How to cache image images in compose and load it even offline - kotlin

I'm working on a social media app, and that works on single source of truth so my user atleast can see something even without internet and can assign some task to my WorkManager...
but the problem is that I cant load images offline,
I'mean right now I'm using a function i.e. rememberPainter( "https://myurl..." )
but it requires internet to load images...
and yeah There is no need of any authentication required for loading images
Kindly help me with a peace of code, if possible..
I'm new to andorid and compose U.I


In App Store Connect, app preview poster frame not saving

I've added some video app previews for my app on App Store Connect and when I set the video poster frame, it never saves the image that I want, it always reverts back to the one that Apple defaults to initially. Does anyone know a work around?
UPDATE: I did get in contact with App Store Connect and they told me it's a recent bug that they're actively working on fixing. I'm going to touch base with them early next week.
Issue is still happening. But if you want to be able to upload without problems try this:
Upload the screenshots of one complete language
Don't touch anything for 2-4 min once pictures are uploaded.
Then you can refresh the webpage and check if the screenshots are well uploaded.

How can i change the background of my App after it approved and already in App Store

I am new in Xcode and IOS development.
i have designed and finished my app and i connected with Parse for push notification and core data.
the problem is what i didn't understand is: if in future i want to change the background of my app or add new event or to change the palace of button my app, how can i do that? i have to rebuild and submit it again or there is any way to do by online a website like parse?
i couldn't find the answer any where, help please...
Thanks ,
If you had designed your app to load the background data from Parse, then you could just put the new background on Parse and your app would load it. There is no need to submit a new app to do that. If you did it this way, you'd want to have a default background in the case when the network is not available.
You can't add new code to your application with this method (that is not allowed), but you can add data such as images, text, etc. The key point here is that you have to design your app from the start to work this way, then it is simply a matter of putting the new data on Parse where your app can find it.
Expanding on #vacawama's very good answer:
For this version you are out of luck, since it sounds like you did not design it to use a background that is loaded from your Parse server.
What you need to do is to code an update to your app that has these new abilities, and submit that to the app store. Once that version is approved then you should be able to change the background from the server.

how to implement cross-component upload progressbar in AngularDart

I have been implementing a small AngularDart projecjt which contains serveral components. One of those components can upload file to server. I would like to implement an upload progressbar that keep upload the file and show upload progress while user navigate to other components. (like other file upload website such as Dropbox, Google Drive. User can go to other section of website while the uploading keep working). Is there any guide or solution to implement such functiionality? (For now, I can implement asynchronous upload and progressbar yet.The Problem is get it to work across components.)
Thanks for any help. :)
PS. sorry for my broken English.
You can implement your GUI in a view and place it using ng-view. When you put your progress bar outside the of the ng-view it should stay on the screen when the view changes.

Show a single thumbnail when posting on facebook

A little background info is that my team and I developed a website for a Real Estate Agency and I've been assigned the task of setting the image of the currently selected property into facebook's sharing feature.
The webpage for the property is dynamic as there are several listings, so what I've done is select the first image that is loaded on the page and set it to the og:image meta tag.
Now let's say I copy the URL and post it on Facebook, it'll show the correct thumbnail, HOWEVER, it'll also show multiple thumbnails from other listings.
All images on the website are over 200 x 200px and are within an aspect ratio of 3:1.
My question is, how do I tell Facebook to only take my initial image and not grab others while it's as it.
Is there perhaps a SelectSingleImage property that I can apply?
I've already spent more time searching for the answer to this issue than I would have liked, so thanks for any help provided, it's much appreciated.
One method I use sometimes is to recognize Facebook's server and simply provide it with different data. This way you can actually only have one image on the page (as far as Facebook knows).
I don't know anything about, but here is a simple code sample in PHP. All it does is perform a regular expression on the user agent of the request to match it against the string "facebook".
$isFacebook = false;
if(preg_match("/facebook/",strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]))) {
$isFacebook = true;
Facebook may very well change their user agent signature one day, but for now, I'm pretty sure you'll be safe but keep synced with the Developers Blog and the Roadmap.
It seems that Facebook saved those images in cache for some bizarre reason, but to resolve this issue all I had to do was enter the URL into Facebook's Linter tool which in turn cleared the cache on their server.

Has anyone been able to use web images with the Tiles and Badges App sample?

I've been trying to get my app's tile to display an image from the web, but couldn't get it to work. I then tried the Tiles and Badges app sample, where in scenario 3 you can send a tile notification that uses a web image. No matter which image url I paste in the text box, the tile refuses to get updated. So apparently, the sample isn't working either, or something is very wrong.
The images are all smaller than 1024x1024 and less than 200KB. Fun fact: if I download one of the images I unsuccesfully tried to feed the sample, add it to the project and then send a notification using it as a local image, the tile gets updated. So apparently the image isn't the problem.
Has anybody been able to get this working? I don't get what I'm doing wrong.
Do have internet permission ticket in app manifest? Maybe only your app dont have permission to download your image from web.