Foreach loop filename - sql

I am getting familiar with an SSIS solution and I just realized something that is new for me:
there is a foreach loop task which contains this information in the "Files:" box:
What does it mean?
Does it mean that the task will take the files with name like:
like: A10Sell123Depot21.csv

In the Files text box, The asterisk wildcard (*) mean that you don't know this part of the name.
`*` --> unknown string
`?` --> unknown character
"In the Files text box, enter File.txt. The asterisk wildcard () let’s us include any text file that starts with “File,” without having to specify each file. If our files had instead been Word files, we would have entered File.doc. If we were moving multiple file types, we would have used File*.* as our property value." Read More
So in your case, yes A*Sell*Depot*.csv means A(something)Sell(something)Depot(something).csv which will match A10Sell123Depot21.csv



I am trying to filter files using FILE_MASK parameter in EPS2_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING to reduce time searching all files in the folder (has thousands of files).
File mask I tried:
file name in the folder is;
But it exports all files to DIR_LIST table, so nothing filtered.
But when I try with;
It works!
What I think is it works if I give first 10 characters as it is. But in my case I do not have first 10 characters always.
Can you give me an advice on using FILE_MASK?
Haven’t tried, but this sounds plausible:
The * wildcard may only be used at the end of the search string.
It is not specified, what a '*' matches to, when it is not the last non-space character in the FILE parameter value.

What is the meaning of the file names flanked by the '#' sign and how can I remove them?

When I do the 'ls' command in the terminal on my Raspberry Pi 2, I see different types of names of files, some like "#example.cpp#", as well as others like "homework1.cpp~".
What do these two file types mean, and how can I get rid of them? Simply using the 'rm' command doesn't seem to be working for me. Thanks!
Some applications will create a copy of a file and use special characters when creating the filename for the copy. For instance some text editors will make a copy of a file you are starting to edit by using the same name and adding a tilde character (~) to the end of the file. That way you will have a backup of the file that you are about to edit.
Another reason would be if an application is processing the file into a temporary file with the temporary file then being used for the next step. For example perhaps the C/C++ compiler is reading the file homework1.cpp with the C Preprocessor to generate the temporary file #homework1.cpp# which is then compiled by the compiler to generate the object code file.
I am not familiar with raspberry pi so am not sure as to what may be creating the filenames with the pound sign (#) on the front and back. Perhaps it is the C++ compiler. I am pretty sure the files with the tilde character on appended to the end of the file name is a back file from vi or vim containing a copy of the file at the time it was last opened with the text editor.
One thing that you could do is to look in those files to see what is there using a Linux command or a text editor. If you use a text editor I would copy the file to another folder as a back up and then look at it there.
Edit: Someone just posted and then deleted an answer which also mentioned about how to remove these files.
What I read was that the rm command is used however for some kinds of special characters you will need to use quotes around the name and you may also need to use an escape to escape certain special characters.
The command shell reads the command line you type in and makes changes to the text before passing it on to the command you type in. So if the filename has a space in it, say jj Johny then when you remove the file you have to specify rm "jj Johny" since spaces are used by the command processor to separate out arguments.
The other poster mentioned that you had to escape out the pound sign (#) using the back slash character in order to prevent it from being modified by the command processor.

Removing handling newlines in a simple text import class

I have an input file that I want to use the string SPLIT function on for each line, depending on the Type field. However, the description field sometimes has data that has new lines in it so it messes up my file reader since it uses streamreader's readline() function
Type|Name|User|Description line 1
Description Line 2
Besides not being able to validate on 'Type' for each line and keep reading the file for when the next Type field appears, are there any ways folks can come up with to properly read this file?
My solution was to have the file maker replace newline characters in their description field with another unique character that I can later add back in. I'm still interested in solutions from the file reader's perspective though
I know I'm talking to myself a lot here, but I found another solution, which is to remove remove line feeds, since the output file creator wrote out carriage returns for each line.
You could easily set a conditional statement to see if the Split array contains more than one element, which would indicate that it's a line you want to parse.

Removing blank line at end of string before writing to text file?

Been searching around for this for a couple hours, can't find anything which will do this correctly. When writing a string to a text file, a blank line is outputted at the end.
writeString = New StreamWriter(path, False)
writeString.WriteLine("Hello World")
This will write the following to file:
Hello World
(Blank Line)
I've tried removing last character of string (both as regular string with varString.Substring(0, varString.Length - 1) and also as a list of string with varList.RemoveAt(varList.Count - 1)) but it just removes the literal last character.
I've also tried using Replace(vbCrLf, "") and many variations of it but again, they only remove literal new lines created in the string, not the new line at the end that is magically created.
Preferably, I'm seeking a method which will be able to remove that magical newline before the string is ever written to the file. I found methods which read from the file and then write back to it which would require Write > Read > Write, but in all cases the magical new line still appeared. :(
If it's important to note: The file will contain a string which may contain actual new lines (it's 'Song Artist - Song Title', though can contain other information and new lines can be added if the user wishes). That text file is then read by other applications (such as mIRC etc) of which output the contents by various means depending on application.
Eg. If an application were to read it and output it into a textbox.. the new line will additionally output to that textbox.. which is a problem! I have no control of the applications which will read the file as input considering it's the client which decides the application, so the removal of the new line needs to be done when outputted.
Help is appreciated~!
Use the Write method instead of WriteLine. The WriteLine method is the one adding a blank 0 length line to the file because it is terminating the "Hello World" string with a newline.
writeString.Write("Hello World")

How to get data from a .rtf file or excel file into database(sqlite) in iphone sdk?

I had lots of data in a .rtf file(having usernames and passwords).How can I fetch that data into a table. I'm using sqlite3.
I had created a "userDatabase.sql" in that I had created a table "usersList" having fields "username","password". I want to get the list of data in the "list.rtf" file in to my table "usersList". Please help me .
Thanks in advance.
I would write a little parser. Re-save the .rtf as a txt-file and assume it look like this:
Now do this (in your code):
open the .txt file (NSString -stringWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error:)
read line by line
for each line, fetch user and password (NSArray -componentsSeparatedByString)
store user/password into your DB
Edit: for parsing excel-sheets I recommend export as CSV file and then do the same
Parsing RTF files is mostly trivial. They're actually text, not binary (like doc pdf etc).
Last I used it, I remember the file format wasn't too difficult either.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Username Password\par
Username2 Password2\par
UsernameN PasswordN\par
Do a regular expression match to get the last { ... } part. By sure to match { not \{.
Next, parse the text as you want, but keep in mind that:
everything starting with a \ is escaped, I would write a little function to unescape the text
the special identifier \par is for a new line
there are other special identifiers, such as \b which toggles bolding text
the color change identifier, \cfN changes the text color according to the color table defined in the file header. You would want to ignore this identifier since we're talking about plain text.