Browser not quitting when called from another scenario using Karate - karate

I have a scenario which is a series of rest api calls but in the middle is a section that executes a few steps within a chrome browser. The browser steps are common to another scenario so I tried to extract the browser steps into a separate feature that could then be called from multiple scenarios.
When the main scenario executes it executes the browser feature but fails to auto-close the browser after execution. I read in the documentation "Karate will close the browser automatically after a Scenario unless the driver instance was created before entering the Scenario" . The configure driver code is in the callable scenario.
I also tried caling quit() but this resulted in the error: "The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called?"
Does anyone know how I can ensure the browser closes in this circumstance?
UPDATE: As suggested by #PeterThomas I started to craft a full example to replicate this when I discovered that to replicate is actually quite simple.
If the UI feature is called like this then the browser is closed after execution:
* call read('classpath:/ui/callable/GoogleSearch.feature')
If called like this then the browser remains open:
* def result = call read('classpath:/ui/callable/GoogleSearch.feature')
My UI scenario scrapes a value from a web page which I then stored within a '* def ticket' within the called feature. I was hoping to access it via result.ticket. As I am unable to do this I am successfully using the following:
* def extractedTicket = { value: '' }
* call read('classpath:/ui/callable/GoogleSearch.feature')
* def ticket = extractedTicket.value
And within the called feature:
* set extractedTicket.value = karate.extract(val, '.ticket=(.*?)&', 1)

First, I think you should provide a way to replicate this, so that we can investigate and fix this for everyone. Please follow this process:
That said, maybe for just getting Chrome to do a few steps you should just use the Java API - and you can call it from wherever you want, even within a feature file using Java interop:
Also see if this answer gives you any pointers:


Using Selenium with an existing session and sign in details [duplicate]

