How to change code so that it sends location on request instead of on change - kotlin

Good day. I have receiver some code. From what I understand is it only receives location updates if you location changes. However I would like to get the current location on request rather then when the location changes.
My calling method:
LocationHelper().startListeningUserLocation(this , object : LocationHelper.MyLocationListener {
override fun onLocationChanged(location: Location) {
lat = location.latitude
long = location.longitude
Log.d("Location","" + location.latitude + "," + location.longitude)
class LocationHelper {
var myLocationListener: MyLocationListener? = null
interface MyLocationListener {
fun onLocationChanged(location: Location)
fun startListeningUserLocation(context: Context, myListener: MyLocationListener) {
myLocationListener = myListener
val mLocationManager = context.getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
val mLocationListener = object : LocationListener {
override fun onLocationChanged(location: Location) {
//your code here
myLocationListener!!.onLocationChanged(location) // calling listener to inform that updated location is available
override fun onStatusChanged(provider: String, status: Int, extras: Bundle) {}
override fun onProviderEnabled(provider: String) {}
override fun onProviderDisabled(provider: String) {}
Above I can change the parameters of when to receive updates. Sadly I do not know this code well enough to change it to on request.

With the help of the following website I found a solution:


Flow working incorrectly. Called again when it shouldn't, but liveData is working correct

I use Jetpack Compose and have 2 screens. When I open second screen and back to the fisrt, flow variable calling again and ui updated again. But, I don't understand why... When I use liveData was working perfect.
My code with LiveData:
class MainViewModel(private val roomRepository: Repository, private val sPref:SharedPreferences) : ViewModel() {
val words: LiveData<List<WordModel>> by lazy {
fun MainScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
val words: List<WordModel> by viewModel
words = words,
onNoticeClick = { viewModel.onWordClick(it) },
state = textState,
lazyState = viewModel.listState!!
private fun WordList(
words: List<WordModel>,
onNoticeClick: (WordModel) -> Unit,
state: MutableState<TextFieldValue>,
lazyState: LazyListState
) {
var filteredCountries: List<WordModel>
LazyColumn(state = lazyState) {
val searchedText = state.value.text
filteredCountries = if (searchedText.isEmpty()) {
} else {
words.filter {
it.word.lowercase().contains(searchedText) || it.translation.lowercase()
items(count = filteredCountries.size) { noteIndex ->
val note = filteredCountries[noteIndex]
word = note,
onWordClick = onNoticeClick
interface WordDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM WordDbModel")
fun getAll(): LiveData<List<WordDbModel>>
class RoomRepositoryImpl(
private val wordDao: WordDao,
private val noticeDao: NoticeDao,
private val dbMapper: DbMapper
) : Repository {
override fun getAllWords(): LiveData<List<WordModel>> = {dbMapper.mapWords(it)}
class DbMapperImpl: DbMapper {
override fun mapWords(words: List<WordDbModel>): List<WordModel> = { word -> mapWord(word, listOf<NoticeModel>()) }
My code with Flow, which calling every time when open the first screen:
class MainViewModel(private val roomRepository: Repository, private val sPref:SharedPreferences) : ViewModel() {
val words: Flow<List<WordModel>> = flow {
fun MainScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
val words: List<WordModel> by viewModel
.collectAsState(initial = listOf())
interface WordDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM WordDbModel")
fun getAll(): Flow<List<WordDbModel>>
class RoomRepositoryImpl(
private val wordDao: WordDao,
private val noticeDao: NoticeDao,
private val dbMapper: DbMapper
) : Repository {
override fun getWords(): Flow<List<WordModel>> = wordDao.getAll().map { dbMapper.mapWords(it) }
And my router from MainRouting.kt:
sealed class Screen {
object Main : Screen()
object Notice : Screen()
object Your : Screen()
object Favorites : Screen()
object MainRouter {
var currentScreen: Screen by mutableStateOf(Screen.Main)
var beforeScreen: Screen? = null
fun navigateTo(destination: Screen) {
beforeScreen = currentScreen
currentScreen = destination
And MainActivity.kt:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
private fun MainActivityScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
Surface {
when (MainRouter.currentScreen) {
is Screen.Main -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Your -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Favorites -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Notice -> NoticeScreen(viewModel = viewModel)
Perhaps someone knows why a new drawing does not occur with liveData (or, it is performed so quickly that it is not noticeable that it is), but with Flow the drawing of the list is visible.
You're passing the viewModel around, which is a terrible practice in a framework like Compose. The Model is like a waiter. It hangs around you, serves you water, does its job while you make the order. As you get distracted talking, it leaves. When it comes back, it is not the same waiter you had earlier. It wears the same uniform, with the same characteristics, but is still essentially a different object. When you pass the model around, it gets destroyed in the process of navigation. In case of flow, you are getting biased. Notice how you manually do a lazy initialization for the LiveData, but a standard proc. for Flow? Seems like the only logical reason for your observed inconsistency. If you want to use Flow in your calls instead of LiveData, just convert it at the site of initialization in the ViewModel. Your symptoms should go away.

