Colors[4] not showing color selection on Front Panel - labview

I am trying to set the color of an indicator to different colors based on different values, like 1 = red, 2 = blue etc. Using guidance from a Youtube video (accessible using this link:, I have created a Colors[4] control for the indicator I have after changing it to the "write" function.
The Problem on the front panel is that I am getting a control with numbers instead of a color box where I can select the colors to show based on the value. This was the control I got instead.
This is the control I am trying to achieve (below):
Is there any way that I can get the color box on my control instead of the number controls? I am not sure if it can be changed through a control on the front panel or something but what I have tried so far keeps leading me back to this problem.
Any advice is much appreciated

A color box control is just a U32 number (three bytes for RGB and one which is always 0), which is why that's what you get.
There is a right click plugin which adds a replace with color box option directly to the right click menu of unsigned 32 bit numbers, but I don't remember if it ships with LV or not.
If you don't have that, you can always just right click the indicator inside the cluster, select replace and navigate the palettes to find the color box. You can also copy a color box and then select the indicator and paste, which replaces the selected control.

The color[4] is actually an array of 4 colors (UInt32 as Yair said), that define 2 color gradients, one for the 'Off' state, and the other for the 'On' State of the control.
If you want to set the control's color, you will have to define all 4 of them.


Changing Label's Image According To Variable?

I'm trying to make (using Visual Basic) a rudimentary questionnaire that measures multiple attributes and stores their values in an array and afterwards measures the attributes on a scale of 1 to 10.Now I've had the dumb idea to use a label for every single value of every attribute, and highlighting the right number by changing the label's image to yellow, instead of white(basically making the area behind the number a different color).
Now here's the issue: I can't seem to find out how to change a label's background image with code, which is what I'm asking. (I'm guessing the command should look something like "Label1.image = >image path<")
Pretty simple.
If text = No then
Label.Text = No
Label.Text = Yes
End IF
You just have to change the text value of the label which is .Text = Text you want
And if your trying to show images, you should use the image control in the tool box, not a label

Can you force a label on top of a bar chart in SQL Server Reporting Services?

I would like to ensure the labels of my bar chart are above the bars. Can you force a label on top of a bar chart in SQL Server Reporting Services? If so, how?
The issues are the colors are so dark, it's hard to read them if they are not above the bar in the chart. I could just change the colors, but I'd rather learn how to force the label location if possible.
I'd like all numbers to be above the bar, like over the blue bar below. I have over 100 different charts in my report, so the scale will vary greatly depending on the particular report.
Thank you!
In Visual Studio, design mode, ensure that the properties window is visible, then click on any of the labels on the chart.
At this point, the properties window should show the properties for Chart Series Label.
Find the 'Position' property, which probably is showing the value 'Auto', change this value to 'Top' and this should do the trick.
You have to first make sure the chart type is not stacked.
In my experience the "Position" property doesn't always work.
Sometimes you have to go to the properties of the series, then "Custom Attributes", then "Label Style" then select "Top".
What #niktrs said in the comments of the other answer about setting the AllowOutsidePlotArea property is also true.
Microsoft do not use the label Position property for some of the chart types.
They tell us what they use by default here - in your case "on bar charts labels are placed outside of the bars that represent data points" (they appear to mean "column charts")...but sometimes with a large value it's placed just inside, sometimes partially in-out (and if you try the "Outside" position it just fails to render!).
As #jayvee has mentioned the trick with Column charts is to select the value and change the SmartLabels AllowOutSidePlotArea to True (from Partial).
However if you have a Stacked Bar chart then labels are always in the centre of the particular value.
The hack to get labels on top is to add an extra Stacked Bar value with the Color set to "No Color" and move it to the top of the values (using the Chart Data designer arrows).
The trick is getting a good expression value to use - a constant ends up too big or too small at some point, so I found a percentage of the stacked values works best (remembering to change Nulls to Zeros)...25% to 30% usually works.
Then set the value Label to the value you want to display in the data label.
I just had this issue, I was able to fix it by making sure the chart series "Smart Labels" - "Disabled" property was set to "True"
This is what my properties pane looks like:

