Collection of keys to SharedPreferences - kotlin

I have collection of keys and a long sheet of keys itself in kotlin. Can I combine it somehow? So that there aren't two sheets?
private val allPrefKeys = arrayListOf(
private const val APP_STYLE = "APP_STYLE"
I need a collection to verify that the key from SharedPreferences is contained in the collection.
Please help!

Consider using a map:
private val allPrefKeys = mapOf(
And you can access the right-hand elements of the map with .values. For example, if you want to check if the map contains a particular value:
val containsKey = allPrefKeys.values.contains("some string")
// OR
val containsKey = allPrefKeys.containsValue("some string") // Does same as above


Kotlin enum map

Is it possible to create such a map that is granteed to contain all enum keys as its keys?
Here is what I'm trying to achieve but with null-safety garanteed.
enum class Product { A, B }
private val _products = mapOf<Product, MutableLiveData<Int>>(
Product.A to MutableLiveData(),
Product.B to MutableLiveData()
val products = mapOf<Product, LiveData<Int>>(
Product.A to _products[Product.A]!!,
Product.B to _products[Product.B]!!
The maps construction can be simplified like this.
Thanks to #Michael for tha second line.
private val _products = Product.values().associateWith { MutableLiveData<Int>() }
val products: Map<Product, LiveData<Int> = _products
This solves the issue of construction a map with all enum keys, but yet does not let one get a value without non-null assition:
val a: Int = products[Product.A]!!.value

How do I get context inside a companion object that is inside a data class Kotlin?

I'm trying to use a resource string inside a companion object that is inside a data class. but I don't Know how to obtain context in that case in Kotlin.
Anyone knows how to do it?
data class PhoneCall(
val type: String,
val code: String,
val description: String){
companion object{
const val SOLUTION_TODAY = "72_INAT"
val solutions = listOf(
PhoneCall(Service.Traffic.PICK_UP, SOLUTION_NO_SOLUTION, Resources.getSystem().getString(R.string.makeService))
I need to use a resource string in the 3 parameter, but I'm not able to get the context.
You can modify you PhoneCall model to store a string resource id instead of the actual string.
data class PhoneCall(
val type: String,
val code: String,
#StringRes val description: Int
) {
companion object {
const val SOLUTION_TODAY = "72_INAT"
val solutions = listOf(
PhoneCall(Service.Traffic.PICK_UP, SOLUTION_NO_SOLUTION, R.string.makeService)
Then, when you need to display this data in the UI (say a TextView), you can fetch the string from the resource id.
descriptionTextView.text = getString(phoneCall.description)

Why can the author reassign a new object to a val via update?

