I'd like to preserve the line feeds when setting a PDTextField value, but it seems that consecutive line feeds are not printed out?
Given this value string: "This\n\nis\na\ntest"
I'd expect this output:
But I'm getting:
Minimal example:
val acroForm = document.documentCatalog.acroForm
val field = acroForm.getField("text_field") as PDTextField
field.isMultiline = true
field.value = "This\n\nis\na\ntest"
PDFBox 2.0.25
I passing data into a line series but I cannot dynamically add anything to series.name I just get the string rather that teh variable.
I tried using .dataFields.name but this is teh incorrect syntax.
Please advise?
var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries());
series.dataFields.valueY = "value"+ seriesId;
series.dataFields.dateX = "date";
series.name = "BrandNM"+ seriesId;
series.strokeWidth = 2;
I am trying to add some string values to a list in Velocity. When I run the code it works alright. But the line where it adds the value prints true. Is it always like that in Velocity? I am new to Velocity templates, so cant figure it out myself.
#set ($uniqueInterfaces = [])
#if($ipv4interfaceName == $ipv6interfaceName)
Its part of larger code with a nested foreach. It has two matches in it, so the output is:
I do not need this true being printed at all!
Java's List#add method returns boolean, that's why this return value is printed in your html output.
You can hide it simply by assigning the output of the add method to a dummy variable:
#set ($uniqueInterfaces = [])
#if($ipv4interfaceName == $ipv6interfaceName)
#set ($swallow = $uniqueInterfaces.add($ipv4interfaceName))
When using HandleHttpRequest, i want to setup a structure to operate on different objects through the same handler:
how do i easily parse that out into
object = foo
operation = add
arg1 = [1,2,...]
Why not to use ExpressionLanguage getDelimitedField ?
From the Expression Language documentation:
Description: Parses the Subject as a delimited line of text and returns just a single field from that delimited text.
Subject Type: String
index : The index of the field to return. A value of 1 will return the first field, a value of 2 will return the second field, and so on.
delimiter : Optional argument that provides the character to use as a field separator. If not specified, a comma will be used. This value must be exactly 1 character.
quoteChar : Optional argument that provides the character that can be used to quote values so that the delimiter can be used within a single field. If not specified, a double-quote (") will be used. This value must be exactly 1 character.
escapeChar : Optional argument that provides the character that can be used to escape the Quote Character or the Delimiter within a field. If not specified, a backslash (\) is used. This value must be exactly 1 character.
stripChars : Optional argument that specifies whether or not quote characters and escape characters should be stripped. For example, if we have a field value "1, 2, 3" and this value is true, we will get the value 1, 2, 3, but if this value is false, we will get the value "1, 2, 3" with the quotes. The default value is false. This value must be either true or false.
This code is just an example you can try sticking a executeScript processor on nifi's workbench. You can use this as example.
from urlparse import parse_qs, urlparse
def parse ( uri2parse ) :
o = urlparse( uri2parse )
d = parse_qs( o.query )
return ( o.path[1:], d['year'][0], d['month'][0], d['day'][0] )
# get the flow file from the incoming queue
flowfile = session.get()
if flowfile is not None:
source_URI = flowfile.getAttribute( 'source_URI' )
destination_URI = flowfile.getAttribute( 'destination_URI' )
current_time = flowfile.getAttribute( 'current_time' )
# expand the URI into smaller pieces
src_table, src_year, src_month, src_day = parse( source_URI )
dst_table, dst_year, dst_month, dst_day = parse( destination_URI )
flowfile = session.putAllAttributes( flowfile, { 'src_table' : src_table, 'src_year': src_year, 'src_month' :src_month, 'src_day': src_day })
flowfile = session.putAllAttributes( flowfile, { 'dst_table' : dst_table, 'dst_year': dst_year, 'dst_month' :dst_month, 'dst_day': dst_day })
session.transfer( flowfile, REL_SUCCESS )
flowfile = session.create()
session.transer( flowfile, REL_FAILURE )
