using Exomisere structure to modify an MVStore - intellij-idea

i am currently trying to figure out how i can append my own data to the MVStore that the Exomiser uses.
So the MVStore is accessed like
MVMap alleleMap = mvStore.openMap("alleles");
So i tried to rebuild the Allelekey and Property classes but there are so much dependencies that it takes like forever. Can i somehow access the Exomiser structures? Like import them as a library in Intellij or something? How do i do that?
Thank you for your time. All help is appreciated.
Best Regards,


How to open multiple file trees in IDEA (WebStorm)

Goal: View multiple scopes(file tree) at once.
I'm modifying a little old web node application, the view folder and logic handling are written in different places, but I need to see each other.
So, I would like to have multiple file trees in the same project for easy navigation.
However, since the folders are so far apart from each other, I set up a scope and try to switch between them each time.
Sorry, my English is not very good, so I use a little translation. I'm attaching a picture just in case.
Thank you.
I was able to find a few solutions.
It is the Favorites window.
Maybe the scope is not available, but I was able to increase the number of project views to two.
I can't open more than three of them, so if there is a convenient way to do this, please let me know.
Thank you.

What does the MPU6050s DMP initialization data mean?

I was wondering what are those 3kB of hex data loaded to DMP on initialization. I know they are supposed to be some kind of “program” for DMP, but what do they do? Is there a way to get assembly version, and if so, is there a way to make my own? Or, am I misunderstanding this completely? Everyone just seems to be using this but I couldn't find any documentation regarding this data.

WebStorm: How to remove all unused methods from Angular project

I am really struck and trying to find a way to remove all unused methods in Angular project
Basically I am restructuring the whole project and changing logic to accommodate the new structure. Above is the example screenshot.
Upon hitting Alt + Enter > I did not find anything to remove all unused methods at a go.
Tried the code -> code cleanup. But no luck
Kindly help
There is currently no way to do this (likely because such quick fix would be rather unsafe, because not all methods that are not called explicitly in your code are actually unused - like different lifecycle hooks). Anyway, if you miss it, please feel free to file a feature request to youtrack,

OpenNetCF And MemoryMappedFile

I´m using OpenNetCF in my Win CE app.
I need to use a shared memory solution, and I thought about Using the MemoryMappedFile.
But does not show how to use it.
I mean, it´s clear to me how can I create a mapped file in one place. But is not clear to me how can I
open this mapped file in another place.
Does anyone has a example?
Or Does anyone has another solution for shared memory?
Here is another MemoryMapped file usage with example for CF:
Unfortunately ctacke's example is v.e.r.y. s.l.o.w.

Jade - way to add dynamic includes

I'd like to do something like the following within a jade template.
include page-content/#{view.template}
As this won't work I have ended up with.
include ../page_content/home
-else if(view.path==="/login/")
include ../page_content/login
-else if(view.path==="/join/")
include ../page_content/join
-else if(view.path==="/user/")
include ../page_content/user
ad nauseum
I asked TJ whether it was possible, he replied
unfortunately no, they're compile-time includes, which is somewhat necessary for a few technical reasons that I wont get into but we may eventually need to add a dynamic alternative
I'm wondering if anyone has come up with any alternatives, for example using view helpers.
I'm stuck with a big config file to generate the views - and the if-else statements in the template , I know are going to come back and haunt me. :)
If this is possible using another engine, like ejs or mustache, I'd love to know.
Any ideas much appreciated.
Feels like way too much logic in the view to me. Seems like the best way to do this would be through a dynamicHelper or possibly a mixin