPS to HTTP
Edit backend Port numbers from 443 to 80
Save and update the configuration.

Internal and external services running behind Traefik in Docker Swarm mode

I'm having some trouble finding any way to make my situation workable. I have 2 applications:
1: External service web application running on If I run this application behind traefik with acme (LetsEncrypt) it works fine. I have a few more backend services (api/auth) that all run with a valid LetsEncrypt certificate and get their http traffic redirected to https by traefik
entryPoint = "https"
I have to have some form of http to https forwarding for this service.
2: Internal service web application running on I have a self signed trusted certificate (internal CA) which works fine behind traefik if I set it as a default certificate, or if I use it in the application itself (inside tomcat). However, since it is an internal service I can live without ssl for this if it solves my problem. However, this does not work with traefik's http to https forwarding.
I have been trying to get these 2 services to run behind the same traefik instance but all the possible scenarios I could think of do not work because they are either still work in progress or just plain not working.
1: No http to https redirect, don't bother with https for the internal service and just use http. Then inside the backend for the external webservice redirect to https.
Unable to have 2 traefik ports which traefik forwards too Unable to
forward 1 single port to another proto (since the backend is always
either http or https port)
Use ACME over the default cert
2: Use ACME over default certificate
someone else thought this was a good idea. It's just not working yet.
3: Re-use backend ssl certificate. Have traefik just redirect without "ssl termination". I'm not sure if this is the same thing but there is an option called "passTLSCert". However it seems that this is only possible with frontends defined in the .toml file which do not work (probably because I use docker for backends).
4: use DNS-01 challenge to create an SSL certificate for my internal service.
Sounds like this could work, so I'm now using CloudFlare and have an api key. However, it does not seem to work for subdomains. and there is no reply on my issue report:
EDIT: I might be able to fix the issue described in 4 to get this to work. It seems the internal DNS might be conflicting with traefik
Someone decided that on our internal DNS zones would be added per subdomain, meaning that the SOA request returned the subdomain as the name. This does not play nice with cloudflare since the internal dns zone is not the same as the cloudflare dns.
Changing this to a main zone with a records for the subdomains fixed the issue (in combination with the delayDontCheckDNS option).

multiple web servers/services on a single host machine... sharing an ssl cert?

We're developing a C#/.NET WCF web service that needs be installed on an (enterprise) customer's machine, which may or may not have Apache/IIS running as well.
Communication with our service has to be secured with SSL, but what if the existing Apache/IIS is already using an SSL cert for this address? Can we share it since the host is the same?
For example:
Their existing stuff: Apache or IIS is running on port 80
Our newly installed stuff: Our service is running on port 9999
If Apache/IIS has its own cert, should/can we use it too?
If not, what should we do?
A certificate identifies a host and not a service. It is independent from the port you use or the application providing the service. If you have multiple services on the same host it is still the same host, so you can use the same certificate.

Running Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy for HTTPS server

I have the following situation: 2 hosts, one is a client and the other an HTTPS server.
Client (:<brwsr-port>) <=============> Web server (:443)
I installed Fiddler on the server so that I now have Fiddler running on my server on port 8888.
The situation i would like to reach is the following:
|Client (:<brwsr-port>)| <===> |Fiddler (:8888) <===> Web server (:443)|
|-Me-------------------| |-Server--------------------------------|
From my computer I want to contact Fiddler which will redirect traffic to the web server. The web server however uses HTTPS.
On The server I set up Fiddler to handle HTTPS sessions and decrypt them. I was asked to install on the server Fiddler's fake CA's certificate and I did it! I also inserted the script suggested by the Fiddler wiki page to redirect HTTPS traffic
// HTTPS redirect -----------------------
FiddlerObject.log("Connect received...");
if (oSession.HTTPMethodIs("CONNECT") && (oSession.PathAndQuery == "<server-addr>:8888")) {
oSession.PathAndQuery = "<server-addr>:443";
// --------------------------------------
However when I try https://myserver:8888/index.html I fail!
Failure details
When using Fiddler on the client, I can see that the CONNECT request starts but the session fails because response is HTTP error 502. Looks like no one is listening on port 8888. In fact, If I stop Fiddler on the server I get the same situation: 502 bad gateway.
Please note that when I try https://myserver/index.html and https://myserver:443/index.html everything works!
What am I doing wrong?
Is it possible that...?
I thought that since maybe TLS/SSL works on port 443, I should have Fiddler listen there and move my web server to another port, like 444 (I should probably set on IIS an https binding on port 444 then). Is it correct?
If Fiddler isn't configured as the client's proxy and is instead running as a reverse proxy on the Server, then things get a bit more complicated.
Running Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy for HTTPS
Move your existing HTTPS server to a new port (e.g. 444)
Inside Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections, tick Allow Remote Clients to Connect. Restart Fiddler.
Inside Fiddler's QuickExec box, type !listen 443 ServerName where ServerName is whatever the server's hostname is; for instance, for https://Fuzzle/ you would use fuzzle for the server name.
Inside your OnBeforeRequest method, add:
if ((oSession.HostnameIs("fuzzle")) &&
(oSession.oRequest.pipeClient.LocalPort == 443) )
{ = "fuzzle:444";
Why do you need to do it this way?
The !listen command instructs Fiddler to create a new endpoint that will perform a HTTPS handshake with the client upon connection; the default proxy endpoint doesn't do that because when a proxy receives a connection for HTTPS traffic it gets a HTTP CONNECT request instead of a handshake.
I just ran into a similar situation where I have VS2013 (IISExpress) running a web application on HTTPS (port 44300) and I wanted to browse the application from a mobile device.
I configured Fiddler to "act as a reverse proxy" and "allow remote clients to connect" but it would only work on port 80 (HTTP).
Following on from EricLaw's suggestion, I changed the listening port from 8888 to 8889 and ran the command "!listen 8889 [host_machine_name]" and bingo I was able to browse my application on HTTPS on port 8889.
Note: I had previously entered the forwarding port number into the registry (as described here) so Fiddler already knew what port to forward the requests on to.

How to prevent WCF service to register non adresses?

When registering a WCF Service I get
HTTP could not register URL http://+:8080/ because TCP port 8080 is being used by another application
Looking at the used ports with
netstat -an | grep 8080
I can see that TCP is used (I'm using ssh to tunnel from to a remote service).
Probably the WCF service tries not only to register at and the network ips but also on
How can I configure the WCF service to not try to listen to but only to and the network ip adresses? Or can I configure the init process that adresses where the service can not be registered are just ignored?
whole 127/8 block signifies localhost. so both and point to local machine. which implies is same as specifying
they both point to same service which in this case is ssh tunnel . hence WCF fails to register
solution is to change port number.