The Code A is from offical sample code here.
The private val _uiState is val, in my mind, a val can be only assigned a object for one time.
It seems that _uiState.update { it.copy(loading = true) } shows _uiState is assigned to a new object again by update.
I don't understand why the author can reassign a new object to a val via update, could you tell me?
Code A
data class InterestsUiState(
val topics: List<InterestSection> = emptyList(),
val people: List<String> = emptyList(),
val publications: List<String> = emptyList(),
val loading: Boolean = false,
class InterestsViewModel(
private val interestsRepository: InterestsRepository
) : ViewModel() {
// UI state exposed to the UI
private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow(InterestsUiState(loading = true))
val uiState: StateFlow<InterestsUiState> = _uiState.asStateFlow()
private fun refreshAll() {
_uiState.update { it.copy(loading = true) }
data class InterestsUiState(
val topics: List<InterestSection> = emptyList(),
val people: List<String> = emptyList(),
val publications: List<String> = emptyList(),
val loading: Boolean = false,
* Updates the [MutableStateFlow.value] atomically using the specified [function] of its value.
* [function] may be evaluated multiple times, if [value] is being concurrently updated.
public inline fun <T> MutableStateFlow<T>.update(function: (T) -> T) {
while (true) {
val prevValue = value
val nextValue = function(prevValue)
if (compareAndSet(prevValue, nextValue)) {
Added Content
To Chaoz: Thanks!
But all members in data class InterestsUiState(...val loading: Boolean = falseļ¼‰is val type, and you can't change any member vaule when you have created the object of InterestsUiState.
So I can't still understand why the member value of _uiState can be changed when the author launch _uiState.update { it.copy(loading = true) }.
And more
_uiState.update { it.copy(loading = true) } is equal to
_uiState.value = _uiState.value.copy(loading = true), right?
The val keyword only refers to which object the variable holds, not the data inside said object. For example:
class MyClass(var value: Int)
The following code is not allowed:
val obj = MyClass(5)
obj = MyClass(7) // compile error
because the val keyword refers to the variable itself being reassigned to a different object. This code, however, is allowed:
val obj = MyClass(5)
obj.value = 7
Here, obj is still the same object, only a property of said object changed value. In your provided code, the update function modifies data stored inside the _uiState object, however it does not swap it for a new object. This is important because:
var obj = MyClass(5)
val copy = obj
obj = MyClass(7)
println(copy.value) // prints 5
println(obj.value) // prints 7
When reassigning a variable, the old object remains, and any other variables referencing that object are not updated. In your case, _uiState.value is modified, not the variable itself. Hope this clears things up!
Yes, it.copy() is an expression which creates a new object. However, this code is executed in the line _uiState.update { it.copy(loading = true) }, in the refreshAll() function. As it is the last statement in a lambda expression (also the only one, but doesn't matter), it is the return value of said lambda. Here we have to look at the declaration of the update function.
The lambda is stored in the function variable (of type (T)->T). This means, whenever function() is called, the code inside the lambda is executed, and its result (a new object) is then returned by the function() call. This value is assigned to the val nextValue variable and not to _uiState itself. The compareAndSet function modifies _uiState.value and does not change the object the _uiState variable references.
And by the way, the object returned by it.copy() is of type T, and not of type MutableStateFlow<T>, which your _uiState variable holds. T is the type of _uiState.value.

kotlin how to parse text into a list of data class

I have a kotlin data class described as:
data class Credentials(val p: String, val id: String, val key: String, val pass: String, val out: String)
I am trying to read from 2 text files located in a directory, and put them into this data class.
How the data looks:
config file
out = specialk
id = mike
out = specialk
id = mike
out = specialk
id = mike
credentials file
key = qwer1
pass = 3452
key = qwer3
pass = 345232
key = qwer5
pass = 3452gfd
Setting it up:
val homepath = System.getProperty("user.home")
val config = "$homepath/foobar"
val cred= "$homepath/credbar"
val configStream: InputStream = File(config).inputStream()
val credStream: InputStream = File(cred).inputStream()
This next part is something I am unsure of. What I think is that I should be reading each stream and putting it into a list of data class grouped by the user. However, I'm not sure how that should be accomplished.
configStream.bufferedReader().forEachLine {
// put to data class here.
I can't write single comment cause i am new at Stackowerflow. Sorry about that. If this file holds your app backup you can take backup as JSON file. This is much easier than this.
Firstly you need to add Gson dependency in your project
implementation ''
Secondly you need to two parser object that is for make parse to data class to JSON and JSON to data class.
You need to declare your export and import type as below
val exportType = object : TypeToken<List<Credentials>>() {}.type
And after that for convert your data to JSON String you can use this
private fun List<Credentials>.toJson() = Gson().toJson(this, exportType)
this code returns String.
and if you want to convert JSON to String you can use this code
private fun fromJson(str: String): List<Credentials> {
return try {
Gson().fromJson(str, exportType)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("From Json Exception", "$e")
this code returns list of your data class.
I hope this can help you. I did not ask is this you want to do because my Stacowerflow account is new.
Basically I would try to convert your streams into two strings
val configInputFileString = convertStreamToString(configStream)
val credentialsInputFileString = convertStreamToString(credStream)
You can easily convert a stream by using this function:
fun convertStreamToString(stream: InputStream?): String? {
val reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(stream))
val sb = StringBuilder()
var line: String? = null
while (reader.readLine().also { line = it } != null) {
return sb.toString()
Once you have the two streams, I would define to different data classes to get the elements of the streams:
data class UserConfig(val placeholder: String, val out: String, val id: String)
data class UserCredentials(val placeholder: String, val key: String, val pass: String)
for each stream you need to get each row, splitting by new line character \n and clearing unuseful parts:
private fun getUserConfigs(elements: List<String>): ArrayList<UserConfig> {
val configs = arrayListOf<UserConfig>()
for (element in elements) {
val splittedConfig = element
.replace("out = ", "")
.replace("id = ", "")
val config = UserConfig(splittedConfig[0], splittedConfig[1], splittedConfig[2])
return configs
private fun getUserCredentials(elements: List<String>): ArrayList<UserCredentials> {
val credentials = arrayListOf<UserCredentials>()
for (element in elements) {
val splittedCredentials = element
.replace("key = ", "")
.replace("pass = ", "")
val config = UserCredentials(splittedCredentials[0], splittedCredentials[1], splittedCredentials[2])
return credentials
Now you can map userConfig and credentialConfigs in a usersMap
val userConfigs = getUserConfigs(configInputFileString!!.split("\n\n"))
val credentialConfigs = getUserCredentials(credentialsInputFileString!!.split("\n\n"))
val usersMap = { userConfig ->
userConfig to credentialConfigs.find { it.placeholder == userConfig.placeholder }
Finally you can transform the usersMap to match your data class by doing:
val credentials = { Credentials(it.first.placeholder,, it.second!!.key, it.second!!.pass, it.first.out) }
As long as your files seem to be of Windows INI format you can use third-party library Ini4J to parse them.
Parse both files and merge two Inis into list of Credentials
val configs = Ini(File(config))
val credentials = Ini(File(cred))
val result: List<Credentials> = configs.keySet().map { user ->
Credentials(p = user, // or whatever 'p' is
id = configs.get(user, "id")!!,
key = credentials.get(user, "key")!!,
pass = credentials.get(user, "pass")!!,
out = configs.get(user, "out")!!)

