Minify + Obfuscate Vue.js Codes [closed] - vue.js

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I'm on vue.js v2, and I understand the concept:
If it's sensitive, it shouldn't be in the front-end (FE).
With that in mind, I don't have any sensitive codes on the FE, I just want to make it harder for bad ninjas out there to have a hard time making sense of my codes. I'm looking for the best way to obfuscate my vue.js codes. Does anyone know a framework or plugin that I should look into?
I have these settings currently
module.exports = {
transpileDependencies: ['vuetify'],
publicPath: './',
chainWebpack: (config) => {
// disable minification for index.html only
config.plugin('html').tap((args) => {
args[0].minify = false
return args
I'm looking for something that will obfuscate my minified version of my compile codes based on npm run build, so even when unminified still not as humanly readable or easily understood.

I just want to make it harder for bad ninjas out there to have a hard time making sense of my codes
no point into doing that, really. The Web is a free and open place mostly, please keep it clean from all of this.
Because you will also impact the UX of all the other users. If you just want to have a toxic website overall, with garbage performance, I guess you could use this kind of package:
Still, the Web is a place without too much company BS, better keep it clean and open, with decent performance metrics rather than keep it hidden for some weird reasons.


Good obfuscator for VB.NET? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've already tried EazFuscator and Dotfuscator but are bad! I was able to easily read the source and pay it, and frankly I'm tired of the people that I copy the software.
I ask you which obfuscator use, at least to protect all the software by beginners.
From the great Joel Coehoorn ... you can read more here
How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation?
One thing to keep in mind is that you want to do this in a way that makes business sense. To do that, you need to define your goals. So, exactly what are your goals?
Preventing piracy? That goal is not achievable. Even native code can be decompiled or cracked; the multitude of warez available online (even products like Windows and Photoshop) is proof of that.
If you can't prevent piracy, then how about merely reducing it? This, too, is misguided. It only takes one person cracking your code for it to be available to everyone. You have to be lucky every time. The pirates only have to be lucky once.
On another note, I would recommend SmartAssembly by RedGate. Ive used this before and its great compared to others. Please note that like any obfuscator, you cannot stop someone cracking your software if they are determined to do so.
You can get more information here...

Documentation tools for hardware project [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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There is a hardware project going on. A hardware accelerator has been being developed by a team of students but there is no general documentation.
There are READMEs here and there, some docxs and in-code (Verilog, C and Lua) comments, but nothing else. The code is written with Vim, versioned with Git and Markdown is our friend, even if we are not on Github (yet).
Since this “thing” is growing, I feel the necessity of writing down something (user manual? developer notes?) but I don't know where to start.
When someone feels the urge of documenting his project, where does it start?
More specifically, what are the generally accepted criteria to do it and what are the best tools?
My hypothetical answer
We quite clearly need both a developer and user manual. One with details of the algorithmic solutions, the other... like for monkeys.
About the tools, I believe that something like a Github Wiki would work fine, but (1) we are not on Github and (2) wouldn't be LaTeX a better way of writing stuff in order to publicise it, eventually. I know we can get our Markdown rendered in a printable way with, but is it the most efficient solution? LaTeX would be a nuisance for collaborative editing and online HTML publishing.
A partial answer can be found here: “What tools are used to write documentation?”.
Second part of the answer can be found here: “What amount of documentation is needed for a non-trivial one-man software project”

Best way to capture websites in batch? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a list of URLs and I would like to capture the related sites as they would display in a standard view port for a given resolution (say 1024x768).
Does anyone know of a tool/web service/script that does just that?
Any standard PHP methods or libraries I could build on alternatively?
To give you an idea what I intend to use these images for: they should feed into a website, my own little place to collect domain names going to waste.
Web service: Browshot with the PHP library.
Tools: PhantomJS
I was wasting most of the day searching for a simple solution and finally found one. Ann Smarty wrote this article ( about the free Firefox plugin Grab Them All, which makes it immensely easy to batch-generate snapshots to a specified size from a text file list of source URLs. Easy peasy, no coding necessary, other than maybe to change saved filenames. (There's a setting that uses a safe version of the supplied URL string, with unsafe characters changed to the underscore character.)

Limewire API: does it exist? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anyone know if there is something like a Limewire API? I need to be able to make Limewire download files programmatically.
EDIT: It seems Limiwire doesn't have an API. Is there any other Gnutella P2P cliente that does?
I suppose focusing a little more upon your requirement, you've got the Gnutella downloader service/class/package API thing.
It allows you to query and download direct to the network.
Then extending that idea - you have jTella, API source for Gnutella network.
Unfortunately, there is not. Also, unfortunate: the source code is terribly difficult to read/modify. If, however, you're up to the challenge, then you can simply write your own application on top of limewire-core, which is seperate form the GUI.
Not sure about a true api - but I found this by googling your title:
Seems to be built in Java. Entire set of packages seem to be there too.

FxCop or other util to require inline docs in VB.NET? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm starting a new project; trying to be more strict than previous ones. I've set warnings as errors in the build I've added FxCop to PostBuild. The one last thing on my list os require people to add inline docs for all classes/non-private methods/properties.
Is there a custom FxCop rule or another exe I can run in the post build to check? I've having a hard time finding something, which is surprising.
The VB.NET compiler doesn't help much in this regard as I've only ever seen it issue a warning for something like <param name="foo">...</param> when you don't have a parameter called "foo" in the function, but nothing at all for missing tags which is annoying.
The method I use on my projects is to use the build log from Sandcastle and grep it for the warnings it spits out since they're faily easy to match (they all begin with something like "Warn: ShowMissingComponent:" and it will issue a warnings for all sorts of missing tags in your code.