In Fortran90, use variable string as file name when opening files for read/write - file-io

I am writing code in Fortan90 (Intel fortran in MS Visual Studio 17), where I am trying to use a variable string to open files for read/write. I read a variable length [base name] from an input file, append either prefixes or suffixes, depending on whether the file is an input or output file and the type of data in the file. I have been able to successfully read [base name] and append the prefix/suffix (use a sample code to print out the results, as far as I can tell, all file names are correct)
However, when I try to use FILE=[character-string], I get an access violation on the read line.
Character (40) :: bname
Character (50) :: inname1, inname2, ....
Character (50) :: outname1, outname2, ....
inname1 = 'LON_'//TRIM(bname)//'.txt'
outname1 = TRIM(bname)//'_DATA.csv'
OPEN(30, FILE=inname1, STATUS='OLD')
OPEN (40, FILE=outname1, STATUS='NEW')
I have used STATUS='UNKNOWN' with no effect. Tried to use an allocatable length for the file names (CHARACTER (LEN:=), ALLOCATABLE ::), but this resulted in the names being truncated to only the first part for those with a leading string and an error for those with the base name leading.
Please note, I am very inexperienced. I can access this website on one computer, in a different building than the one where I am writing the code, so can't copy code directly.
Thank you for your assistance.


Characters not displayed correctly when reading CSV file

I have an issue when trying to read a string from a .CSV file. When I execute the application and the text is shown in a textbox, certain characters such as "é" or "ó" are shown as a question mark symbol.
The idea is that this code reads the whole CSV file and then splits each line into variables depending on the first word of the line.
The code I'm using to read is:
Dim test() As String
test = IO.File.ReadAllLines("Libro1.csv")
Dim test_chart As String = Array.Find(vls1load, Function(x) (x.StartsWith("sample")))
Dim test_chart_div() As String = test_chart.Split(";")
variable1 = test_chart_div(1)
variable2 = test_chart_div(2)
I have also tried with:
Dim test() As String
test = IO.File.ReadAllLines("Libro1.csv", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
But none of them works. The .csv file is supposed to be UTF8. The "web options" that you can see when saving the file in excel show encoding UTF8. I also tried the trick of changing the file extension to HTML and opening it with the browser to see that the encoding is also correct.
Can someone advice anything else I can try?
Thanks in advance.
When an Excel file is exported using the CSV Comma Separated output format, the Encoding selected in Tools -> Web Option -> Encoding of Excel's Save As... dialog doesn't actually generate the expected result:
the Text file is saved using the Encoding relative to the current Language selected in the Excel Application, not the Unicode (UTF16-LE) or UTF-8 Encoding selected (which is ignored) nor the default Encoding determined by the current System Language.
To import the CSV file, you can use the Encoding.GetEncoding() method to specify the Name or CodePage of the Encoding used in the machine that generated the file: again, not the Encoding related to System Language, but the Encoding of the Language that the Excel Application is currently using.
CodePage 1252 (Windows-1252) and ISO-8859-1 are commonly used in Latin1 zone.
Based the symbols you're referring to, this is most probably the original encoding used.
In Windows, use the former. ISO-8859-1 is still used, mostly in old Web Pages (or Web Pages created without care for the Encoding used).
As a note, CodePage 1252 and ISO-8859-1 are not exactly the same Encoding, there are subtle differences.
If you find documentation that states the opposite, the documentation is wrong.

How to write results in to NSArray and save it as csv file using objective-c

I'm trying to store my results in NSArray and save it as CSV File using Objective-C but i don't seem to find any solution which is relevant. Please find the below sample code:
int a=5,b=10;
int c=b-a;
double d=4.5,e=3.0;
double h=d-e;
NSLog(#"host_port:%f", c);
NSLog(#"host_size:%d", h;
I would like to store my values c and h in array and write that to CSV File. Any advise on this would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
When you ask a question on SO you need to show effort - code you've tried, details of what you've read - if you don't you'll get down and close votes (you have one of each as I write this). The code you have included has nothing to do with CSV or arrays, and is not even pasted in valid code (the formats are wrong).
That said, let's see if you can give you something to get you going.
A CSV file is just plain text, you don't need to use any packages to write one, just standard I/O routines will do the job. You also do not need to store all the values in an array and then output the array, or build up a string version of the whole CSV file and output that, you can output items as they are generated if you wish and it may be more efficient to do so. In your code fragment you only have two values, maybe you intend this to be the core of a loop, and given those we assume you wish the CSV file:
your values have basic types, int and double, they are not Objective-C object types. Given this you can use the standard C I/O operations to produce your file.
First you may need to obtain the destination file name from the user, assuming this is a GUI app look up NSOpenPanel for this. That will give you an NSURL from which you can obtain the file path as an NSString, and you can convert that into a C string using NSString methods.
Now you can enter the C I/O world, to find the documentation on the following functions open the Terminal and use the man command, e.g. man fopen etc.
To create and open for writing the file for writing use fopen() passing it the C string pathname you obtained above.
To write the headers and each row of data use fprintf(). This takes a format string just like NSLog(), but you must remember to explicitly include the line breaks by using \n in the format.
When you've finished close the file with fclose().
Now go read the documentation and write your CSV file!

