GBQ Execute Immediate into a CTE - sql

I am building an application/script for users that do not have write access to the database. Normally I would use Execute Immediate and save that result into a table, and then pull from that table and continue on with the script. Is there a way to save results from Execute Immediate in either a sub query or CTE so that the script can continue on?
Example code where results are put into a table
execute immediate (select '''create or replace table `project.dataset.table2` as
select `Group`, ''' || (select string_agg('cast(' || Fruit || ' as float64) as ' || Fruit ) from (
select regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":') Fruits
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1), unnest(Fruits) Fruit) ||
''' from `project.dataset.table`''')
I would need something more along the lines of this, but it doesn't work
WITH CTEtable2 as (
execute immediate (select `Group`, ''' || (select string_agg('cast(' || Fruit || ' as float64) as ' || Fruit ) from (
select regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":') Fruits
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1), unnest(Fruits) Fruit) ||
''' from `project.dataset.table`''')
FROM CTEtable2


Oracle dynamic query (return or select) result as table

How can I show the result of running a dynamic query as a table in the output?
I want to show the result of the following query as a table in the output.
my table :
create table myTable(ROW_NAME varchar(10),COLUMN_NAME varchar(10),COLUMN_NAME_VALUE varchar(10));
table data :
select 'ROW1','COL1','R1C1' from dual
union all select 'ROW1','COL2','R1C2' from dual
union all select 'ROW1','COL3','R1C3' from dual
union all select 'ROW2','COL1','R2C1' from dual
union all select 'ROW2','COL2','R2C2' from dual
union all select 'ROW2','COL3','R2C3' from dual
union all select 'ROW3','COL1','R3C1' from dual
union all select 'ROW3','COL2','R3C3' from dual
union all select 'ROW3','COL3','R3C3' from dual
my dynamic query :
mycols VARCHAR2(1000);
sqlCommand varchar2(1000);
pivot_cv PivotCurTyp;
type pivotted is record (row_name myTable.row_name%type, col1 myTable.column_name_value%type, col2 myTable.column_name_value%type, col3 myTable.column_name_value%type);
piv_rec pivotted;
select (select LISTAGG('''' || COLUMN_NAME || '''', ',') from myTable group by ROW_NAME FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY) into mycols from dual;
select Concat('select * from myTable pivot ( max (COLUMN_NAME_VALUE) for COLUMN_NAME in (',Concat(mycols,')) ORDER BY ROW_NAME')) into sqlCommand from dual;
OPEN pivot_cv FOR sqlCommand;
FETCH pivot_cv INTO piv_rec;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ROW_NAME: ' || piv_rec.ROW_NAME || ' COL1: ' ||
piv_rec.COL1 || ' COL2: ' || piv_rec.COL2 || ' COL3: ' || piv_rec.COL3);
CLOSE pivot_cv;
demo in db<>fiddle
Thanks for any help
Maybe I misunderstood, I guess what you want is this?
select 'ROW_NAME ' || t1.row_name || ' ' || listagg(t1.column_name || ': ' || t1.column_name_value, ' ')
within group(order by t1.column_name)
from myTable t1
group by t1.row_name
order by t1.row_name

GBQ Execute Immediate Save Results to Table

Hi All I am trying to same the results from this query into a table on GBQ. I have linked the previous question for reference
GBQ Convert Data types en Mass
Starting Code
execute immediate (select '''
select `Group`, ''' || (select string_agg('cast(' || Fruit || ' as Numeric) as ' || Fruit ) from (
select regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":') Fruits
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1), unnest(Fruits) Fruit) ||
''' from `project.dataset.table`''');
Various Attempts
Create or Replace Table1 as
execute immediate (select '''
select `Group`, ''' || (select string_agg('cast(' || Fruit || ' as Numeric) as ' || Fruit ) from (
select regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":') Fruits
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1), unnest(Fruits) Fruit) ||
''' from `project.dataset.table`''');
execute immediate (select '''
select `Group`, ''' || (select string_agg('cast(' || Fruit || ' as Numeric) as ' || Fruit )
INTO Table1
from (
select regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":') Fruits
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1), unnest(Fruits) Fruit) ||
''' from `project.dataset.table`''');
execute immediate (select '''
select `Group`, ''' || (select string_agg('cast(' || Fruit || ' as Numeric) as ' || Fruit ) from (
select regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":') Fruits
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1), unnest(Fruits) Fruit) ||
''' from `project.dataset.table`''') INTO Table1;
execute immediate (select '''
select `Group`, ''' || (select string_agg('cast(' || Fruit || ' as Numeric) as ' || Fruit ) from (
select regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":') Fruits
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1), unnest(Fruits) Fruit) ||
''' from `project.dataset.table`''' INTO Table1);
Use below approach
execute immediate (select '''create or replace table `project.dataset.table2` as
select `Group`, ''' || (select string_agg('cast(' || Fruit || ' as float64) as ' || Fruit ) from (
select regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":') Fruits
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1), unnest(Fruits) Fruit) ||
''' from `project.dataset.table`''');

