FxCop or other util to require inline docs in VB.NET? [closed] - vb.net

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm starting a new project; trying to be more strict than previous ones. I've set warnings as errors in the build I've added FxCop to PostBuild. The one last thing on my list os require people to add inline docs for all classes/non-private methods/properties.
Is there a custom FxCop rule or another exe I can run in the post build to check? I've having a hard time finding something, which is surprising.

Bingo: http://www.ookii.org/software/xmlcommentchecker/

The VB.NET compiler doesn't help much in this regard as I've only ever seen it issue a warning for something like <param name="foo">...</param> when you don't have a parameter called "foo" in the function, but nothing at all for missing tags which is annoying.
The method I use on my projects is to use the build log from Sandcastle and grep it for the warnings it spits out since they're faily easy to match (they all begin with something like "Warn: ShowMissingComponent:" and it will issue a warnings for all sorts of missing tags in your code.


Is it possible to have a java compiler in unity? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have this homework where I should create an android application with a java compiler in it. the application i'm supposed to do is an educational application, with tutorials in it, my main problem is how to place a compiler in Unity. I've been searching the whole internet but can't seem to find what i need.
What do you mean by "place a compiler"? do you want to to use a compiled unity program that can compile java code or do you want to compile a unity project with java?
I think thats not a thing you can get a fast answer on how to do it.
If you have a functioning java compiler in whatever language you can bind to C# you for sure can compile java code with a c# application.
And ofcourse its possible to write kind of a "java syntax string to c# parser" in c# on a really basic level yourself, if that is what you want.

Generate custom documentation (based on SQL table) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm currently using a software with its own command-line interface, accepting its own commands with parameters, but these commands are documented in several places and files, so I can't simply run doxygen on it, and its not possible to add documentation to these files now.
Dumping everything in one text document seems a bit annoying to use, so my first idea is to generate a table, SQL for example, and add the documentation there, with several columns, such as command and its description, arguments and description of them, example command, execution time, etc., and add some kind of GUI to easily display the commands.
Are there already solutions for this, especially easy to maintenance ones?
Or is it better to have a different approach for this, such as html based Helpfiles?
you could build one yourself or use some third party tools like REDGATE SQLdoc..
below is one example of how documentation is generated for one sample table as HTML,PDF as well

MSBuild ReadLinesFromFile Task Output attributes [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to learn how to use MSBuild ReadLinesFromFile Task
I observe Output tag in MSDN example.
In my project I also have Output/#PropertyName attribute.
I don't have an idea which other attributes Output tag can accept.
Where can I find description of them?
I suppose I should see some inherited tasks or something like this.
Where it is? (I followed the links in the MSDN page, but it seems I missed something)
I don't know MSBuild in depth and I don't think I need it for my purposes, just want to find clear description of ReadLinesFromFile Task.
Maybe only stating the obvious, the task only accepts (well by documentation anyway) the Lines output parameter, as documented, and shown in an example, on the page you have linked in your question.
The "most clear" description you will find about the task is indeed the MSDN page.
BTW, looking inside Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll, the ReadLinesFromFile task indeed only accepts the Lines output parameter.

Automatic documentation of Fortran functions, modules and subroutines [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there anything like Javadoc for documenting Fortran code? How does one document the API for the many functions they have so that they can find what they want more easily?
Not "standard", but I've used a program called "robodoc" that is able to work with Fortran.
Nowadays I believe Doxygen supports Fortran as well, which IMHO is a better tool than robodoc.
As janneb mentioned "robodoc" is clean, easy and hence useful. But you it will not analyze your program and you have to do everything yourself. On the other hand, Doxygen have incorporated the modern Fortran features(derived data types, type bound procedures, ... ) and just like C++ you can get an analysis of your program along with graphs etc.

Documentation generator for python3 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I recently felt the urge to generate documentation for my little project. I thought it would be fairly easy since I had a set of nice docstrings. Turns out the whole process is much more complicated in python 3.1.
Here's what I tried:
epydoc: Fails because it's for python 2. 2to3 didn't solve the problems
pydoc: I can't find any information how can you generate documentation for your own modules, seems like a server for reading python docs offline
sphinx: Most promising so far, I have built it from their repository however it fails with a very cryptic error message (jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: b'b"\'sphinx.jinja2glue.idgen object\' has no attribute \'next\'")
My question is: what should I do now? Are there any other non-commercial documentation generators that work with python3?
Apparently in Jinja, something is doing X.next(). In Python 3 that's next(x) instead. It should be a simple fix.