Foreach loop filename

I am getting familiar with an SSIS solution and I just realized something that is new for me:
there is a foreach loop task which contains this information in the "Files:" box:
What does it mean?
Does it mean that the task will take the files with name like:
like: A10Sell123Depot21.csv
In the Files text box, The asterisk wildcard (*) mean that you don't know this part of the name.
`*` --> unknown string
`?` --> unknown character
"In the Files text box, enter File.txt. The asterisk wildcard () let’s us include any text file that starts with “File,” without having to specify each file. If our files had instead been Word files, we would have entered File.doc. If we were moving multiple file types, we would have used File*.* as our property value." Read More
So in your case, yes A*Sell*Depot*.csv means A(something)Sell(something)Depot(something).csv which will match A10Sell123Depot21.csv

DB2 SQL Interpret a field as other CCSID

So I have a file on my AS400 as a result of DSPJRN and I want to look at some data in the JOESD field which is the after image from the journal of a file. This is defined as char with CCSID = 65535. I guess this is because it is the whole record with a mixture of ccsid and numeric fields.
I can use substr() to get the actual field from the original file. In the original file the column is defined graphic(10) ccsid 13488. Thats UCS-2. If I do hex(substr(joesd,522,20)) I get a result of 004100530044... and so on so I know it's the correct data but I can't get it to display as 'ASD...'
I tried graphic(substr(joesd,522,20),10,13488) but it gives an error that the conversion from ccsid 65535 to 13488 isn't valid. I don't want to convert it but interpret it as the other ccsid
GRAPHIC() doesn't take CCSID as a parm. The third parm is length according to my 7.1 reference.
What version are you using?
I thought CAST() might be a solution, but it doesn't appear to work.
As I see it, one option would be to build a user defined function (UDF) that does the conversion you need; possibly with the iconv() API.
The other option, would be to dump the data into a properly formatted file. I use the DBUJRN utility from DBU. There's other similar options. Including an open source one (sorry that the description is in German, but google translate does a good enough job to figure out the source to download).
The utilities basically work the same way; you can in fact run through the same process manually. Try the following:
Step 1 (the DSPJRN you've been doing)
Step 2 - Create a new file with the journal header fields followed by all the fields from your journaled file (MYFILE)
CREATE TABLE mylib/mytbl as
) with no data
Step 3 - Copy the data without regard to the format differences..
You should end up with data originally in JOESD split into it's appropriate fields.
Note of course that this technique only works for one file at a time. Also, make sure you're only dumping *RCD entries and you'll probably want to skip the DELETE entries.

Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 0 in list input?

How do I fix the Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 0 in list input?
Below is the Fortran program which generates a runtime error.
The error message received from gdb is :
At line 688 of file MCNPT.f (unit = 10, file = 'LATTICE-256.txt')
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 0 in list input
[Inferior 1 (process 3052) exited with code 02]
I am not sure what options must be specified for READ() to read to numbers from the text file. Does it matter if the two numbers on the same line are specified as either an integer or a real in the text file?
Below is the gdb execution of the program using a break point at the open call
Breakpoint 1, readcn (
cnfile=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x7fffffffdff0>,
box=-3.37898272e+33, _cnfile=30) at MCNPT.f:686
Since you did not specify form="unformatted" on the open statement, the unit / file is opened for formatted IO. This is appropriate for a human-readable text file. ("unformatted" would be used for a non-human readable file in computer-native format, sometimes called "binary".) Therefore you should provide a format on the read, or use list-directed read, i.e., read(unit, *). To advise on a particular format we would have to know the layout of the numbers in the file. A possible read with format is: read (CNUINT, '(I4, 2X, F6.2)' ) NN, BOX
P.S. I'm answering the question in your question and not the title, which seems unrelated.
EDIT: now that you are show the text data file, a list-directed read looks easier. That is because the data doesn't line up in columns. It seems that the file has two integers on the first line, then three real numbers on each of the following lines. Most likely you need a different read for the first line. Is the code sample that you are showing us trying to read the first line, or one of the later lines? If the first line, it would seem plausible to read into two integer variables. If a later line, into two or three real variables. Two if you wish to skip the third data item on the line.
EDIT 2: the question has been substantially altered several times, which is very confusing. The first line of the text file that was shown in one version of the question contained integers, with later lines having reals. Since the listed-directed read is reading into an integer and a floating variable, it will have problems if you attempt to use it on the later lines that have two real values.