For some unknown reasons ,my browser open test pages of my remote server very slowly. So I am thinking if I can reconnect to the browser after quitting the script but don't execute webdriver.quit() this will leave the browser opened. It is probably kind of HOOK or webdriver handle.
I have looked up the selenium API doc but didn't find any function.
I'm using Chrome 62,x64,windows 7,selenium 3.8.0.
I'll be very appreciated whether the question can be solved or not.
No, you can't reconnect to the previous Web Browsing Session after you quit the script. Even if you are able to extract the Session ID, Cookies and other session attributes from the previous Browsing Context still you won't be able to pass those attributes as a HOOK to the WebDriver.
A cleaner way would be to call webdriver.quit() and then span a new Browsing Context.
Deep Dive
There had been a lot of discussions and attempts around to reconnect WebDriver to an existing running Browsing Context. In the discussion Allow webdriver to attach to a running browser Simon Stewart [Creator WebDriver] clearly mentioned:
Reconnecting to an existing Browsing Context is a browser specific feature, hence can't be implemented in a generic way.
With internet-explorer, it's possible to iterate over the open windows in the OS and find the right IE process to attach to.
firefox and google-chrome needs to be started in a specific mode and configuration, which effectively means that just
attaching to a running instance isn't technically possible.
tl; dr
webdriver.firefox.useExisting not implemented
Yes, that's actually quite easy to do.
A selenium <-> webdriver session is represented by a connection url and session_id, you just reconnect to an existing one.
Disclaimer - the approach is using selenium internal properties ("private", in a way), which may change in new releases; you'd better not use it for production code; it's better not to be used against remote SE (yours hub, or provider like BrowserStack/Sauce Labs), because of a caveat/resource drainage explained at the end.
When a webdriver instance is initiated, you need to get the before-mentioned properties; sample:
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# now Google is opened, the browser is fully functional; print the two properties
# command_executor._url (it's "private", not for a direct usage), and session_id
print(f'driver.command_executor._url: {driver.command_executor._url}')
print(f'driver.session_id: {driver.session_id}')
With those two properties now known, another instance can connect; the "trick" is to initiate a Remote driver, and provide the _url above - thus it will connect to that running selenium process:
driver2 = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=the_known_url)
# when the started selenium is a local one, the url is in the form ''
When that is ran, you'll see a new browser window being opened.
That's because upon initiating the driver, the selenium library automatically starts a new session for it - and now you have 1 webdriver process with 2 sessions (browsers instances).
If you navigate to an url, you'll see it is executed on that new browser instance, not the one that's left from the previous start - which is not the desired behavior.
At this point, two things need to be done - a) close the current SE session ("the new one"), and b) switch this instance to the previous session:
if driver2.session_id != the_known_session_id: # this is pretty much guaranteed to be the case
driver2.close() # this closes the session's window - it is currently the only one, thus the session itself will be auto-killed, yet:
driver2.quit() # for remote connections (like ours), this deletes the session, but does not stop the SE server
# take the session that's already running
driver2.session_id = the_known_session_id
# do something with the now hijacked session:
And, that is it - you're now connected to the previous/already existing session, with all its properties (cookies, LocalStorage, etc).
By the way, you do not have to provide desired_capabilities when initiating the new remote driver - those are stored and inherited from the existing session you took over.
Caveat - having a SE process running can lead to some resource drainage in the system.
Whenever one is started and then not closed - like in the first piece of the code - it will stay there until you manually kill it. By this I mean - in Windows for example - you'll see a "chromedriver.exe" process, that you have to terminate manually once you are done with it. It cannot be closed by a driver that has connected to it as to a remote selenium process.
The reason - whenever you initiate a local browser instance, and then call its quit() method, it has 2 parts in it - the first one is to delete the session from the Selenium instance (what's done in the second code piece up there), and the other is to stop the local service (the chrome/geckodriver) - which generally works ok.
The thing is, for Remote sessions the second piece is missing - your local machine cannot control a remote process, that's the work of that remote's hub. So that 2nd part is literally a pass python statement - a no-op.
If you start too many selenium services on a remote hub, and don't have a control over it - that'll lead to resource drainage from that server. Cloud providers like BrowserStack take measures against this - they are closing services with no activity for the last 60s, etc, yet - this is something you don't want to do.
And as for local SE services - just don't forget to occasionally clean up the OS from orphaned selenium drivers you forgot about :)
OK after mixing various solutions shared on here and tweaking I have this working now as below. Script will use previously left open chrome window if present - the remote connection is perfectly able to kill the browser if needed and code functions just fine.
I would love a way to automate the getting of session_id and url for previous active session without having to write them out to a file during hte previous session for pick up...
This is my first post on here so apologies for breaking any norms
#Set manually - read/write from a file for automation
session_id = "e0137cd71ab49b111f0151c756625d31"
executor_url = "http://localhost:50491"
def attach_to_session(executor_url, session_id):
original_execute = WebDriver.execute
def new_command_execute(self, command, params=None):
if command == "newSession":
# Mock the response
return {'success': 0, 'value': None, 'sessionId': session_id}
return original_execute(self, command, params)
# Patch the function before creating the driver object
WebDriver.execute = new_command_execute
driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=executor_url, desired_capabilities={})
driver.session_id = session_id
# Replace the patched function with original function
WebDriver.execute = original_execute
return driver
remote_session = 0
#Try to connect to the last opened session - if failing open new window
driver = attach_to_session(executor_url,session_id)
print(" Driver has an active window we have connected to it and running here now : ")
print(" Chrome session ID ",session_id)
print(" executor_url",executor_url)
print("No Driver window open - make a new one")
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=Service(ChromeDriverManager().install()),options=myoptions)
session_id = driver.session_id
executor_url = driver.command_executor._url
Without getting into why do you think that leaving an open browser windows will solve the problem of being slow, you don't really need a handle to do that. Just keep running the tests without closing the session or, in other words, without calling driver.quit() as you have mentioned yourself. The question here though framework that comes with its own runner? Like Cucumber?
In any case, you must have some "setup" and "cleanup" code. So what you need to do is to ensure during the "cleanup" phase that the browser is back to its initial state. That means:
Blank page is displayed
Cookies are erased for the session

How to interact with network tab in chrome using karate DSL when doing web automation

I am writing UI automation script using karate DSL. In this at certain point I need to get value from network call in chrome. I want to interact with one of the webservice call in chrome devtools network tab and get the json response of that webservice.
I need this because I have to extract the value from that particular call and pass it on to the next step in my automation script.
I have seen the question related to sessionStorage(Is there a way of getting a sessionStorage using Karate DSL?) but I wonder how to do the same for network call using script command or any other way?
The first thing I would recommend is don't forget that Karate is an API testing tool at its core. Maybe all you need to do is manually make that call and get the response. You should be able to scrape the HTML and get the host and parameters needed.
That said - there's a new feature (only for Chrome) which is documented here: - and is available in 0.9.6.RC2
It may not directly solve for what you want, but in a Karate mock, you should be able to set a value for use later e.g. by using a Java singleton or writing to a temp-file.
If there is something oddly more specific you need, please contribute code to Karate. Finally, there is an experimental way in which you can actually make raw requests to the Chrome DevTools session: - it is for advanced users, but maybe you are one :)