ReportViewer Change Control color

I'm looking to change a control's color in my report.RDLC. My reports are all generated by the ReportViewer control on a form called "rv".
The selected rectangle below is the one I'm looking to change colors.
It has the following properties:
How do I programmatically change the Background color of the rectangle?
I figured it out after a few hours. On the control of which you want to change background colors, select the "Expression" link from the dropdown.
Afterwards you enter in the code such as:
=iif(Fields!State.Value = "Approved", "LightYellow", iif(Fields!State.Value = "Analysis", "LightGreen", "Transparent"))
This will set the color of my textbox to light yellow if it's state is "Approved", or light green if it is in it's analysis stage. If none of those are true, it just stays transparent (default).
*Note: My "State" field was added in my dataset so I was able to use it in the expression.

is it possible to anchor a control to another control?

Is it possible to anchor a control to another control?
Lets say i want my Button1 to keep its 4px distance from Textbox1 control without
using FlowLayoutTable control?
"Why would be this advantageous?" - one could ask
Well let's say you have a SplitContainer with a vertical splitter and you have Textboxes
in SplitContainer.Panel1 which are anchored to the left and right but their maximum size's
width is smaller than you allow to the SplitContainer.Panel1's width to have (maybe
because you want text to show up there or because additional padding or whatever,you name it)
Now let's say you also have a button next to Textbox1 and you dont want Textbox1 to be
overlapped by the Button1 because its extends to far.
If i want to have my textbox fill the SplitContainer.Panel1 in a fashion that it leaves space for
Button1 control while still both of them are anchored to the right how would i do it?
I extensively use TableLayoutPanels and FlowLayoutPanels to accomplish this. For you specific circumstance I would use a TableLayoutPanel with three columns and a row for each TextBox.
Column 1: Auto-width, contains Labels all with AutoSize = True.
Column 2: 100% width, contains TextBoxes all with Anchor = Left, Right.
Column 3: Auto-width, contains the Button in the appropriate row.
Next, I set all text boxes, except for the one next to the button, ColumnSpan = 2. Then just put the TableLayoutPanel in the SplitPanel and set Dock = Fill.
it will be a sequence in live which should be flow out from left and keep working lets the right side should be layout.
List item safty cares should be provided.
List item all things that use in this method should be provided and be check;

Checkboxes in Rdlc Report

I am creating rdlc report and i have issue that i got some bool type object fields and now i have to show checkboxes. but there is nothing i found for this solution to show checkboxes in table.
Is there anyone who know that how i can implement that thing?
Maybe you can put image there, depend on true or false, just display different pic. LOL
If checkbox is true I set Chr(254) else show unchecked checkbox using Chr(168).
Chr(254): This is decimal value for Wingdings character 254 its shows like checked check box image.
Chr(168): This is decimal value for Wingdings character 168 its shows like rectangle box like unchecked check box image.
I had a requirement that the checkboxes have a background color. I liked the simplicity of a text-based rather than image-based approach, so I used a variation of the popular Wingdings-font method: I used a small, square textbox with a thin border and the specified background color, set it to use a bold, sans-serif font, and used this expression for the text value:
=IIf(Fields!SomeBool.Value, "X", "")
If you still want a checkmark rather than an X, you can use Wingdings 2 font and this expression:
=IIf(Fields!SomeBool.Value, Chr(80), "")
In either case, you may have to adjust the font size and/or box size to keep the result square; my first take was taller than wide because it expanded vertically to accommodate the font.
Or you can set the textbox placeholder to render tags as html and then put this html in: Or you can set the Placeholder expression to support HTML and then set up the following html code:
<font face="Wingdings 2" color="green">#Html.Raw(((char)0x51).ToString())</font>
You should put in the character of the wingdings that you want.
This way, only part of the text can be wingdings.
Wingdings 2
Finally I got solution
here is the link download the project and run it.
i have developed class and then used list to set bool variable true/false. while on other hand i used image control in rdlc report To set image.
You just need to set image path which are already in image folder.