Static site generation with Nuxt.JS using relative paths - vue.js

I'm using Nuxt 2.15.8 to generate static pages (migrating to Nuxt 3 is also an option for me if it solves the problem).
It works great when deployed in the root folder of the server but I need it to be served in a subdirectory, like:
The problem is that the compiled HTML includes nuxt related assets like:
which translates to: which obviously fails as the file is in a subfolder, not in the root.
I tried using publicPath config and absolute paths but it is not an option for me as I have several environments with different URLs.
I need to generate static HTML files with relative paths in order to make sure my site works as expected in all the environments, agnostically from the server URL.
I was able to achieve it using Vite + Vue 3 but migrating to a new implementation is not an option, I need to achieve it using the current Nuxt implementation.
I tried using nuxt-vite but was not able to achieve relative paths, I still get
instead of
, etc

It seems like it's not supported in plain nuxt 2 but if you use nuxt-vite you can set vite.base to '' or './' in nuxt.config to make the paths relative.

Try this out:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
app: {
baseURL: '/mydir',
buildAssetsDir: '/mydir/_nuxt/',

Or just edit index.html manually...


Where to install 3rd party scripts in Nuxt?

Im trying to upload static files(images and js) from "static" folder. And it works fine for index file and base route localhost:8000/, but if I go to the next route localhost:8000/reviews/master001 then static files disappears and I receive by route localhost:8000/reviews/js. And there is two things, first is how to remove prefix "reviews"?
I tried to use in nuxt.config.js
static: {
prefix: false
by documentation, but it does not work. Tried to use paths in nuxt.config like "../js", "#/static/js", "/js" - this one works for index file.
Also there are no any static files after I go through the router-link such it in nuxt documentation for path localhost:8000/reviews/master001.
Here there are.
And here there no any files.
As explained in the comments above, images should be in assets and static is only aimed for specific use cases, like exposing a publicly accessible .pdf file.
If you want to install and use jQuery properly into your Nuxt project, you can follow my answer here:
If you want to load a specific script and cannot do it in a more cleaner way (with NPM), you can also follow the instructions there:
Use this as a last resort tho and be aware that it will increase bundle size and loading time.

Nuxt generate returns 404 errors

I've read multiple articles and posts about the nuxt generate issues, but i couldn't find an answer. So I'm learning Vue & Nuxt. I've create a spa, and i'm trying to host it on my website (in a subfolder eg. It's a simple hosting website (shared server) so i'd like to generate a static website from my files.
I'm running nuxt generate , but when i move the dist folder generated in my subfolder, i'm getting erros :
GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
Of course, the path should be
How can i fix this? From what i've understand, i should add some lines in my nuxt.config.js file right? I've tried multiple combinations, but i can't make it work..
Allright so this was simple, i've finally found the answer in the docs. I've simply added in my nuxt.config.js file the following :
router: {
base: '/subfolder/'

Vue CLI build to external host?

I have a Vue CLI application that I'm currently working on that uses code splitting for JS and CSS, and builds almost 1,000 JS/CSS files on running npm run build.
I am hosting this application on Google Cloud Run, where I pay per request. While the cost is still not that significant, I was still looking to try and prevent the need for 500 requests for every page view. I had a thought, but I'm not sure it's possible...
What I was wondering was if I could have my webpack build generate the JS and CSS files into the dist folder, but reference those files in the index.html file with an external host, instead of assuming a relative path. For instance, the file would exist at dist/css/chunk-abc123.js but in index.html, it would be something like
That way, in my CI pipeline, I can upload those files from the dist directory into Google Cloud Storage, and serve them up statically from there.
Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, can you guide me in the right direction?
publicPath comes in rescue.
The base URL your application bundle will be deployed at (known as
baseUrl before Vue CLI 3.3). This is the equivalent of webpack's
output.publicPath, but Vue CLI also needs this value for other
purposes, so you should always use publicPath instead of modifying
webpack output.publicPath.
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
publicPath: ''

Specify the assets output directory when building in development mode

I'm using the Vue CLI to build my application into one of my existing php projects. In case to work with generated files in php, I need to move the assets to the ../public/assets/ directory. Unfortunately, this does not seem to work in development environment (production mode works just fine, but I'd really need to test the integration of vue in the php app).
Am I doing something wrong or is it a known restriction?
Here's the config:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
outputDir: '../public',
assetsDir: './assets',
indexPath: './views/index.html'
As per the documentation, you can just copy the assets into your public/assets folder and reference them via absolute path.
Static assets can be handled in two different ways:
Imported in JavaScript or referenced in templates/CSS via relative paths. Such references will be handled by webpack.
Placed in the public directory and referenced via absolute paths. These assets will simply be copied and not go through webpack.
Because of HMR in development mode this is not yet possible to implement. Here's the reference to the communication on Vue.js' forum.

Run Aurelia CLI app from a directory

I would like to deploy my app to a virtual directory. I have been unable to figure out the correct configuration needed to run the app locally with a similar structure. For example, I'd like to run it from:
I have tried every combination of adding "demos" to publicPath and contentBase in my webpack config. The errors just between 404's on static assets and router errors from Aurelia.
It is documented by Aurelia router, you can add base tag to index.html header, <base href="/demos">, and set router root config.options.root = "/demos"; in configureRouter().
In addition, if your bundled js files are indeed served from directory, you need to modified baseDir in 2 places of aurelia.json: platform.baseDir and build.targets[0].baseDir.