CUBA Platform push messages from backend to UI

i was wondering if it is possible to send messages from the backend (for example a running task that receives information from an external system) to the UI. In my case it needs to be a specific session (no broadcast) and only on a specific screen
plan B would be polling the backend frequently but i was hoping to get something more "realtime"
I was trying to work something out like this, but i keep getting a NotSerializableException.
class StorageAccess : Screen(), MessageListener {
private lateinit var stationWSService: StationWebSocketService
private lateinit var notifications: Notifications
private fun onInit(event: InitEvent) {
private fun onStationPickerValueChange(event: HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<StorageUnit>) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent() ?: return
val prevValue = event.prevValue
if (prevValue != null) {
val value = event.value ?: return
stationWSService.listen(, value, this)
override fun messageReceived(message: String) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent()
current.access {
private fun onAfterDetach(event: AfterDetachEvent) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent() ?: return
-- The callback interface
interface MessageListener : Serializable {
fun messageReceived(message: String);
-- The listen method of my backend service
private val listeners: MutableMap<String, MutableMap<UUID, MessageListener>> = HashMap()
override fun listen(id: UUID, storageUnit: StorageUnit, callback: MessageListener) {
val unitStationIP: String = storageUnit.unitStationIP ?: return
if (!listeners.containsKey(unitStationIP))
listeners[unitStationIP] = HashMap()
listeners[unitStationIP]?.set(id, callback)
The Exception i get is NotSerializableException: com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.WebNotifications which happens during adding the listener to the backend: stationWSService.listen(, value, this)
as far as i understand this is the place where the UI sends the information to the backend - and with it the entire status of the class StorageAccess, including all its members.
is there an elegant solution to this?
There is an add-on that solves exactly this problem:

Android Studio - Kotlin - How to make the reference to the service null?

