I need to know if there is any way to transform a pyc file back into py. I tried decomplyle3 and decompyle6 but they didn't work. Also I was looking for a quick solution.
Thanks for your help.
I believe I may have mistakenly overwrote the macros for activateTargetDocument().
Is there a way to find the relevant code for replacement?
I have looked at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/Word.Document.Activate.
This was the closest I could get to the macros.
Please assist,
Thank you
I’d like to know if there’s any possible way i can get the file title or comments as a string in VB.NET. It’s easy to get the file name but the title under details in the actual files properties seems much harder to get. I need to get the entire property title of a MP4 file i give it. Thanks. I do not have much knowledge of VB but I’m hoping someone can help me :)
Use this:
Dim information = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo("C:\myfile.mp4")
To get more information, this could be a possible answer:
Get extended file information details
i am currently trying to figure out how i can append my own data to the MVStore that the Exomiser uses. https://github.com/exomiser/Exomiser.git
So the MVStore is accessed like
MVMap alleleMap = mvStore.openMap("alleles");
So i tried to rebuild the Allelekey and Property classes but there are so much dependencies that it takes like forever. Can i somehow access the Exomiser structures? Like import them as a library in Intellij or something? How do i do that?
Thank you for your time. All help is appreciated.
Best Regards,
I'm sure that my mistake is plain simple. I'm fair new to this application and after seeing the online help for batch I copy and paste the code for jpg conversion (to tiff) and it didn't work. The error it gives is: "gm: unrecognized command 'for'. Use help ... " and I don't get it, isn't batch utily this for (the use of shell script)? If someone can copy a simple script for this porpouse it will help me a lot. Thanks
PD: Sorry for my english
This blog post gives a deeper explanation of how GM batch mode works. Try out the examples there should help you to understand the examples used in the online help.
I'd like to do something like the following within a jade template.
include page-content/#{view.template}
As this won't work I have ended up with.
include ../page_content/home
-else if(view.path==="/login/")
include ../page_content/login
-else if(view.path==="/join/")
include ../page_content/join
-else if(view.path==="/user/")
include ../page_content/user
ad nauseum
I asked TJ whether it was possible, he replied
unfortunately no, they're compile-time includes, which is somewhat necessary for a few technical reasons that I wont get into but we may eventually need to add a dynamic alternative
I'm wondering if anyone has come up with any alternatives, for example using view helpers.
I'm stuck with a big config file to generate the views - and the if-else statements in the template , I know are going to come back and haunt me. :)
If this is possible using another engine, like ejs or mustache, I'd love to know.
Any ideas much appreciated.
Feels like way too much logic in the view to me. Seems like the best way to do this would be through a dynamicHelper or possibly a mixin