I've developed an apex API on salesforce which performs a SOQL on a list of CSV data. It has been working smoothly until yesterday, after making a few changes to code that follow the SOQL query, I started getting a strange 500 error:
common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01460: unimplemented or
unreasonable conversion requested\n\n\nselect /SampledPrequery/
sum(term0) \"cnt0\",\nsum(term1) \"cnt1\",\ncount(*)
\"totalcount\",\nsum(term0 * term1) \"combined\"\nfrom (select /*+
ordered use_nl(t_c1) /\n(case when (t_c1.deleted = '0') then 1 else 0
end) term0,\n(case when (upper(t_c1.val18) = ?) then 1 else 0 end)
term1\nfrom (select /+ index(sampleTab AKENTITY_SAMPLE)
*/\nentity_id\nfrom core.entity_sample sampleTab\nwhere organization_id = '00Dq0000000AMfz'\nand key_prefix = ?\nand rownum <=
?) sampleTab,\ncore.custom_entity_data t_c1\nwhere
t_c1.organization_id = '00Dq0000000AMfz'\nand t_c1.key_prefix = ?\nand
sampleTab.entity_id =
t_c1.custom_entity_data_id)\n\nClass.labFlows.queryContacts: line 13,
column 1\nClass.labFlows.fhaQuery: line 6, column
1\nClass.zAPI.doPost: line 10, column 1"}]
the zAPI.doPost() is simply our router class which takes in the post payload as well as the requested operation. It then calls whatever function the operation requests. In this case, the call is to labFlows.queryContacts():
Public static Map<string,List<string>> queryContacts(string[] stringArray){
//First get the id to get to the associative entity, Contact_Deals__c id
List<Contact_Deals__c> dealQuery = [SELECT id, Deal__r.id, Deal__r.FHA_Number__c, Deal__r.Name, Deal__r.Owner.Name
FROM Contact_Deals__c
Where Deal__r.FHA_Number__c in :stringArray];
//Using the id in the associative entity, grab the contact information
List<Contact_Deals__c> contactQuery = [Select Contact__r.Name, Contact__r.Id, Contact__r.Owner.Name, Contact__r.Owner.Id, Contact__r.Rule_Class__c, Contact__r.Primary_Borrower_Y_N__c
FROM contact_deals__c
WHERE Id in :dealQuery];
//Grab all deal id's
Map<string,List<string>> result = new Map<string,List<string>>();
for(Contact_Deals__c i:dealQuery){
List<string> temp = new list<string>();
for(Contact_Deals__c j:contactQuery){
if(j.id == i.id){
//This doesn't really help if there are multiple primary borrowers on a deal - but that should be a SF worflow rule IMO
if(j.Contact__r.Primary_Borrower_Y_N__c == 'Yes'){
result.put(i.Deal__r.id, temp);
return result;
The only thing I've changed is moving the temp list to add elements before the inner-loop (previously temp would only capture things from the inner-loop). The error above is referencing line 13, which is specifically the first SOQL call:
List<Contact_Deals__c> dealQuery = [SELECT id, Deal__r.id, Deal__r.FHA_Number__c, Deal__r.Name, Deal__r.Owner.Name
FROM Contact_Deals__c
Where Deal__r.FHA_Number__c in :stringArray];
I've tested this function in the apex anonymous window and it worked perfectly:
string a = '00035398,00035401';
string result = zAPI.doPost(a, 'fhaQuery');
13:36:54:947 USER_DEBUG
So this is working. The next part is maybe looking at my python script that is calling the API,
def origQuery(file_name, operation):
csv_text = ""
with open(file_name) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
for row in reader:
csv_text += row[0]+','
csv_text = csv_text[:-1]
data = json.dumps({
'data' : csv_text,
'operation' : operation
results = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data)
print results.text
origQuery('myfile.csv', 'fhaQuery')
I've tried looking up this ORA-01460 apex error, but I can't find anything that will help me fix this issue.
Can any one shed ore light on what this error is telling me?
Thank you all so much!
It turns out the error was in the PY script. For some reason the following code isn't functioning as it is supposed to:
with open(file_name) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
for row in reader:
csv_text += row[0]+','
csv_text = csv_text[:-1]
This was returning one very long string that had zero delimiters. The final line in the code was cutting off the delimiter. What I needed instead was:
with open(file_name) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
for row in reader:
csv_text += row[0]+','
csv_text = csv_text[:-1]
Which would cut off the final ','
The error was occurring because the single long string was above 4,000 characters.