How do I initialize Kotlin's MutableList to empty MutableList?

Seems so simple, but, how do I initialize Kotlin's MutableList to empty MutableList?
I could hack it this way, but I'm sure there is something easier available:
var pusta: List<Kolory> = emptyList()
var cos: MutableList<Kolory> = pusta.toArrayList()
You can simply write:
val mutableList = mutableListOf<Kolory>()
This is the most idiomatic way.
Alternative ways are
val mutableList : MutableList<Kolory> = arrayListOf()
val mutableList : MutableList<Kolory> = ArrayList()
This is exploiting the fact that java types like ArrayList are implicitly implementing the type MutableList via a compiler trick.
Various forms depending on type of List, for Array List:
val myList = mutableListOf<Kolory>()
// or more specifically use the helper for a specific list type
val myList = arrayListOf<Kolory>()
For LinkedList:
val myList = linkedListOf<Kolory>()
// same as
val myList: MutableList<Kolory> = linkedListOf()
For other list types, will be assumed Mutable if you construct them directly:
val myList = ArrayList<Kolory>()
// or
val myList = LinkedList<Kolory>()
This holds true for anything implementing the List interface (i.e. other collections libraries).
No need to repeat the type on the left side if the list is already Mutable. Or only if you want to treat them as read-only, for example:
val myList: List<Kolory> = ArrayList()
I do like below to :
var book: MutableList<Books> = mutableListOf()
/** Returns a new [MutableList] with the given elements. */
public fun <T> mutableListOf(vararg elements: T): MutableList<T>
= if (elements.size == 0) ArrayList() else ArrayList(ArrayAsCollection(elements, isVarargs = true))
Create Mutable list of nullable String in kotlin
val systemUsers: MutableList<String?> = mutableListOf()
It is absolutely valid to use the MutableList() function of the Kotlin collections that intentionally looks like a constructor. This function is in general very useful to know because it can also consume an initialization function that pre-fills all values of a (non-empty) list.
val emptyListOfTypeUnit = MutableList(0) {}
val emptyListOfTypeInt = MutableList(0) { 0 }
val verboseEmptyListOfTypeInt = MutableList<Int>(0) { 0 }
val emptyListOfTypeString = MutableList(0) { "" }
val verboseEmptyListOfTypeString = MutableList<String>(0) { "" }
val emptyListOfTypeKolory = MutableList(0) { Kolory() }
val verboseEmptyListOfTypeKolory = MutableList<Kolory>(0) { Kolory() }
Disclaimer: I was introduced to this in the Jetbrains Academy course for Kotlin developers, which is unfortunately not public. Therefore, I cannot link a reference here. Sorry.