Getting web driver logging information running Protractor

So I am in the process of writing some tests with Protractor for an angular application I am working on. I ran into an issue where a test was failing because I tried to click on an element that while existed, it could not be clicked because another element was above it and it was receiving the click event. The error was just that true not does equal false which gives no insight to the real underlaying issue. I have run into this issue many times with other tests so I knew pretty quickly was the issue was but if I had not experienced this before, I don't know how long it would take me to figure it out.
I am 99% sure that when you send a click event with the JSON Wire Protocol that if the element does receive the click, there will be a message relating to that in it's response. Is there any way with Protractor to get the JSON Wire Protocol responses on to the screen when running the tests or at least get the responses captured in a file or something?
Assuming you are using Jasmine (the default) i suggest you start using explicit waits for elements to be present and visible before interacting with them like in your example.
I'm using this custom mathers.
var theElementFinder = $('#someElm');
a way with Protractor to get the JSON Wire Protocol responses
You already see selenium errors in your Terminal / Console output.

SoapUI with Groovy Script calling multiple APIs

I am using SoapUI with Groovy script and running into an issue when calling multiple APIs. In the system I am testing one WSDL/API handles the account registration, and returns an authenticator. I then use that returned authenticator to call a different WSDL/API and verify some information. I am able to call each of these WSDLs/APIs separate but when I put them together in a Groovy Script it doesn't work.
testRunner.runTestStepByName("Property Transfer");
if(props.getPropertyValue("userCreated") == "success"){
To explain the first line will run the TestStep "RegisterUser". I then do a "Property Transfer" step which takes a few response values from "RegisterUser" - the first is "Status" to see if it succeeded or failed, second is the "Authenticator". I then do an if statement to check if "RegisterUser" succeeded then attempt to call "AuthenticateStoreUser". At this point everything looks fine. Though when it calls "AuthenticateStoreUser" it shows the thinking bar then fails like a timeout, and if I check the "raw" tab for the request it says
<missing xml data>.
Note, that if I try the "AuthenticateStoreUser" by itself the call works fine. It is only after calling "RegisterUser" in the Groovy Script that it behaves strange. I have tried this with a few different calls and believe it is an issue calling two different APIs.
Has anyone dealt with this scenario, or can provide further direction to what may be happening?
(I would have preferred to simply comment on the question, but I don't have enough rep yet)
Have you checked the Error log tab at the bottom when this occurs? If so, what does it say and is there a stacktrace you could share?

Create screenshot after failed selenium command

The PHPUnit Selenium base class has an option to make a screenshot on failure, which is a huge help in finding out why the test failed. The selenium server, however, returns an error instead of a failure on any error condition other than explicit assert* calls (such us trying to do something with a non-existent element). If I try to make a screenshot after the server reports the error, I get another error saying that the server already discarded the session. Is there any way to change that behavior?
Update: this is because PHPUnit breaks the connection when it receives an error. I was able to change it by some (rather ugly) manipulation of the PHPUnit code.
Make those interactions as test cases.
For example in perl,
If it is written as below and fails due to a non-existent element. the script will error out
While if the above step is made as a test case by writing it as follows
If there is a non-existent element, the test case will only fail, and the script will continue.
So using TAP (test any protocol) by using the module use Test::More; , if _ok is added after a function, the function return will be used to determine the fate of the test case.
ie. - A return of 'O' means the test Failed
and A return of '1' means the test Passed
It is not the Selenium server but the SeleniumTestCase class for PHPUnit 3.4 which automatically sends a stop command when it detects an error (Driver.php line 921). PHPUnit 3.6 seems handle errors better.
I think you can overwrite method 'travelbox' and make something like this:
public function onNotSuccessfulTest(Exception $e){
file_put_content('/xxx/xxx.jpg', $this->currentScreenshot());