Select subscription date range - sql

How to turn a date into last month's date?
SELECT extract(day from (Select (period_start) from accounts where id = 'id')) AS "Day of month";
The above give me the day of the month
Account Table
id (primary)
User records
account_id (foreign key)
The user is registered at 02-12for subscription start
I would like to have a query to select the date range from the current month to last month
This current month is April, so I would like to select the record that is
select records from table where date > '03-12-2022'
get the subscription start period and get the date
set the query limited to last month with the subscription start date
how to produce this date 03-12-2022 which is driven by subscription start period and previous month?
many thanks

This approach should work:
Get the number of months between the subscription date and today e.g. age(timestamp1, timestamp2)
Get the number of months and subtract 1 to get last month e.g. duration = extract(month from age(timestamp1, timestamp2)) - 1
Add the months to the subscription date e.g. (subscription_date + (duration || ' month')::INTERVAL)


Specific Month-day select statement query

I would like to select from a table where the date falls within a specific time each year f.e:
select * from Customer where date >= August 15th and date <= December 20th
Since this will be for a report that runs every year, I do not want to hardcore the date as I will have to change it every year. I would like to have it dynamic to pick the date from August 15th to December 20th of the current year.
I have the below query where I can retrieve the Month and Date:
SELECT DATENAME(month, date) AS Month,DATENAME(day, date) AS Day from Customer
However, I am struggling to have this selection date range.
maybe this can help you:
This add the current year to a concatenated date you want, then convert it all into datetime type..

find given date is business date or holiday in PostgreSQL

I have table having customer appointment date and id. Now i want to find out appointment date is business date or holiday like saturday and sunday .
I want to find out how many customers visits on business day and holiday using postgresql.
Table name is customers_details having two columns id integer, appoinment_date date.
You can use date functions with a conditional expression to define the groups:
(extract(dow from appoinment_date) in (0, 6)) is_holiday,
count(*) no_visits
from customers_details
group by 1
In the resultset, is_holiday is a boolean flag that indicates whether the appointment happened on a holiday (true) or on a working day (false).

Previous year Year To Date with partial current year Year To Date Calculation SQL Server

I have a revenue table with data for last year and current year. I need to calculate the YTD last year and YTD current year, BUT I need to only consider data from min(date) from last year PER branch for current year YTD calculation.
eg: Branch KTM has data from 2018-02-25 not from Jan 1st.
Now I want to get YTD for the current year from the same date on 2019 till today.
I am able to get whole YTD for last year and this year, and also the minimum date/weeknumber for each branch for last year, but unable to calculated partial YTD for the current year.
Here is one drive link to mydata and sql :!Ave_-9o8DQVEgRS7FaJmm48UNsWz?e=lRfOJF
A snippet from my code
I need help with the SQL query to do this.
This returns the number of days between the same day-of-year of a last year's date and today's date:
select current_date - (date'2018-02-25' + interval '1' year); -- PostgreSQL
select datediff(current_date, (date'2018-02-25' + interval '1' year)); -- MySQL
Alternative version:
select extract(doy from current_date) - extract(doy from date'2018-02-25'); -- PostgreSQL
doy stands for day of year. At the time of the answer (2019-09-24) all queries return 211.
To sum values in that date range, use BETWEEN:
SELECT sum(revenue)
FROM your_table
WHERE date BETWEEN date'2018-02-25' + interval '1' year AND current_date

Bigquery SQL for sliding window aggregate

Hi I have a table that looks like this
Date Customer Pageviews
2014/03/01 abc 5
2014/03/02 xyz 8
2014/03/03 abc 6
I want to get page view aggregates grouped by week but showing aggregates for past 30 days - (sliding window aggregates with window-size of 30 days for every week)
I am using google bigquery
EDIT: Gordon - re your comment about "Customer", Actually what I need is slightly more complicated thats why I included customer in the table above. I am looking to get the number of customers who had >n pageviews in a 30day window every week. something like this
Date Customers>10 pageviews in 30day window
2014/02/01 10
2014/02/08 5
2014/02/15 6
2014/02/22 15
However to keep it simple, I will work my way if I could just get a sliding window aggregate of pageviews ignoring customers altogether. something like this
Date count of pageviews in 30day window
2014/02/01 50
2014/02/08 55
2014/02/15 65
2014/02/22 75
How about this:
SELECT changes + changes1 + changes2 + changes3 changes28days, login, USEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(week)
SELECT changes,
LAG(changes, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY login ORDER BY week) changes1,
LAG(changes, 2) OVER (PARTITION BY login ORDER BY week) changes2,
LAG(changes, 3) OVER (PARTITION BY login ORDER BY week) changes3,
SELECT SUM(payload_pull_request_changed_files) changes,
UTC_USEC_TO_WEEK(created_at, 1) week,
actor_attributes_login login,
FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline]
WHERE payload_pull_request_changed_files > 0
GROUP BY week, login
HAVING changes28days > 0
For each user it counts how many changes they have submitted per week. Then with LAG() we can peek into the next row, how many changes they submitted the -1, -2, and -3 week. Then we just add those 4 weeks to see how many changes were submitted on the last 28 days.
Now you can wrap everything in a new query to filter users with changes>X, and count them.
I have created the following "Times" table:
Table Details: Dim_Periods
Back30Days TIMESTAMP -- the date 30 days before "Date"
Back7Days TIMESTAMP -- the date 7 days before "Date"
and I use such query to handle "running sums"
SELECT Date,Count(*) as MovingCNT
FROM DWH.Dim_Periods
where Date < timestamp(current_date()) AND
Date >= (DATE_ADD (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), -5, 'month'))
(SELECT repository_url,repository_created_at
FROM publicdata:samples.github_timeline
) L
WHERE timestamp(repository_created_at)>= Back7Days
AND timestamp(repository_created_at)<= Date
Note that it can be used for "Month to date", Week to Date" "30 days back" etc. aggregations as well.
However, performance is not the best and the query can take a while on larger data sets due to the Cartesian join.
Hope this helps

Compare date and month in sql server for alert system

I have an a table with two columns birthday and anniversary. I want to get alerts about birthdays and anniversaries between a 7 day period of time but, that should not include year (obviously if I include year, it would always be less than the current date). I want to get the alerts 7 days in advance.
That is, the query should compare the birthday and anniversary with the current date and return a list if their birthday or anniversary falls between 7 days of the same month so that it alerts me in advance about the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.
Subtract the year difference from now to the requested date and then use datediff to calculate the date difference of the result with the requested date.
FROM Table
OR DATEDIFF(dd,DATEADD(yyyy,-DATEDIFF(yyyy,Anniversary,GETDATE()),GETDATE()),Anniversary) BETWEEN 0 AND 7
Try This
SELECT Name,max(Table .birthdate)
FROM Table group by Table .Name having (datediff(day,max(birthdate),getutcdate())>7 and datediff(day,max(birthdate),getutcdate())<8)