I'm trying to adapt Google's LocationsUpdatesForegroundService example into Kotlin to use in my app. Now, everything is going fine, until I need to make a reference to a service equal to null. That doesn't 'cause any problems within the Java code it originates from but, when I try to implement it in Kotlin, even if use null!!, I get a KotlinNullPointerException when I try to run the app and the app crashes. I'm not quite sure how to avoid this or set it in a different way. I've spent a few hours on this and sometime browsing StackOverFlow without really being able to find a solution for it. If anyone could help me, it'd be greatly appreciated. I've enclosed the link to the code I'm going off of here: well as the necessary code I'm using below.
Relevant code from my Main Activity:
private var lservice : LocService = null!! // A reference to the service to get location updates
private var bound = false // Tracks the bound state of the service
// Monitors the state of the connection to the service.
private val mServiceConnection = object:ServiceConnection {
override fun onServiceConnected(name:ComponentName, service: IBinder) {
val binder : LocService.LocalBinder = service as LocService.LocalBinder
lservice = binder.getService()
bound = true
override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName) {
lservice = null!!
bound = false
My service class, which may or may not be necessary for helping to debug this error:
class LocService : Service() {
private val PACKAGE_NAME = "com.example.localization"
private val TAG =!!.getSimpleName()
private val EXTRA_STARTED_FROM_NOTIFICATION = PACKAGE_NAME + ".started_from_notification"
// To return a current instance of the service
private val binder = LocalBinder()
// To check if the bounded activity has actually gone away
// and not unbound as part of an orientation change
private var changingConfig = false
private lateinit var fusedLocClient: FusedLocationProviderClient // For FusedLocationProvider API
private lateinit var locRequest : LocationRequest // Parameters for FusedLocationProvider
// Callback for changes in location
private lateinit var locCallback: LocationCallback
private lateinit var serviceHandler : Handler
private lateinit var notificationManager : NotificationManager // Notification Manager
private lateinit var loc : Location // The current location
// The identifier for the notification displayed for the foreground service
private val NOTIFICATION_ID = 12345678
// Set up when the service is created
override fun onCreate()
// An instance of Fused Location Provider Client
fusedLocClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this)
// Obtains location callback
locCallback = object : LocationCallback() {
override fun onLocationResult(locationResult: LocationResult?) {
loc = locationResult!!.getLastLocation() // Obtains last location
// Send location information to any broadcast receivers
val intention = Intent(ACTION_BROADCAST)
intention.putExtra("Coordinates", locationResult!!.getLastLocation())
intention.putExtra("Address", getAddress(locationResult))
intention.putExtra("Time", SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy 'at' HH:mm").format(Date()))
// Change notification content if the service is running in the foreground
if (serviceIsRunningInForeground(this#LocService))
notificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, getNotification())
// Create location request and get the last location
// Creates a HandlerThread, which is an extension of Thread and works
// with a Looper, meaning it's meant to handle multiple jobs in the background
// thread. The Looper is what keeps the thread alive. Notification Manager
// is there to notify the user of the notification service
val handlerThread = HandlerThread(TAG)
serviceHandler = Handler(handlerThread.getLooper())
notificationManager = getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
// Called whenever the client starts the service using startService()
override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int {
val startedFromNotification = intent!!.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_STARTED_FROM_NOTIFICATION, false)
return START_NOT_STICKY // Don't recreate the service after it's killed
override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) {
changingConfig = true
// Called when the client comes to the foreground and binds
// with this service. The service will stop being a foreground
// service when that happens
override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder {
changingConfig = false
return binder
// Called when the client returns to the foreground
// and binds once again with this service. The service will
// stop being a foreground service when that happens
override fun onRebind(intent: Intent?) {
changingConfig = false
// Called when the client unbinds with the service. If it's called
// with a configuration change, do nothing. Otherwise, make the service
// a foreground service
override fun onUnbind(intent: Intent?): Boolean {
if (!changingConfig && requestingLocationUpdates(this))
startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, getNotification())
return true
// Called when service is destroyed
override fun onDestroy() {
inner class LocalBinder : Binder()
fun getService() : LocService
return this#LocService
// For obtaining location request
private fun buildLocReq()
// Create a location request to store parameters for the requests
locRequest = LocationRequest.create()
// Sets priority, interval, and --smallest displacement-- for requests
locRequest.priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY
locRequest.interval = 5000
// locRequest.smallestDisplacement = 10f
private fun getLastLocation() {
override fun onComplete(#NonNull task:Task<Location>) {
if (task.isSuccessful() && task.getResult() != null)
loc = task.getResult() as Location
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to get location.")
catch (unlikely:SecurityException) {
Log.e(TAG, "Lost location permission." + unlikely)
fun requestLocationUpdates()
setRequestingLocationUpdates(this, true)
fusedLocClient.requestLocationUpdates(locRequest, locCallback, Looper.myLooper())
} catch (unlikely:SecurityException)
setRequestingLocationUpdates(this, false)
Log.e(TAG, "Lost location permission. Couldn't request updates. " + unlikely)
// Obtain address via GeoCoder class
private fun getAddress(locResult: LocationResult?): String {
var address = ""
var geoCoder = Geocoder(this, Locale.getDefault())
var loc1 = locResult!!.locations.get(locResult.locations.size-1)
try {
var addresses:ArrayList<Address> = geoCoder.getFromLocation(loc1.latitude, loc1.longitude, 1) as ArrayList<Address>
address = addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(0)
} catch (e: IOException) {
return address
private fun getNotification(): Notification {
val intent = Intent(this,
val text = getLocationText(loc)
val builder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
// Checks to see if the service is running in the foreground or not
fun serviceIsRunningInForeground(context: Context) : Boolean
val manager = context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE) as ActivityManager
for (service in manager.getRunningServices(Integer.MAX_VALUE))
if (javaClass.getName().equals(service.service.getClassName()))
if (service.foreground)
return true
return false
val KEY_REQUESTING_LOCATION_UPDATES = "requesting_locaction_updates"
// Returns true if the requesting location updates, else false
fun requestingLocationUpdates(context: Context): Boolean {
return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
// Stores the location updates state in SharedPreferences
fun setRequestingLocationUpdates(context: Context, requestingLocationUpdates: Boolean)
PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putBoolean(KEY_REQUESTING_LOCATION_UPDATES, requestingLocationUpdates).apply()
// Returns the coordinates as a string for the notifications
fun getLocationText(loc: Location) : String
if (loc == null) {
return "Unknown Location"
} else {
return "Latitude: " + loc.longitude.toString() + " | Longitude: " + loc.longitude.toString()
Here's the error:
11-01 00:27:36.923 15995-15995/com.example.localization E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.example.localization, PID: 15995
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{com.example.localization/com.example.localization.MainActivity}: kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException
at com.example.localization.MainActivity.<init>(MainActivity.kt:40)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
at android.os.Looper.loop( 
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 
You declare lservice as:
private var lservice: LocService
That means it's not nullable; Kotlin won't allow you to set it to null.
(In particular, note that null!! will always throw an exception: the !! operator tells the compiler to treat an expression as non-null, or to throw an exception if it is.  And since null obviously is null, you're guaranteed an exception!)
If you want to allow the service to be null, you'll have to declare it as:
private var lservice: LocService?
The ? in the type means that it's nullable.  As a result, you'll be able to set it to null without any exception.  However, you'll need to check whether it's null when you use it, to prevent a NullPointerException there.
Nullability is pretty basic to Kotlin. It's all explained in the Kotlin language docs.