GBQ Transpose Table in SQL

Trying to transpose a table in GBQ. The solution needs to be able to work dynamically with varying columns and rows. I know there is a way to do this by listing out columns specifically, but I have varying tables with large numbers of rows. There is an unpivot function in GBQ now and my idea was to Unpivot, then Pivot it. Not sure if anyone has dealt with this yet?
Starting Data
Consider below approach
select * from (
select * from data
unpivot (value for Fruit in (Apple, Bananas, Orange))
pivot (max(value) for `Group` in ('North', 'South', 'West'))
If applied to sample data in your question - output is
Below version builds all references needed for unpivot and pivot dynamically on fly
execute immediate (select '''select * from (
select * from `project.dataset.table`
unpivot (value for Fruit in (''' || (select array_to_string(regexp_extract_all(to_json_string((select as struct * except(`Group`) from unnest([t]))), r'"([^"]+)":'), ', ')
from `project.dataset.table` t limit 1) || '''))
pivot (max(value) for `Group` in (''' || (select '"' || string_agg(distinct `Group`, '", "' order by `Group`) || '"' from `project.dataset.table`) || '''))

oracle translate function is giving error to convert in number

I have a query where I need to remove the first and last quote from a string to use it in clause. When I run the following query ::
with t as (
select '1,2,3' x from dual)
select translate(x, ' '||chr(39)||chr(34), ' ' ) from t
it gives the result > 1,2,3
But when I run the following query ::
select * from care_topic_templates where care_topic_id in (
with t as (
select '1,2,3' x from dual)
select translate(x, ' '||chr(39)||chr(34), ' ' ) from t
it gives this error > ORA-01722: invalid number.
Because you are comparing an integer id to a string, which looks like '1,2,3' -- and this string cannot be converted to an integer, even after the strange substitutions using translate(). Strings are not lists.
You can do what you want using like and a correlated subquery:
select *
from care_topic_templates
where exists (select 1
from (select '1,2,3' as x from dual) x
where ',' || x || ',' like '%,' || care_topic_id || ',%'
Or, in your case:
select *
from care_topic_templates
where exists (select 1
from (select '1,2,3' as x from dual) x
where ',' || translate(x, ' '||chr(39)||chr(34), ' ') || ',' like '%,' || care_topic_id || ',%'
This is following the logic of your query. There are other ways to express this logic.

Comparing column by column between two rows in Oracle DB

I need to write a query to compare column by column (ie: find differences) between two rows in the database. For example:
row1: 10 40 sometext 24
row2: 10 25 sometext 24
After the query executed, it should shows only the fields that have difference (ie: the second field)
Here's what I have done so far:
select table1.column1, table1.column2, table1.column3, table1.column4
from table1
where somefield in (field1, field2);
The above query will show me two rows one above another like this:
10 40 sometext 24
10 25 sometext 24
Then I have to manually do the comparison and it takes a lot of time b/c the row contains a lot of column.
So again my question is: How can I write a query that will show me only the columns that have differences??
Use UNPIVOT clause (see to turn columns into rows, then filter out the same rows (using GROUP BY HAVING COUNT and finally use PIVOT to get rows with different columns only.
To do this easily you need to query the metadata for the table to get each row. You can use the following code as a script.
Replace the define table_name with your table name and define yes_drop_it = NO. Put your raw WHERE syntax into the where_clause. The comparison logic always compares the first two rows returned for the where clause.
whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback;
set linesize 150
define test_tab_name = tst_cf_cols
define yes_drop_it = YES
define order_by = 1, 2
define where_clause = 1 = 1
define tab_owner = user
<<clearfirst>> begin
for clearout in (
select 'drop table ' || table_name as cmd
from all_tables
where owner = &&tab_owner and table_name = upper('&&test_tab_name')
and '&&yes_drop_it' = 'YES'
) loop
execute immediate clearout.cmd;
execute immediate '
create table &&test_tab_name as
select 10 as column1, 40 as column2, ''sometext'' as column3, 24 as column4 from dual
union all
select 10 as column1, 25 as column2, ''sometext'' as column3, 24 as column4 from dual
end loop;
column cfsynt format a4000 word_wrap new_value comparison_syntax
with parms as (select 'parmquery' as cte_name, 'row_a' as corr_name_1, 'row_b' as corr_name_2 from dual)
'select * from (select ' || LISTAGG(cfcol || ' AS cf_' || trim (to_char (column_id, '000')) || '_' || column_name
, chr(13) || ', ') WITHIN GROUP (order by column_id)
|| chr(13) || ' from (select * from parmquery where row_number = 1) ' || corr_name_1
|| chr(13) || ', (select * from parmquery where row_number = 2) ' || corr_name_2
|| chr(13) || ') where ''DIFFERENT'' IN (' || LISTAGG ('cf_' || trim (to_char (column_id, '000')) || '_' || column_name, chr(13) || ', ') within group (order by column_id) || ')'
as cfsynt
from parms, (
'decode (' || corr_name_1 || '.' || column_name || ', ' || corr_name_2
|| '.' || column_name || ', ''SAME'', ''DIFFERENT'')'
as cfcol,
owner = &&tab_owner and table_name = upper ('&&test_tab_name')
with parmquery as (select rownum as row_number, vals.* from (
select * from &&test_tab_name
where &&where_clause
order by &&order_by
) vals
) &&comparison_syntax