Probably most people reading the title who know a bit about Lucene won't need much further explanation. NB I use Jython but I think most Java users will understand the Java equivalent...
It's a classic thing to want to do: you have more than one term in your search string... in Lucene terms this returns a BooleanQuery. Then you use something like this code to highlight (NB I am a Lucene newbie, this is all closely tweaked from Net examples):
yellow_highlight = SimpleHTMLFormatter( '<b style="background-color:yellow">', '</b>' )
green_highlight = SimpleHTMLFormatter( '<b style="background-color:green">', '</b>' )
stream = FrenchAnalyzer( Version.LUCENE_46 ).tokenStream( "both", StringReader( both ) )
scorer = QueryScorer( fr_query, "both" )
fragmenter = SimpleSpanFragmenter(scorer)
highlighter = Highlighter( yellow_highlight, scorer )
best_fragments = highlighter.getBestTextFragments( stream, both, True, 5 )
if best_fragments:
for best_frag in best_fragments:
print "=== best frag: %s, type %s" % ( best_frag, type( best_frag ))
html_text += "&bull %s<br>\n" % unicode( best_frag )
... and then the html_text is put in a JTextPane for example.
But how would you make the first word in your query highlight with a yellow background and the second word highlight with a green background? I have tried to understand the various classes in org.apache.lucene.search... to no avail. So my only way of learning was googling. I couldn't find any clues...
I asked this question four years ago... At the time I did manage to implement a solution using javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument. There's also the interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDocument in the standard Java library. This way is hard work.
But for anyone interested there's a far simpler solution. Taking advantage of the fact that Lucene's SimpleHTMLFormatter returns about the simplest imaginable "marked up" piece of text: chosen words are highlighted with the HTML B tag. That's it. It's not even a "proper" HTML fragment, just a String with <B>s and </B>s in it.
A multi-word query generates a BooleanQuery... from which you can extract multiple TermQuerys by going booleanQuery.clauses() ... getQuery()
I'm working in Groovy. The colouring I want to apply is console codes, as per BASH (or Cygwin). Other types of colouring can be worked out on this model.
So you set up a map before to hold your "markup details":
def markupDetails = [:]
Then for each TermQuery, you call this, with the same text param each time, stipulating a different colour param for each term. NB I'm using Lucene 6.
def createHighlightAndAnalyseMarkup( TermQuery tq, String text, String colour ) {
def termQueryScorer = new QueryScorer( tq )
def termQueryHighlighter = new Highlighter( formatter, termQueryScorer )
TokenStream stream = TokenSources.getTokenStream( fieldName, null, text, analyser, -1 )
String[] frags = termQueryHighlighter.getBestFragments( stream, text, 999999 )
// not sure under what circs you get > 1 fragment...
assert frags.size() <= 1
// NB you don't always get all terms in all returned LDocuments...
if( frags.size() ) {
String highlightedFrag = frags[ 0 ]
Matcher boldTagMatcher = highlightedFrag =~ /<\/?B>/
def pos = 0
def previousEnd = 0
while( boldTagMatcher.find()) {
pos += boldTagMatcher.start() - previousEnd
previousEnd = boldTagMatcher.end()
markupDetails[ pos ] = boldTagMatcher.group() == '<B>'? colour : ConsoleColors.RESET
As I said, I wanted to colourise console output. The colour parameter in the method here is per the console colour codes as found here, for example. E.g. yellow is \033[033m. ConsoleColors.RESET is \033[0m and marks the place where each coloured bit of text stops.
... after you've finished doing this with all TermQuerys you will have a nice map telling you where individual colours begin and end. You work backwards from the end of the text so as to insert the "markup" at the right position in the String. NB here text is your original unmarked-up String:
markupDetails.sort().reverseEach{ pos, markup ->
String firstPart = text.substring( 0, pos )
String secondPart = text.substring( pos )
text = firstPart + markup + secondPart
... at the end of which text contains your marked-up String: print to console. Lovely.