Getting web driver logging information running Protractor - testing

So I am in the process of writing some tests with Protractor for an angular application I am working on. I ran into an issue where a test was failing because I tried to click on an element that while existed, it could not be clicked because another element was above it and it was receiving the click event. The error was just that true not does equal false which gives no insight to the real underlaying issue. I have run into this issue many times with other tests so I knew pretty quickly was the issue was but if I had not experienced this before, I don't know how long it would take me to figure it out.
I am 99% sure that when you send a click event with the JSON Wire Protocol that if the element does receive the click, there will be a message relating to that in it's response. Is there any way with Protractor to get the JSON Wire Protocol responses on to the screen when running the tests or at least get the responses captured in a file or something?

Assuming you are using Jasmine (the default) i suggest you start using explicit waits for elements to be present and visible before interacting with them like in your example.
I'm using this custom mathers.
var theElementFinder = $('#someElm');
a way with Protractor to get the JSON Wire Protocol responses
You already see selenium errors in your Terminal / Console output.


Browser not quitting when called from another scenario using Karate

I have a scenario which is a series of rest api calls but in the middle is a section that executes a few steps within a chrome browser. The browser steps are common to another scenario so I tried to extract the browser steps into a separate feature that could then be called from multiple scenarios.
When the main scenario executes it executes the browser feature but fails to auto-close the browser after execution. I read in the documentation "Karate will close the browser automatically after a Scenario unless the driver instance was created before entering the Scenario" . The configure driver code is in the callable scenario.
I also tried caling quit() but this resulted in the error: "The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called?"
Does anyone know how I can ensure the browser closes in this circumstance?
UPDATE: As suggested by #PeterThomas I started to craft a full example to replicate this when I discovered that to replicate is actually quite simple.
If the UI feature is called like this then the browser is closed after execution:
* call read('classpath:/ui/callable/GoogleSearch.feature')
If called like this then the browser remains open:
* def result = call read('classpath:/ui/callable/GoogleSearch.feature')
My UI scenario scrapes a value from a web page which I then stored within a '* def ticket' within the called feature. I was hoping to access it via result.ticket. As I am unable to do this I am successfully using the following:
* def extractedTicket = { value: '' }
* call read('classpath:/ui/callable/GoogleSearch.feature')
* def ticket = extractedTicket.value
And within the called feature:
* set extractedTicket.value = karate.extract(val, '.ticket=(.*?)&', 1)
First, I think you should provide a way to replicate this, so that we can investigate and fix this for everyone. Please follow this process:
That said, maybe for just getting Chrome to do a few steps you should just use the Java API - and you can call it from wherever you want, even within a feature file using Java interop:
Also see if this answer gives you any pointers:

Best way to automate a page and check if it is loaded correctly

I am looking to verify if this page loads correctly -
These are the things I think it would be best to verify if the page is loaded correctly, please let me know if I am missing anything
1) Verify all the links on this page works?
2) Verify if the menu on the top is loaded correctly, Do I need to verify the menu names?
3) Check if the classes are loaded properly?
4) get/post request status 200 and other ajax calls?
As per your question a seperate test to check if the page is loaded correctly will be a complete overhead because the Client (i.e. the Web Browser) will never return the Execution Control back to the WebDriver instance until and unless 'document.readyState' is equal to "complete". Once this condition is fulfilled Selenium performs the next line of code.
You can find a detailed discussion on this topic in Selenium IE WebDriver only works while debugging
Next as you want to Verify if all the links on this page works or not , you can write a function() and invoke the function() whereever required.
Moving on to next question, there is no necessity to Verify if the menu on the top is loaded correctly or not as you can't test each and every aspect of each and every WebElement present on a WebPage. The best approach would be to verify and validate the attributes of only those elements with whom we need to interact.
Again Checking if the classes are loaded properly will be a overhead as JVM takes care of it in the best possible way.
Finally, to validate get/post request status 200 you have to write Tests as per your requirement.

How to continue test when the page still not completely loaded in selenium

Actually, I am creating automation testing for an e-commerce website. Actually, the website have function lazy load or something. I am testing it on UAT server. So, it will load the page slowly because the specification of the server. It takes more than 60 sec or more to load all the resources from the webpage. So, when I am trying to create selenium automation, it always waiting more than 60 sec to continue the next step (because waiting the page fully loaded). Please, someone give me tips how to continue run the test step after 10 seconds wait the page to load. It won't throw an exception, just continue the test step.
Not possible.
If you find some element and try execute some action while loading you will get stale element error + due loading issue you will have a lot of failed tests and it will take a lot more time to debug.
Automation means to execute fast and have reliable results.
It seems that this environment is not built for automation, you should request more resources.
As an alternative maybe you can use a headless driver or see if you can put the same build on a VM.
Why this is an issue: Selenium needs to wait for each request to be complete.For example when you request a page, if the page is not received entirely and the server still sending info then the request is not done, it is logical that you need a complete request in order to continue.
You should address this to your Project Manager/QA Lead and ask for advice/option on how to handle this.
Please note that these costs should be included/added in the automation price.You need to address this in a simple way:
good server -> automation runs smoothly and fast and the testing is
done faster
bad server -> unable to run automation since is not reliable and each
test has a high rate of failure => alternative X day(s) of
manual testing for each build
If this would be a coding issue like some delayed ajax request then you would have some solutions, devs could help, but if is an infrastructure/resources issue then if not depending on you, and you cannot solve it.
You could use try any type of wait implicit/explicit, explicit would throw some exception, but this is not a solution for poor resources.

How to handle data of console developer tool for Chrome for automation

I need to automate where We are sending data which is available on console in real time. Automation test can be to check that data is triggering or data format is correct which is being sent. I can manually check this on console but there are lots of things to check and need to automate the process. Is there any method in selenium which we can utilize to interact with console data.
You can use driver.manage().logs().get. You also need to configure the loggingPreferences to log normal console.log calls, rather than just more severe error logs.

Getting client side script to run in zombie.js

I'm using Zombie.js for testing with Cucumber-js, and I can't seem to get my client side scripts to run.
Visiting the page:
this.browser.visit("http://localhost/boic",function(e, browser,status,errors){
Returns a status of 200, no errors, and displays the H1 text correctly. However, if I include a script to change the H1 code in the page:
$('H1').html('hello world');
The H1 text remains unchanged, and no global variables are accessible via browser.window...
Did you load jQuery in your page before the script is called?
there is also the runScripts browser option but that defaults to true.
But I'm gonna recommend running an external phantom.js process and going through the webdriver interface. Just because I spent 6 months trying to get zombie to do what I wanted and phantomjs made it all easy.
I agree w/ Jon Biz. Zombie is difficult to work with. Many sites that use JS libraries that might contain minor errors cause it to crash (I think node fails) when the zombie browser encounters them - if you have the runScripts option set. This makes it very hard to use for any application/site that requires external JS - ie most of them.
I also recommend switching to Phantomjs.