When trying to implement deep-linking using their share sheet, no action executes

I am trying to implement deep linking with branch and having issues with the Share Sheet. It just doesn't work. No matter what I click, the relevant action doesn't happen and it just goes back to the bottom of the screen. Even when I click copy, the text doesn't copy. there are no errors so I don't know what's wrong.
This is my code (it is a single item in a recyclerView. I am using GroupieAdapter):
class SingleCommunityOption(val community: Community, val activity : MainActivity) : Item<ViewHolder>() {
private lateinit var buo: BranchUniversalObject
private lateinit var lp: LinkProperties
override fun getLayout(): Int {
return R.layout.community_option_layout
override fun bind(viewHolder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val firebaseAnalytics = FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(viewHolder.root.context!!)
val title = viewHolder.itemView.community_option_title
val description = viewHolder.itemView.community_option_description
val memberCount = viewHolder.itemView.community_option_members_count
val share= viewHolder.itemView.community_share
title.text = community.title
description.text = community.description
memberCount.text = "${community.members}"
buo = BranchUniversalObject()
.setContentMetadata(ContentMetadata().addCustomMetadata("type", "community"))
lp = LinkProperties()
share.setOnClickListener {
val ss = ShareSheetStyle(activity, "Republic invite", "Join me in this republic.")
.setCopyUrlStyle(activity.resources.getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_send), "Copy", "Added to clipboard")
.setMoreOptionStyle(activity.resources.getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_search), "Show more")
.setSharingTitle("Share With")
buo.showShareSheet(activity, lp, ss, object : Branch.BranchLinkShareListener {
override fun onShareLinkDialogLaunched() {}
override fun onShareLinkDialogDismissed() {}
override fun onLinkShareResponse(sharedLink: String, sharedChannel: String, error: BranchError) {}
override fun onChannelSelected(channelName: String) {
firebaseAnalytics.logEvent("community_shared_$channelName", null)

Binding label to permantly changing value from thread

I have a really basic question but I couldn't find an answer to it. I already searched via google for people with similar problems but I didn´t find anything useful.
(e.g. )
I have the following ViewModel
class MasterSizeModel(var size : Int) : ViewModel()
val value = bind { size.toProperty() }
And inject it into another class, where I do the following:
masterSize.size = order.masterStatSize
masterSize is my model.
Now in a third class, I want to bind the value from the label to a label.
private val recvMaster : Label by fxid("recvMaster")
But unfortunately, my attempts are failing completely. I can see size from my ModelView is updating as it should, but the changes are not present in the value nither are they shown in the label.
I totally forgot to bind to the textProperty(), but I don´t get any further.
Edit 2:
After the request I add my complete code section:
class Setup : View() {
override val root : VBox by fxml()
/*Adding Buttons and Textfields*/
init {
//Binding all checkboxes to their text field
//Input validation....
//start Button
start.setOnAction {
val masterSize = 0
val masterSizeModel = MasterSizeModel((masterSize))
//Open a socket (see code below)
val req = Requester(ipAdress.text, masterSizeModel)
val reqModel = RequesterModel(SimpleObjectProperty<Requester>(req))
val scope = Scope()
setInScope(reqModel, scope)
setInScope(masterSizeModel, scope)
req.sendOrder(SetupOrder(/*Sending stuff throw the network*/))
val overview = find<Overview>(scope)
class Overview : View() {
override val root : VBox by fxml()
private val req : RequesterModel by inject()
private val masterSizeModel : MasterSizeModel by inject()
private val recvMaster : Label by fxid("recvMaster")
/*Adding buttons and stuff */
/*A loop that will request stats from the server i keept it very simple so i can resolv the view problem first */
var run= true
val thread = thread(start= true, name="StatRequester"){while(run){req.req.get().sendOrder(StatOrder(OrderType.STAT))}}
//Change the label whenever the number of recived messages ist raised
class Requester(val address: String = "localhost", var masterSize: MasterSizeModel ) : Sender() {
override val socket: ZMQ.Socket = context.socket(ZMQ.REQ)
override val port = "4993"
init {
override fun sendOrder(order: Order) {
//ZeroMQ requires special care....
val message = packOrder(order)
val wrapper = packOrder(RequestOrder(order.type, message))
val orderAsString = socket.recvStr(0)
private fun handleOrder(orderString: String)
val orderDedec = unpackOrder<RequestOrder>(orderString)
OrderType.STAT ->{
val order = unpackOrder<StatOrder>(orderDedec.order)
sleep(5000) //sleep for debugging only
println("$masterSize, ${order.masterStatSize}")
//Here I receive a new value and want to update the label in my view
masterSize.size = order.masterStatSize
OrderType.STOP ->{
else ->{}
override fun close() {